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Last active September 26, 2019 15:34
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Facebook Graph API data available
business - The Business associated with this Page. Visible only with a page access token or a user access token that has admin rights on the page
can_checkin - Whether this page has checkin functionality enabled - bool
can_post - Whether the current session user can post on this Page - bool
category - The Page's category. e.g. Product/Service, Computers/Technology - string
category_list - The Page's sub-categories - list<pagecategory>
company_overview - The company overview. Applicable to Companies - string
contact_address - The mailing or contact address for this page. This field will be blank if the contact address is the same as the physical address - mailingaddress
context - Social context for this Page - opengraphcontext
country_page_likes - If this is a Page in a Global Pages hierarchy, the number of people who are being directed to this Page. - unsigned int32
cover - Information about the page's cover photo - coverphoto
culinary_team - Culinary team of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife - string
current_location - Current location of the Page - string
description - The description of the Page - string
description_html - The description of the Page in raw HTML - string
directed_by - The director of the film. Applicable to Films - string
display_subtext - Subtext about the Page being viewed - string
emails - The emails listed in the About section of a Page - list<string>
features - Features of the vehicle. Applicable to Vehicles - string
food_styles - The restaurant's food styles. Applicable to Restaurants - list<string>
founded - When the company was founded. Applicable to Pages in the Company category - string
general_info - General information provided by the Page - string
general_manager - General manager of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife - string
genre - The genre of the film. Applicable to Films - string
global_brand_page_name - The name of the Page with country codes appended for Global Brand Pages. Only visible to the Page admin - string
global_brand_root_id - This brand's global Root ID - numeric string
has_added_app - Indicates whether this Page has added the app making the query in a Page tab - bool
leadgen_tos_accepted - Indicates whether a user has accepted the TOS for running LeadGen Ads on the Page - bool
hometown - Hometown of the band. Applicable to Bands - string
hours - Indicates a single range of opening hours for a day. Each day can have 2 different hours ranges. The keys in the map are in the form of `{day}_{number}_{status}`. `{day}` should be the first 3 characters of the day of the week, `{number}` should be either 1 or 2 to allow for the two different hours ranges per day. `{status}` should be either `open` or `close` to delineate the start or end of a time range. An example would be `mon_1_open` with value `17:00` and `mon_1_close` with value `21:15` which would represent a single opening range of 5pm to 9:15pm on Mondays - map<string, string>
impressum - Legal information about the Page publishers - string
influences - Influences on the band. Applicable to Bands - string
is_always_open - Indicates whether this location is always open - bool
is_community_page - Indicates whether the Page is a community Page - bool
is_permanently_closed - Whether the business corresponding to this Page is permanently closed - bool
is_published - Indicates whether the Page is published and visible to non-admins - bool
is_unclaimed - Indicates whether the Page is unclaimed - bool
is_verified - Pages with a large number of followers can be manually verified by Facebook as [having an authentic identity]( This field indicates whether the page is verified by this process - bool
link - The Page's Facebook URL - string
location - The location of this place. Applicable to all Places - location
mission - The company mission. Applicable to Companies - string
mpg - MPG of the vehicle. Applicable to Vehicles - string
name - The name of the Page - string
name_with_location_descriptor - The name of the Page with its location and/or global brand descriptor - string
network - The TV network for the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows - string
new_like_count - The number of people who have liked the Page, since the last login. Only visible to a page admin - unsigned int32
offer_eligible - Offer eligibility status. Only visible to a page admin - bool
parent_page - Parent Page for this Page - page
parking - Parking information. Applicable to Businesses and Places - pageparking
payment_options - Payment options accepted by the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife - pagepaymentoptions
personal_info - Personal information. Applicable to Pages representing People - string
personal_interests - Personal interests. Applicable to Pages representing People - string
pharma_safety_info - Pharmacy safety information. Applicable to Pharmaceutical companies - string
phone - Phone number provided by a Page - string
plot_outline - The plot outline of the film. Applicable to Films - string
press_contact - Press contact information of the band. Applicable to Bands - string
price_range - Price range of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife. Can be one of `$` (0-10), `$$` (10-30), `$$$` (30-50), `$$$$` (50+) or `Unspecified` - string
produced_by - The productor of the film. Applicable to Films - string
products - The products of this company. Applicable to Companies - string
promotion_eligible - Reason why a post isn't eligible for boosting. Only visible to Page Admins - bool
promotion_ineligible_reason - Reason, for which boosted posts are not eligible. Only visible to a page admin - string
public_transit - Public transit to the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife - string
record_label - Record label of the band. Applicable to Bands - string
release_date - The film's release date. Applicable to Films - string
restaurant_services - Services the restaurant provides. Applicable to Restaurants - pagerestaurantservices
restaurant_specialties - The restaurant's specialties. Applicable to Restaurants - pagerestaurantspecialties
schedule - The air schedule of the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows - string
screenplay_by - The screenwriter of the film. Applicable to Films - string
season - The season information of the TV Show. Applicable to TV Shows - string
starring - The cast of the film. Applicable to Films - string
start_info - Information about when the entity represented by the Page was started - pagestartinfo
store_number - Unique store number for this location Page - unsigned int32
studio - The studio for the film production. Applicable to Films - string
talking_about_count - The number of people talking about this Page - unsigned int32
engagement - The social sentence and like count information for this Page. This is the same info used for the like button - engagement
single_line_address - The page address, if any, in a simple single line format. - string
place_type - For places, the category of the place - enum
unread_message_count - Unread message count for the Page. Only visible to a page admin - unsigned int32
unread_notif_count - Number of unread notifications. Only visible to a page admin - unsigned int32
unseen_message_count - Unseen message count for the Page. Only visible to a page admin - unsigned int32
username - The alias of the Page. For example, for the username is 'platform' - string
voip_info - Voip info - voipinfo
website - The URL of the Page's website - string
were_here_count - The number of visits to this Page's location. If the Page setting *Show map, check-ins and star ratings on the Page* (under *Page Settings > Page Info > Address*) is disabled, then this value will also be disabled - unsigned int32
written_by - The writer of the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows - string
featured_video - Video Featured by the Page. Only visible to the Page admin - video
owner_business - owner business of this object - business
last_used_time - last used time of this object by the current viewer - datetime
asset_score - relevance score of an asset - float
checkins - Number of checkins at a place represented by a Page - unsigned int32
likes - The number of users who like the Page. For Global Brand Pages this is the count for all pages across the brand. - unsigned int32
members - Members of this org. Applicable to Pages representing Team Orgs - string
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