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Last active May 25, 2023 23:35
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Implementing Control Flow in Jenkins

if statement pattern

It's simple. You can use if statement in your pipeline script.

steps {
    script {
        if (condition) {
            // do something
        } else {
            // do something

But if you want to run stage with some condition, you can use when directive.

stage('Deploy') {
    when {
        expression { condition }
    steps {
        // do something
stage('Rollback') {
    when {
        expression { !condition }
    steps {
        // do something

This improves readability of your pipeline's stage view because skipped stage is left blank.

switch statement pattern

You might have a situation to switch the task by situation. In this case, you want to use switch statement style operation.

You can simply use if statement pattern with various condition.

def color = getColor()

stage('Case "red"') {
    when {
        expression { color == 'red' }
    steps { doSomething }

stage('Case "blue"') {
    when {
        expression { color == 'blue' }
    steps { doOtherThing }

stage('default') {
    when {
        expression { !['red', 'blue'].contains(color) }
    steps { doDefaultThing }

do while loop pattern

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