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Constantine Zaytsev basuneko

  • OnSend
  • Auckland, New Zealand
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basuneko /
Created August 13, 2019 08:43 — forked from zentetsukenz/
Deploy Ruby on Rails application with Docker Compose and Capistrano with ease


##Files and Folders.

|\_ app
|\_ docker
| |
basuneko / gist:1162627
Created August 22, 2011 15:17
spreadsheet bug
price = params[:price]'tmp', 'price.xls'), 'wb') do |file|
book = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/price.xls"
sheet = book.worksheet 0
sheet.each do |row| #this rows throws the "Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4..." error
basuneko / gist:1008050
Created June 4, 2011 16:49
Parsing a .xls price list with several categories using Spreadsheet gem
def create
require 'spreadsheet'
#for debugging purposes the file path is hardcoded
book = "#{Rails.root}/public/price.xls"
sheet = book.worksheet 0
sheet.each do |row|
font = row.format(0).font # read font data of the first cell in the row