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Last active September 16, 2019 04:25
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VBA のコードを書き換えるやつ
' 事前準備
' 更新用マクロを動作させるExcelで以下の設定を行う
' ファイル
' →オプション
' →セキュリティセンター
' →セキュリティセンターの設定
' →マクロの設定
' →VBAプロジェクトオブジェクトモデルへのアクセスを信頼する。にチェック
Sub ReplaceModule()
Dim cnt As Long
Dim word As String
Dim modName As String
Dim limit As Long
Dim startLine As Long
Dim endLine As Long
modName = "Module2"
word = "Range(A1).Value"
startLine = 0
endLine = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(modName).CodeModule.CountOfLines
Dim flg As Boolean
flg = isExistWord(modName, word, 0, cnt)
' 二分木探索で対象行数を判定 (単純に 2 で割ると奇数の扱いが大丈夫なのかよく分からん)
limit = 0
If flg Then
Do While flg
If limit > 100 Then
Exit Do
End If
limit = limit + 1
flg = isExistWord(modName, word, startLine, endLine / 2)
If flg Then
endLine = endLine / 2
flg = isExistWord(modName, word, endLine / 2, endLine)
If flg Then
Dim before As Long
before = endLine / 2
If startLine = before Then
startLine = startLine + 1
startLine = endLine / 2
End If
End If
End If
End If
' ほんとに見つかったかを再チェック
If flg Then
flg = isExistWord(modName, word, startLine, startLine)
MsgBox ("みつからない (=ΦωΦ)")
End If
' 書き換え
If flg Then
' 対象コードの取得
Dim code As String
Dim after As String
code = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(modName).CodeModule.Lines(startLine, 1)
' 念の為確認する
after = Replace(code, "A1", "B1")
result = MsgBox(startLine & " 行目を書き換えますか? " & vbCrLf & code & vbCrLf & "↓" & vbCrLf & after, Buttons:=vbYesNo)
' 書き換える
If result = vbYes Then
Call ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(modName).CodeModule.ReplaceLine(startLine, after)
End If
End If
End Sub
Function isExistWord(modName As String, word As String, startLine As Long, endLine As Long) As Boolean
Dim flg As Boolean
flg = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(modName).CodeModule.Find(word, startLine, 0, endLine, 999)
isExistWord = flg
End Function
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