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Created December 28, 2018 14:13
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import { scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { observer, computed } from '@ember/object';
import { deprecatingAlias, equal, or } from '@ember/object/computed';
import layout from 'ember-bootstrap/templates/components/bs-button';
import TypeClass from 'ember-bootstrap/mixins/type-class';
import SizeClass from 'ember-bootstrap/mixins/size-class';
Implements a HTML button element, with support for all [Bootstrap button CSS styles](
as well as advanced functionality such as button states.
### Basic Usage
{{#bs-button type="primary" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-download"}}
### Actions
Use the `onClick` property of the component to send an action to your controller. It will receive the button's value
(see the `value` property) as an argument.
{{#bs-button type="primary" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-download" onClick=(action "download")}}
### Promise support for automatic state change
When returning a Promise for any asynchronous operation from the `onClick` closure action the button will
manage an internal state ("default" > "pending" > "fulfilled"/"rejected") automatically, changing its label
according to the state of the promise:
{{bs-button type="primary" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-download" defaultText="Download" pendingText="Loading..." fulfilledText="Completed!" rejectedText="Oups!?" onClick=(action "download")}}
// controller.js
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
download(value) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(...);
For further customization `isPending`, `isFulfilled`, `isRejected` and `isSettled` properties are yielded:
{{#bs-button onClick=(action "download") as |button|}}
{{#if button.isPending}}
<span class="loading-spinner"></span>
You can `reset` the state represented by these properties and used for button's text by setting `reset` property to
@class Button
@namespace Components
@extends Ember.Component
@uses Mixins.TypeClass
@uses Mixins.SizeClass
export default Component.extend(TypeClass, SizeClass, {
tagName: 'button',
classNames: ['btn'],
classNameBindings: ['active', 'block:btn-block'],
* @property classTypePrefix
* @type String
* @default 'btn'
* @private
classTypePrefix: 'btn',
attributeBindings: ['disabled', 'buttonType:type', 'title'],
* Default label of the button. Not need if used as a block component
* @property defaultText
* @type string
* @public
defaultText: null,
* Label of the button used if `onClick` event has returned a Promise which is pending.
* Not considered if used as a block component.
* @property pendingText
* @type string
* @public
pendingText: undefined,
* Label of the button used if `onClick` event has returned a Promise which succeeded.
* Not considered if used as a block component.
* @property fulfilledText
* @type string
* @public
fulfilledText: undefined,
* @property resolvedText
* @type string
* @deprecated
* @public
resolvedText: deprecatingAlias('fulfilledText', {
id: '',
until: '3.0.0'
* Label of the button used if `onClick` event has returned a Promise which failed.
* Not considered if used as a block component.
* @property rejectedText
* @type string
* @public
rejectedText: undefined,
* Property to disable the button
* @property disabled
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @public
disabled: false,
* Set the type of the button, either 'button' or 'submit'
* @property buttonType
* @type String
* @default 'button'
* @public
buttonType: 'button',
* Set the 'active' class to apply active/pressed CSS styling
* @property active
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @public
active: false,
* Property for block level buttons
* See the [Bootstrap docs](
* @property block
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @public
block: false,
* A click event on a button will not bubble up the DOM tree if it has an `onClick` action handler. Set to true to
* enable the event to bubble
* @property bubble
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @public
bubble: false,
* If button is active and this is set, the icon property will match this property
* @property iconActive
* @type String
* @public
iconActive: null,
* If button is inactive and this is set, the icon property will match this property
* @property iconInactive
* @type String
* @public
iconInactive: null,
* Class(es) (e.g. glyphicons or font awesome) to use as a button icon
* This will render a <i class="{{icon}}"></i> element in front of the button's label
* @property icon
* @type String
* @readonly
* @protected
icon: computed('active', function() {
if (this.get('active')) {
return this.get('iconActive');
} else {
return this.get('iconInactive');
* Supply a value that will be associated with this button. This will be send
* as a parameter of the default action triggered when clicking the button
* @property value
* @type any
* @public
value: null,
* Controls if `onClick` action is fired concurrently. If `true` clicking button multiple times will not trigger
* `onClick` action if a Promise returned by previous click is not settled yet.
* This does not affect event bubbling.
* @property preventConcurrency
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @public
preventConcurrency: false,
* State of the button. The button's label (if not used as a block component) will be set to the
* `<state>Text` property.
* This property will automatically be set when using a click action that supplies the callback with a promise.
* Possible values are: "default" > "pending" > "fulfilled" / "rejected".
* It could be reseted by `reset` property.
* @property state
* @type String
* @default 'default'
* @private
state: 'default',
* Promise returned by `onClick` event is pending.
* @property isPending
* @type Boolean
* @private
isPending: equal('state', 'pending'),
* Promise returned by `onClick` event has been succeeded.
* @property isFulfilled
* @type Boolean
* @private
isFulfilled: equal('state', 'fulfilled'),
* Promise returned by `onClick` event has been rejected.
* @property isRejected
* @type Boolean
* @private
isRejected: equal('state', 'rejected'),
* Promise returned by `onClick` event has been succeeded or rejected.
* @property isFulfilled
* @type Boolean
* @private
isSettled: or('isFulfilled', 'isRejected'),
* Set this to `true` to reset the `state`. A typical use case is to bind this attribute with ember-data isDirty flag.
* The old value is not taken into consideration. Setting a `true` value to `true` again will also reset `state`.
* In that case it's even to notify the observer system that the property has changed by calling
* [`notifyPropertyChange()`](
* @property reset
* @type boolean
* @public
reset: null,
* The HTML title attribute
* @property title
* @type string
* @public
title: null,
* When clicking the button this action is called with the value of the button (that is the value of the "value" property).
* Return a promise object, and the buttons state will automatically set to "pending", "resolved" and/or "rejected".
* This could be used to automatically set the button's text depending on promise state (`defaultText`, `pendingText`,
* `fulfilledText`, `rejectedText`) and for futher customization using the yielded `isPending`, `isFulfilled`,
* `isRejected` properties.
* The click event will not bubble up, unless you set `bubble` to true.
* @event onClick
* @param {*} value
* @public
onClick: null,
* This will reset the state property to 'default', and with that the button's label to defaultText
* @method resetState
* @private
resetState() {
this.set('state', 'default');
resetObserver: observer('reset', function() {
if (this.get('reset')) {
scheduleOnce('actions', this, 'resetState');
text: computed('state', 'defaultText', 'pendingText', 'fulfilledText', 'rejectedText', function() {
return this.getWithDefault(`${this.get('state')}Text`, this.get('defaultText'));
* @method click
* @private
click() {
let action = this.get('onClick');
let preventConcurrency = this.get('preventConcurrency');
if (action === null) {
if (!preventConcurrency || !this.get('isPending')) {
let promise = (action)(this.get('value'));
if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function' && !this.get('isDestroyed')) {
this.set('state', 'pending');
promise.then(() => {
if (!this.get('isDestroyed')) {
this.set('state', 'fulfilled');
}, () => {
if (!this.get('isDestroyed')) {
this.set('state', 'rejected');
return this.get('bubble');
init() {
import Component from 'ember-bootstrap/components/bs-button';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
export default Component.extend({
intl: service(),
type: 'primary',
defaultText: computed(function() {
return this.get('intl').t('commands.switch');
onClick: () => {
console.log(this); // undefined?
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