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Created December 1, 2010 16:45
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This is the feature file
Feature: Pricing
In order to purchase two items from the store
As a Store user
I should be able to add two items and checkout with the right price displayed
Scenario: Successful checkout
Given the user adds the "Unique Ability" product to the cart
And then adds "Strategy Circle Software" product to the cart
When the user views the cart, it should have 2 items totalling "$130"
Then the user logs in and confirms the right price
And checks out confirming right "shipping" and "taxes"
Given /^the user adds the "([^\"]*)" product to the cart$/ do |product_name|
@unique_ability = Product.first(:conditions => "name like '#{product_name}%'")
@unique_ability.should_not be_nil
host! ''
visit store_product_url(@unique_ability)
response.should have_selector("a[id=add_to_order]")
click_link("add to order")
package = @unique_ability.packages.first
visit "/store/add_to_cart/#{}?product_id=#{}"
Given /^then adds "([^"]*)" product to the cart$/ do |product_name|
@strategy_software = Product.first(:conditions => "name like '%#{product_name}%'")
@strategy_software.should_not be_nil
host! ''
visit store_product_url(@strategy_software)
response.should have_selector("a[id=add_to_order]")
package = @strategy_software.packages.first
visit "/store/add_to_cart/#{}?product_id=#{}"
When /^the user views the cart, it should have (\d+) items totalling "([^"]*)"$/ do |number_of_items, price|
host! ''
visit "/cart"
response.should have_selector("span[class=ordersub]")
response.should contain(price)
Then /^the user logs in and confirms the right price$/ do
host! ''
click_link "checkout"
visit "/account/login"
fill_in :user_login, :with => "bobdabuilder"
fill_in :user_password, :with => "test"
User.find_by_login("bobdabuilder").user_type_name.should == "Store User"
visit "/checkout/checkout"
response.should contain("130")
fill_in :order_card_number, :with => "4511111111111111"
select "Ontario", :from => "order_bill_province_CA"
select "06", :from => "order_card_expiry_month"
select "2012", :from => "order_card_expiry_year"
submit_form "entryform"
host! ''
visit 'checkout/checkout_process'
Then /^checks out confirming right "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |shipping, taxes|
host! ''
visit 'checkout/checkout_preview'
response.should have_selector("td#shipping_charge", :content => "10.95")
response.should have_selector("td#tax_hst", :content => "15.12")
response.should have_selector("span.ordersub", :content => "156.07")
click_button "submit_order"
response.should contain(/success\/(\d)+$/) #fails here
id = $1
puts id
host! ''
visit "checkout/success/#{id}"
response.should have_selector("h2.tophead", :content => "Your order has been placed")
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