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Forked from zacscott/bbcode.php
Created April 6, 2020 07:59
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Simple BBcode rendering function (PHP).
* Renders BBCode to html, suitable to be embedded in a document. Supports only
* a limited set of BBCode tags (can be extended), which are:
* @param $bbcode The bbcode to be rendered. Must not be `null` or empty
* string.
* @param $reps Optional additional replacements. Allows you to add custom tags
* etc. Should be an associative array, mapping a regex (preg) to replacement.
* For example: `array('{\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]}is' => "<b>$1</b>\n")` adds the
* [b] tag.
function bbcode($bbcode, $reps = array()) {
assert($bbcode != null && $bbcode != '');
// first encode any HTML special charaters
$bbcode = htmlentities($bbcode);
// ensure paragraph structure
$bbcode = "<p>$bbcode</p>";
// single lines to paragraph break
$bbcode = preg_replace('/^\s*$/m', '</p><p>', $bbcode);
// add built-in regex replacements to perform (i.e. core bbcode tags)
$reps['{\[b\](.+?)\[/b\]}is'] = "<b>$1</b>\n"; // [b] - bold
$reps['{\[i\](.+?)\[/i\]}is'] = "<i>$1</i>\n"; // [i] - italic
$reps['{\[u\](.+?)\[/u\]}is'] = "<u>$1</u>\n"; // [u] - underline
$reps['{\[s\](.+?)\[/s\]}is'] = "<s>$1</s>\n"; // [s] - strikethrough
$reps['{\[color=(.+?)\](.*?)\[/color\]}is'] = "<span style='color:$1;'>$2</span>\n"; // [color]
$reps['{\[quote\](.*?)\[/quote\]}is'] = "</p>\n<blockquote><p>\n$1\n</p></blockquote>\n<p>\n"; // [quote]
$reps['{\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]}is'] = "<pre>$1</pre>\n"; // [code]
$reps['{\[url\](.+?)\[/url\]}is'] = "<a href='$1'>$1</a>\n"; // [url] - raw url
$reps['{\[url=(.*?)\](.+?)\[/url\]}is'] = "<a href='$1'>$2</a>\n"; // [url=] - with text
$reps['{\[img\](.*?)\[/img\]}is'] = "<img src='$1' alt=''/>\n"; // [img]
$reps['{\[ul\](.*?)\[/ul\]}is'] = "</p>\n<ul>$1</ul>\n<p>\n"; // [ul] - unordered list
$reps['{\[ol\](.*?)\[/ol\]}is'] = "</p>\n<ol>$1</ol>\n<p>\n"; // [ol] - ordered list
$reps['{\[\*\](.*?)\[/\*\]}is'] = "<li>\n<p>\n$1\n</p>\n</li>\n"; // [*] - list item
// perform replacements
foreach ($reps as $regex => $replace)
$bbcode = preg_replace($regex, $replace, $bbcode);
return $bbcode;
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/code/bbcode.php';
$bbcode = isset($_POST['bbcode']) ?
'[quote]Write some [b]bbcode[/b] here![/quote]';
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h1>BBCode Test</h1>
<form action="bbcode.php" method="post">
<label for="bbcode">BBCode:</label>
<textarea name="bbcode" cols="30" rows="10"><?php echo $bbcode ?></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Preview"/>
if (isset($bbcode))
echo bbcode($bbcode);
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