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Created February 21, 2018 21:45
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Bouncing balls in D3.js
Author : Atul Pandit
Email : /
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Bouncing Balls in rectangle using D3js - by Atul</title>
<script src=""></script>
// Ball object - multiple balls can be created by instantiating new objects
function Ball(svg, x, y, id, color, aoa, weight) {
this.posX = x; // cx
this.posY = y; // cy
this.color = color;
this.radius = weight; // radius and weight same
this.jumpSize = 1; // equivalent of speed default to 1
this.svg = svg; // parent SVG = id; // id of ball
this.aoa = aoa; // initial angle of attack
this.weight = weight;
if (!this.aoa)
this.aoa = Math.PI / 7;
if (!this.weight)
this.weight = 10;
this.radius = this.weight; = []; // allow us to use d3.enter()
var thisobj = this; // i like to use thisobj instead of this. this many times not reliable particularly handling evnet
// **** aoa is used only here -- earlier I was using to next move position.
// Now aoa and speed together is velocity
this.vx = Math.cos(thisobj.aoa) * thisobj.jumpSize; // velocity x
this.vy = Math.sin(thisobj.aoa) * thisobj.jumpSize; // velocity y
this.initialVx = this.vx;
this.initialVy = this.vy;
this.initialPosX = this.posX;
this.initialPosY = this.posY;
// when speed changes, go to initial setting
this.GoToInitialSettings = function (newjumpSize) {
thisobj.posX = thisobj.initialPosX;
thisobj.posY = thisobj.initialPosY;
thisobj.vx = Math.cos(thisobj.aoa) * newjumpSize; // velocity x
thisobj.vy = Math.sin(thisobj.aoa) * newjumpSize; // velocity y
this.Draw = function () {
var svg = thisobj.svg;
var ball = svg.selectAll('#' +
.attr({"id" :, 'class' : 'ball', 'r' : thisobj.radius, 'weight' : thisobj.weight})
.style("fill", thisobj.color)
.attr("cx", thisobj.posX)
.attr("cy", thisobj.posY)
// intersect ball is used to show collision effect - every ball has it's own intersect ball
var intersectBall = ball.enter()
.attr({ 'id': + '_intersect', 'class': 'intersectBall' });
this.Move = function () {
var svg = thisobj.svg;
//thisobj.posX += Math.cos(thisobj.aoa) * thisobj.jumpSize;
//thisobj.posY += Math.sin(thisobj.aoa) * thisobj.jumpSize;
thisobj.posX += thisobj.vx;
thisobj.posY += thisobj.vy;
if (parseInt(svg.attr('width')) <= (thisobj.posX + thisobj.radius)) {
thisobj.posX = parseInt(svg.attr('width')) - thisobj.radius - 1;
thisobj.aoa = Math.PI - thisobj.aoa;
thisobj.vx = -thisobj.vx;
if ( thisobj.posX < thisobj.radius) {
thisobj.posX = thisobj.radius+1;
thisobj.aoa = Math.PI - thisobj.aoa;
thisobj.vx = -thisobj.vx;
if (parseInt(svg.attr('height')) < (thisobj.posY + thisobj.radius)) {
thisobj.posY = parseInt(svg.attr('height')) - thisobj.radius - 1;
thisobj.aoa = 2 * Math.PI - thisobj.aoa;
thisobj.vy = -thisobj.vy;
if (thisobj.posY < thisobj.radius) {
thisobj.posY = thisobj.radius+1;
thisobj.aoa = 2 * Math.PI - thisobj.aoa;
thisobj.vy = -thisobj.vy;
// **** NOT USING AOA except during initilization. Just left this for future reference *****
if (thisobj.aoa > 2 * Math.PI)
thisobj.aoa = thisobj.aoa - 2 * Math.PI;
if (thisobj.aoa < 0)
thisobj.aoa = 2 * Math.PI + thisobj.aoa;
function CheckCollision(ball1, ball2) {
var absx = Math.abs(parseFloat(ball2.posX) - parseFloat(ball1.posX));
var absy = Math.abs(parseFloat(ball2.posY) - parseFloat(ball1.posY));
// find distance between two balls.
var distance = (absx * absx) + (absy * absy);
distance = Math.sqrt(distance);
// check if distance is less than sum of two radius - if yes, collision
if (distance < (parseFloat(ball1.radius) + parseFloat(ball2.radius))) {
return true;
return false;
var balls = []; // global array representing balls
var color = d3.scale.category20();
//courtsey thanks to several internet sites for formulas
//detect collision, find intersecting point and set new speed+direction for each ball based on weight (weight=radius)
function ProcessCollision(ball1, ball2) {
if (ball2 <= ball1)
if (ball1 >= (balls.length-1) || ball2 >= balls.length )
ball1 = balls[ball1];
ball2 = balls[ball2];
if ( CheckCollision(ball1, ball2) ) {
// intersection point
var interx = ((ball1.posX * ball2.radius) + ball2.posX * ball1.radius)
/ (ball1.radius + ball2.radius);
var intery = ((ball1.posY * ball2.radius) + ball2.posY * ball1.radius)
/ (ball1.radius + ball2.radius);
// show collision effect for 500 miliseconds
var intersectBall ='#' + + '_intersect');
intersectBall.attr({ 'cx': interx, 'cy': intery, 'r': 5 ,'fill': 'black' })
.attr('r', 0);
// calculate new velocity of each ball.
var vx1 = (ball1.vx * (ball1.weight - ball2.weight)
+ (2 * ball2.weight * ball2.vx )) / (ball1.weight + ball2.weight);
var vy1 = (ball1.vy * (ball1.weight - ball2.weight)
+ (2 * ball2.weight * ball2.vy)) / (ball1.weight + ball2.weight);
var vx2 = (ball2.vx * (ball2.weight - ball1.weight)
+ (2 * ball1.weight * ball1.vx)) / (ball1.weight + ball2.weight);
var vy2 = (ball2.vy * (ball2.weight - ball1.weight)
+ (2 * ball1.weight * ball1.vy)) / (ball1.weight + ball2.weight);
//set velocities for both balls
ball1.vx = vx1;
ball1.vy = vy1;
ball2.vx = vx2;
ball2.vy = vy2;
//ensure one ball is not inside others. distant apart till not colliding
while (CheckCollision(ball1, ball2)) {
ball1.posX += ball1.vx;
ball1.posY += ball1.vy;
ball2.posX += ball2.vx;
ball2.posY += ball2.vy;
function Initialize(containerId) {
var height = document.getElementById(containerId).clientHeight;
var width = document.getElementById(containerId).clientWidth;
gContainerId = containerId;
gCanvasId = containerId + '_canvas';
gTopGroupId = containerId + '_topGroup';
var svg ="#" + containerId).append("svg")
.attr("id", gCanvasId)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("id", gTopGroupId)
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", 0)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.style("fill", "none")
//.attr("transform", "translate(" + 1 + "," + 1 + ")")
balls.push(new Ball(svg, 501, 101, 'n1', 'red', Math.PI / 6));
balls.push(new Ball(svg, 51, 31, 'n2', 'green', Math.PI / 3, 20));
balls.push(new Ball(svg, 201, 201, 'n3', 'yellow', Math.PI / 9, 90));
balls.push(new Ball(svg, 91, 31, 'n4', 'orange', Math.PI / 2, 15));
balls.push(new Ball(svg, 201, 21, 'n5', 'pink', Math.PI + Math.PI / 4, 15));
balls.push(new Ball(svg, 401, 41, 'n6', 'blue', Math.PI + Math.PI / 7, 25));
for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; ++i) {
return svg;
var startStopFlag = null;
function StartStopGame() {
if (startStopFlag == null) {
d3.timer(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; ++i) {
var r = balls[i].Move();
for (var j = i + 1; j < balls.length; ++j) {
ProcessCollision(i, j);
if (startStopFlag == null)
return true;
return false;
}, 500);
startStopFlag = 1;
document.getElementById('startStop').innerHTML = 'Stop';
else {
startStopFlag = null;
document.getElementById('startStop').innerHTML = 'Start';
// I always like to handle ESC key'body')
.on('keydown', function () {
if (balls.length == 0)
if (d3.event.keyCode == 27) { // if ESC key - toggle start stop
function OnSpeedChange() {
var o = document.getElementById('speed');
if (startStopFlag != null)
startStopFlag = null; // by setting startStopFlag to null, callback of d3.timer will return true and animation will stop
setTimeout(function () { // go to initial position set new speed (ideally should not go to initial position)
for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; ++i) {
var o = document.getElementById('speed');
newjumpSize = o.options[o.selectedIndex].value;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}, 500);
function OnNumberOfBallsChanged() {
var o = document.getElementById('numberOfBalls');
numberOfBalls = o.options[o.selectedIndex].value;
balls = balls.slice(0, 6);
//keep pushing as many balls you want..
for (var i = 6; i < numberOfBalls; ++i) {
balls.push(new Ball(svg, 101, 101, 'n'+(i+1).toString(), color(i), Math.PI / (i+1), (i%2)==0?10 : (10+i)));
<div id="mainDiv" style="width:960px; height:480px">
<div id="drawAreaOuter" style="width:100%; height:100%; ">
<div id="menuTop" >
<a id="startStop" href="javascript:StartStopGame()">Start</a> |
Speed :
<select id='speed' onchange="OnSpeedChange()">
<option value="1" selected="selected">Slow</option>
<option value="3" >Medium</option>
<option value="5">Fast</option>
</select> |
Number of Balls :
<select id='numberOfBalls' onchange="OnNumberOfBallsChanged()">
<option value="5" selected="selected">6</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
<option value="15">15</option>
<option value="20">20</option>
<div id="drawArea" style="width:100%; height:100%; border:1px solid gray">
var svg = Initialize('drawArea');
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