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Last active May 7, 2020 16:15
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public void loginClassicTest() {
//Open browser
//This is our first instruction, directing us to the login page. One line of code.
//Click on the Login button
//This is our second instruction, directing action by finding the id 'log-in' and clicking. One line of code.
//Assertions Section
//What follows are assertions of individual elements on the page
//3 checks for the login box (field exists, placeholder exists, correct text)
//3 checks for the password box (field exists, placeholder exists, correct text)
//2 checks for the sign in button (exists, text)
//1 check for the Remember Me checkbox existence
//1 check for the Remember Me text
//1 check for the Twitter button
//1 check for the Facebook button
//Assert the error text
assertEquals("Please enter username and password", driver.findElement("alert")).getText());
//Assert if username field exists
assertTrue((driver.findElement("username")) instanceof WebElement)):
//Assert username placeholder text
assertEquals("Enter your username", driver.findElement("username")).getAttribute("placeholder"));
//Assert username label exists
assertEquals("Username", driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//label)[1]")).getText());
//Assert if password field exists
assertTrue((driver.findElement("password")) instanceof WebElement)):
//Assert password placeholder text
assertEquals("Enter your username", driver.findElement("password")).getAttribute("placeholder"));
//Assert password label exists
assertEquals("Password", driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//label)[2]")).getText());
//Assert if SignIn button field exists
assertTrue((driver.findElement("log-in")) instanceof WebElement)):
//Assert SignIn button label is "Sign In"
assertEquals("Sign in", driver.findElement("log-in")).getText());
//Assert Remember Me checkbox exists
assertTrue((driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@class='form-check-input']"))")) instanceof WebElement)):
//Assert if Remember Me text exists
assertEquals("Remember Me", driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//label)[3]")).getText());
//Assert if Twitter button exists
assertTrue(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//form//a[1]//img[1]")) instanceof WebElement);
//Assert if Facebook button exists
assertTrue(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//form//a[1]//img[2]")) instanceof WebElement);
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