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Last active December 18, 2015 13:49
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Tumblr text posts{base-hostname}/posts/text?api_key={key}&[optional-params=]
// Response format
"response": {
"blog": { ... },
"posts": [
"blog_name": "citriccomics",
"id": 3507845453,
"post_url": "http:\/\/\/post\/3507845453",
"type": "text",
"date": "2011-02-25 20:27:00 GMT",
"timestamp": 1298665620,
"state": "published",
"format": "html",
"reblog_key": "b0baQtsl",
"tags": [
"milky dog",
"mini comic"
"note_count": 14,
"title": "Milky Dog",
"body": "<p><img src=\"http:\/\/\
/tumblr_lh6x8d7LBB1qa6gy3.jpg\"\/><a href=\"http:\/\
/\/blog\/?p=487\" target=\"_blank\">TO READ
THE REST CLICK HERE<\/a><br\/>\n\nMilky Dog was inspired by
something <a href=\"http:\/\/\/naomi\"
target=\"_blank\">Naomi Gee<\/a> wrote on twitter, I really
liked the hash tag <a href=\"http:\/\/\/
search?q=%23MILKYDOG\" target=\"_blank\">#milkydog<\/a>
and quickly came up with a little comic about it. You can
(and should) follow Naomi on twitter <a href=\"http:\/\
/\/ngun\" target=\"_blank\">@ngun<\/a> I'm on
twitter as well <a href=\"http:\/\/\
<\/p>\n\nAlso, if you’re a Reddit user (or even if
you're not) I submitted this there, if you could up vote
it I'd be super grateful just <a href=\"http:\/\
/\/5wj3tqz\" target=\"_blank\">CLICK HERE<\/a>"
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