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Created November 15, 2018 22:59
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Playing w/ data mask example from tidy eval cheatsheet

Data mask stuff

Adapted from Tidy evaluation with rlang cheat sheet


Sometimes a variable name has a value in the global environment and is the name of a variable inside of a data frame (try to avoid having this happen, it’s confusing).

# variables in global env
a <- "life"
b <- "line"

stringr::str_c(a, b)
## [1] "lifeline"
# one row data frame
mydat <- tibble::tibble(a = "coast", b = "guard")

## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   a     b    
##   <chr> <chr>
## 1 coast guard
# the experssion we'll evaluate, quoted to use later as a quosure
p <- quo(stringr::str_c(.data$a,!!b))

# using `eval_tidy()`
eval_tidy(p, data = mydat)
## [1] "coastline"
# the experssion we'll evaluate, quoted to use later as a quosure
q <- quo(stringr::str_c(!!a, .data$b))

# using `eval_tidy()`
eval_tidy(q, data = mydat)
## [1] "lifeguard"
title: "Data mask stuff"
output: github_document
```{r include=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, echo = TRUE, fig.retina = 2, collapse = TRUE
__Adapted from [Tidy evaluation with rlang cheat sheet](
Sometimes a variable name has a value in the global environment _and_ is the name of a variable inside of a data frame (try to avoid having this happen, it's confusing).
# variables in global env
a <- "life"
b <- "line"
stringr::str_c(a, b)
# one row data frame
mydat <- tibble::tibble(a = "coast", b = "guard")
# the experssion we'll evaluate, quoted to use later as a quosure
p <- quo(stringr::str_c(.data$a,!!b))
# using `eval_tidy()`
eval_tidy(p, data = mydat)
# the experssion we'll evaluate, quoted to use later as a quosure
q <- quo(stringr::str_c(!!a, .data$b))
# using `eval_tidy()`
eval_tidy(q, data = mydat)
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