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Last active December 17, 2015 03:39
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A bit of Javascript to add an additional hierarchical menu to the main Canvas navigation menu. Current updates to this project are taking place in this fork of our repo:
// define your menu here
var resources = {
// menu title
// can also have a url property, so clicking the menu title sends you somewhere
// can also have a target property, so clicking the menu title opens in a specific frame/window/tab
title: 'Resources',
// an array of columns to display (don't go overboard here!)
columns: [
// columns can be divided into titled sections
sections: [
// title, target, url are all properties of columns
title: 'The Center',
items: [
// each item can have title, subtitle, target and url
{title: 'Writing Lab', subtitle: 'in The Center', url: '/courses/495'},
{title: 'Mathematics Lab', subtitle: 'in The Center', url: '/courses/494'},
{title: 'Resources for Students', url: '/courses/491'}
title: 'Research',
items: [
{title: 'Library Catalog', url: '', target: '_blank'},
{title: 'Online Resources', url: '', subtitle: 'from the Library', target: '_blank'},
{title: 'Writing Manual'}
// parse the array/object structure above into the HTML that represents a dropdown menu and add it to the right of the existing menubar
function appendMenu(m) {
var i, j, k;
var navigationMenu = document.getElementById("menu");
var menu = document.createElement('li');
menu.setAttribute('class', 'menu-item');
var html = '<a class="menu-item-title"' + (typeof m.url !== 'undefined' ? ' href="' + m.url + '"' : '') + (typeof !== 'undefined' ? ' target="' + + '"' : '') + '>' + m.title + '<span class="menu-item-title-icon"/> <i class="icon-mini-arrow-down"/></a>';
html += '<div class="menu-item-drop"><table cellspacing="0"><tr>';
for(i = 0; i < m.columns.length; i++) {
html += '<td class="menu-item-drop-column">';
for (j = 0; j < m.columns[i].sections.length; j++) {
html += (typeof m.columns[i].sections[j].title !== 'undefined' ? '<span class="menu-item-heading">' + m.columns[i].sections[j].title + '</span>' : '');
html += '<ul class="menu-item-drop-column-list">';
for (k = 0; k < m.columns[i].sections[j].items.length; k++) {
html += '<li><a' + (typeof m.columns[i].sections[j].items[k].target !== 'undefined' ? ' target="' + m.columns[i].sections[j].items[k].target + '"' : '') + (typeof m.columns[i].sections[j].items[k].url !== 'undefined' ? ' href="' + m.columns[i].sections[j].items[k].url + '"' : '') + '><span class="name ellipsis">' + m.columns[i].sections[j].items[k].title + '</span>' + (typeof m.columns[i].sections[j].items[k].subtitle !== 'undefined' ? '<span class="subtitle">' + m.columns[i].sections[j].items[k].subtitle + '</span>' : '') + '</a></li>';
html += '</ul>';
html += '</td>';
html += '</tr></table></div>';
menu.innerHTML = html;
// add the resources menu to the menubar
// if you wanted to add more menus, define another menu structure like resources and call appendMenu() with it as a parameter (menus would be added in the order that the appendMenu() calls occur)
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