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Justin bauerjj

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bauerjj / wemosd1
Created February 8, 2019 06:26
wemos D1 occupancy sensor
* Uses:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
* Simple routine that performs the following:
* 1. Configures the software UART on pins 2 and 4 (RX,TX)
* 2. Increments a 32-bit variable every 500ms
* 4. If it receives a '1' character from bluetooth, it toggles an LED
* @author Justin Bauer -
* @date 4.24.2016
bauerjj / bluetooth-hc06.ino
Last active April 22, 2016 08:03
Arduino hc-06 example
* Simple routine that performs the following:
* 1. Blink the on-board status LED every 500ms
* 2. Configures the software UART on pins 2 and 4 (RX,TX)
* 3. Continuously sends the string "hello" to the bluetooth module every 500ms
* 4. If it receives a character from bluetooth, it echos it back
* @author