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Last active January 2, 2016 16:19
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How to use a jQuery Plugin with RequireJS

##How to use a jQuery Plugin with RequireJS

I'm using several jQuery Plugins for a Node app I'm building. One plugin in particular which I'll use for illustration purposes is jQuery Cookie. jQuery Cookie depends on jQuery, therefore I needed an ascyhonous dependency management solution.

After searching throug RequireJS documentation and trial and error, I was able to put together the following working code to serve as a shim. This code resides in a a file called common.js and sits at the root of my /javascripts directory (where all of my other RequireJS modules camp out as well.) In this file I define two resources. In this case I'm pointing to CDN versions of jQuery and jQuery Cookie (this actually further exaserbates the need for a dependency management system as I'm not loading these resources from my own server and can't control latency and network delays.)


  paths: {
    // No .js filename extension necessary, RequireJS adds it
    'jquery': '//', 
    'cookie': '//'
  shim: {
    'jquery': { exports: '$' }, // makes the global $ object available in the window context
    'cookie': { deps: ['jquery'] }

home.js - This file is my app initializer, which is standard practice when using RequireJS. I pass in common as a dependency which we just defined above. The themeSwitcher() function is another module I pass in, which also happens to depend on jQuery.

require(['common', 'themeswitcher'], function(themeSwitcher) {

Here are network requests for jQuery and jQuery Cookie, respectively. As you can see jQuery Cookie asychonously loads AFTER jQuery is finished loading:

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