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Created November 28, 2012 13:52
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# Generated by ffi-gen. Please do not change this file by hand.
require 'ffi'
module Krad
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib '/usr/local/lib/'
def self.attach_function(name, *_)
begin; super; rescue FFI::NotFoundError => e
(class << self; self; end).class_eval { define_method(name) { |*_| raise e } }
KRAD_IPC_CLIENT_DOCTYPE = "krad_ipc_client"
KRAD_IPC_SERVER_DOCTYPE = "krad_ipc_server"
# (Not documented)
# = Fields:
# :count ::
# (Integer)
# :stations ::
# (Array<String>)
# :launch_scripts ::
# (Array<String>)
class WatchdogSt < FFI::Struct
layout :count, :int,
:stations, [:string, 1024],
:launch_scripts, [:string, 1024]
# (Not documented)
# = Fields:
# :fd ::
# (Integer)
# :buffer ::
# (String)
# :size ::
# (Integer)
class ShmSt < FFI::Struct
layout :fd, :int,
:buffer, :string,
:size, :ulong
# (Not documented)
# = Fields:
# :width ::
# (Integer)
# :height ::
# (Integer)
# :shm ::
# (ShmSt)
# :client ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*ClientSt))
# :sd ::
# (Integer)
# :callback ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*))
# :pointer ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*Void))
# :active ::
# (Integer)
# :process_thread ::
# (Integer)
class VideoportSt < FFI::Struct
layout :width, :int,
:height, :int,
:shm, ShmSt,
:client, :pointer,
:sd, :int,
:callback, :pointer,
:pointer, :pointer,
:active, :int,
:process_thread, :ulong
# (Not documented)
# = Fields:
# :samplerate ::
# (Integer)
# :shm ::
# (ShmSt)
# :client ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*ClientSt))
# :sd ::
# (Integer)
# :direction ::
# (Integer)
# :callback ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*))
# :pointer ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*Void))
# :active ::
# (Integer)
# :process_thread ::
# (Integer)
class AudioportSt < FFI::Struct
layout :samplerate, :int,
:shm, ShmSt,
:client, :pointer,
:sd, :int,
:direction, :int,
:callback, :pointer,
:pointer, :pointer,
:active, :int,
:process_thread, :ulong
# (Not documented)
# = Fields:
# :sysname ::
# (Array<Integer>)
# :flags ::
# (Integer)
# :saddr ::
# (unknown)
# :sd ::
# (Integer)
# :tcp_port ::
# (Integer)
# :host ::
# (Array<Integer>)
# :path ::
# (Array<Integer>)
# :path_pos ::
# (Integer)
# :on_linux ::
# (Integer)
# :info ::
# (unknown)
# :unixname ::
# (unknown)
# :buffer ::
# (String)
# :ebml ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*Int))
# :handler ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*))
# :ptr ::
# (FFI::Pointer(*Void))
# :nowait ::
# (Integer)
class ClientSt < FFI::Struct
layout :sysname, [:char, 64],
:flags, :int,
:saddr, :char,
:sd, :int,
:tcp_port, :int,
:host, [:char, 256],
:path, [:char, 256],
:path_pos, :int,
:on_linux, :int,
:info, :char,
:unixname, :char,
:buffer, :string,
:ebml, :pointer,
:handler, :pointer,
:ptr, :pointer,
:nowait, :int
# (Not documented)
# @method audioport_get_buffer(audioport, channel)
# @param [AudioportSt] audioport
# @param [Integer] channel
# @return [FFI::Pointer(*Float)]
# @scope class
attach_function :audioport_get_buffer, :kr_audioport_get_buffer, [AudioportSt, :int], :pointer
# (Not documented)
# @method audioport_set_callback(audioport, callback, pointer)
# @param [AudioportSt] audioport
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*FunctionProto)] callback
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] pointer
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :audioport_set_callback, :kr_audioport_set_callback, [AudioportSt, :pointer, :pointer], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method audioport_activate(audioport)
# @param [AudioportSt] audioport
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :audioport_activate, :kr_audioport_activate, [AudioportSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method audioport_deactivate(audioport)
# @param [AudioportSt] audioport
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :audioport_deactivate, :kr_audioport_deactivate, [AudioportSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method audioport_create(client, direction)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] direction
# @return [AudioportSt]
# @scope class
attach_function :audioport_create, :kr_audioport_create, [ClientSt, :int], AudioportSt
# (Not documented)
# @method audioport_destroy(audioport)
# @param [AudioportSt] audioport
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :audioport_destroy, :kr_audioport_destroy, [AudioportSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method videoport_set_callback(videoport, callback, pointer)
# @param [VideoportSt] videoport
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*FunctionProto)] callback
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] pointer
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :videoport_set_callback, :kr_videoport_set_callback, [VideoportSt, :pointer, :pointer], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method videoport_activate(videoport)
# @param [VideoportSt] videoport
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :videoport_activate, :kr_videoport_activate, [VideoportSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method videoport_deactivate(videoport)
# @param [VideoportSt] videoport
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :videoport_deactivate, :kr_videoport_deactivate, [VideoportSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method videoport_create(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [VideoportSt]
# @scope class
attach_function :videoport_create, :kr_videoport_create, [ClientSt], VideoportSt
# (Not documented)
# @method videoport_destroy(videoport)
# @param [VideoportSt] videoport
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :videoport_destroy, :kr_videoport_destroy, [VideoportSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method shm_create(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [ShmSt]
# @scope class
attach_function :shm_create, :kr_shm_create, [ClientSt], ShmSt
# (Not documented)
# @method shm_destroy(shm)
# @param [ShmSt] shm
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :shm_destroy, :kr_shm_destroy, [ShmSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method broadcast_subscribe(client, broadcast_id)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] broadcast_id
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :broadcast_subscribe, :krad_ipc_broadcast_subscribe, [ClientSt, :uint], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method destroy_daemon(sysname)
# @param [String] sysname
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :destroy_daemon, :krad_radio_destroy_daemon, [:string], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method find_daemon_pid(sysname)
# @param [String] sysname
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :find_daemon_pid, :krad_radio_find_daemon_pid, [:string], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method watchdog(config_file)
# @param [String] config_file
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :watchdog, :krad_radio_watchdog, [:string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method watchdog_launch(config_file)
# @param [String] config_file
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :watchdog_launch, :krad_radio_watchdog_launch, [:string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_portgroup_xmms2_cmd(client, portgroupname, xmms2_cmd)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroupname
# @param [String] xmms2_cmd
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_portgroup_xmms2_cmd, :krad_ipc_mixer_portgroup_xmms2_cmd, [ClientSt, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method launch_daemon(sysname)
# @param [String] sysname
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :launch_daemon, :krad_radio_launch_daemon, [:string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_add_text(client, text, x, y, tickrate, scale, opacity, rotation, red, green, blue, font)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] text
# @param [Integer] x
# @param [Integer] y
# @param [Integer] tickrate
# @param [Float] scale
# @param [Float] opacity
# @param [Float] rotation
# @param [Integer] red
# @param [Integer] green
# @param [Integer] blue
# @param [String] font
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_add_text, :krad_ipc_compositor_add_text, [ClientSt, :string, :int, :int, :int, :float, :float, :float, :int, :int, :int, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_set_text(client, num, x, y, tickrate, scale, opacity, rotation, red, green, blue)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] num
# @param [Integer] x
# @param [Integer] y
# @param [Integer] tickrate
# @param [Float] scale
# @param [Float] opacity
# @param [Float] rotation
# @param [Integer] red
# @param [Integer] green
# @param [Integer] blue
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_set_text, :krad_ipc_compositor_set_text, [ClientSt, :int, :int, :int, :int, :float, :float, :float, :int, :int, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_remove_text(client, num)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] num
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_remove_text, :krad_ipc_compositor_remove_text, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_list_texts(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_list_texts, :krad_ipc_compositor_list_texts, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_add_sprite(client, filename, x, y, tickrate, scale, opacity, rotation)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] filename
# @param [Integer] x
# @param [Integer] y
# @param [Integer] tickrate
# @param [Float] scale
# @param [Float] opacity
# @param [Float] rotation
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_add_sprite, :krad_ipc_compositor_add_sprite, [ClientSt, :string, :int, :int, :int, :float, :float, :float], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_set_sprite(client, num, x, y, tickrate, scale, opacity, rotation)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] num
# @param [Integer] x
# @param [Integer] y
# @param [Integer] tickrate
# @param [Float] scale
# @param [Float] opacity
# @param [Float] rotation
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_set_sprite, :krad_ipc_compositor_set_sprite, [ClientSt, :int, :int, :int, :int, :float, :float, :float], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_remove_sprite(client, num)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] num
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_remove_sprite, :krad_ipc_compositor_remove_sprite, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_list_sprites(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_list_sprites, :krad_ipc_compositor_list_sprites, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_set_frame_rate(client, numerator, denominator)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] numerator
# @param [Integer] denominator
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_set_frame_rate, :krad_ipc_compositor_set_frame_rate, [ClientSt, :int, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_set_resolution(client, width, height)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] width
# @param [Integer] height
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_set_resolution, :krad_ipc_compositor_set_resolution, [ClientSt, :int, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_get_frame_size(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_get_frame_size, :krad_ipc_compositor_get_frame_size, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_get_frame_rate(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_get_frame_rate, :krad_ipc_compositor_get_frame_rate, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_close_display(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_close_display, :krad_ipc_compositor_close_display, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_open_display(client, width, height)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] width
# @param [Integer] height
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_open_display, :krad_ipc_compositor_open_display, [ClientSt, :int, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method set_mixer_sample_rate(client, sample_rate)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] sample_rate
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :set_mixer_sample_rate, :krad_ipc_set_mixer_sample_rate, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_mixer_sample_rate(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_mixer_sample_rate, :krad_ipc_get_mixer_sample_rate, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method client_read_tag_inner(client, tag_item, tag_name, tag_value)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] tag_item
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] tag_name
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] tag_value
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_read_tag_inner, :krad_ipc_client_read_tag_inner, [ClientSt, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method client_read_tag(client, tag_item, tag_name, tag_value)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] tag_item
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] tag_name
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] tag_value
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_read_tag, :krad_ipc_client_read_tag, [ClientSt, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method disable_linker_transmitter(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :disable_linker_transmitter, :krad_ipc_disable_linker_transmitter, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method enable_linker_transmitter(client, port)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] port
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :enable_linker_transmitter, :krad_ipc_enable_linker_transmitter, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method enable_linker_listen(client, port)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] port
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :enable_linker_listen, :krad_ipc_enable_linker_listen, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method disable_linker_listen(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :disable_linker_listen, :krad_ipc_disable_linker_listen, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method enable_osc(client, port)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] port
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :enable_osc, :krad_ipc_enable_osc, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method disable_osc(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :disable_osc, :krad_ipc_disable_osc, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method create_playback_link(client, path)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] path
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :create_playback_link, :krad_ipc_create_playback_link, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method create_remote_playback_link(client, host, port, mount)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] host
# @param [Integer] port
# @param [String] mount
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :create_remote_playback_link, :krad_ipc_create_remote_playback_link, [ClientSt, :string, :int, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method link_rep_to_string(link, text)
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Int)] link
# @param [String] text
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :link_rep_to_string, :krad_link_rep_to_string, [:pointer, :string], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_plug_portgroup(client, name, remote_name)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] name
# @param [String] remote_name
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_plug_portgroup, :kr_mixer_plug_portgroup, [ClientSt, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_unplug_portgroup(client, name, remote_name)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] name
# @param [String] remote_name
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_unplug_portgroup, :kr_mixer_unplug_portgroup, [ClientSt, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_update_portgroup(client, portgroupname, update_command, string)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroupname
# @param [Integer] update_command
# @param [String] string
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_update_portgroup, :krad_ipc_mixer_update_portgroup, [ClientSt, :string, :ulong, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_update_portgroup_map_channel(client, portgroupname, in_channel, out_channel)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroupname
# @param [Integer] in_channel
# @param [Integer] out_channel
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_update_portgroup_map_channel, :krad_ipc_mixer_update_portgroup_map_channel, [ClientSt, :string, :int, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_update_portgroup_mixmap_channel(client, portgroupname, in_channel, out_channel)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroupname
# @param [Integer] in_channel
# @param [Integer] out_channel
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_update_portgroup_mixmap_channel, :krad_ipc_mixer_update_portgroup_mixmap_channel, [ClientSt, :string, :int, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_background(client, filename)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] filename
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_background, :krad_ipc_compositor_background, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_bug(client, x, y, filename)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] x
# @param [Integer] y
# @param [String] filename
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_bug, :krad_ipc_compositor_bug, [ClientSt, :int, :int, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_hex(client, x, y, size)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] x
# @param [Integer] y
# @param [Integer] size
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_hex, :krad_ipc_compositor_hex, [ClientSt, :int, :int, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_vu(client, on_off)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] on_off
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_vu, :krad_ipc_compositor_vu, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_push_tone(client, tone)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] tone
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_push_tone, :krad_ipc_mixer_push_tone, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method set_dir(client, dir)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] dir
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :set_dir, :krad_ipc_radio_set_dir, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_bind_portgroup_xmms2(client, portgroupname, path)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroupname
# @param [String] path
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_bind_portgroup_xmms2, :krad_ipc_mixer_bind_portgroup_xmms2, [ClientSt, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_unbind_portgroup_xmms2(client, portgroupname)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroupname
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_unbind_portgroup_xmms2, :krad_ipc_mixer_unbind_portgroup_xmms2, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# FIXME creation is functionally incomplete
# @method mixer_create_portgroup(client, name, direction, channels)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] name
# @param [String] direction
# @param [Integer] channels
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_create_portgroup, :krad_ipc_mixer_create_portgroup, [ClientSt, :string, :string, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_remove_portgroup(client, portgroupname)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroupname
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_remove_portgroup, :krad_ipc_mixer_remove_portgroup, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method disable_remote(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :disable_remote, :krad_ipc_disable_remote, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method enable_remote(client, port)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] port
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :enable_remote, :krad_ipc_enable_remote, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method weboff(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :weboff, :krad_ipc_weboff, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method webon(client, http_port, websocket_port, headcode, header, footer)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] http_port
# @param [Integer] websocket_port
# @param [String] headcode
# @param [String] header
# @param [String] footer
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :webon, :krad_ipc_webon, [ClientSt, :int, :int, :string, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method create_receive_link(client, port)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] port
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :create_receive_link, :krad_ipc_create_receive_link, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# void krad_ipc_create_playback_link (krad_ipc_client_t *client, char *host, int port, char *mount, char *password);
# @method create_record_link(client, av_mode, filename, codecs, video_width, video_height, video_bitrate, audio_bitrate)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] av_mode
# @param [String] filename
# @param [String] codecs
# @param [Integer] video_width
# @param [Integer] video_height
# @param [Integer] video_bitrate
# @param [String] audio_bitrate
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :create_record_link, :krad_ipc_create_record_link, [ClientSt, :int, :string, :string, :int, :int, :int, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method create_capture_link(client, video_source, device, width, height, fps_numerator, fps_denominator, av_mode, audio_input, passthru_codec)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] video_source
# @param [String] device
# @param [Integer] width
# @param [Integer] height
# @param [Integer] fps_numerator
# @param [Integer] fps_denominator
# @param [Integer] av_mode
# @param [String] audio_input
# @param [String] passthru_codec
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :create_capture_link, :krad_ipc_create_capture_link, [ClientSt, :int, :string, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method create_transmit_link(client, av_mode, host, port, mount, password, codecs, video_width, video_height, video_bitrate, audio_bitrate)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] av_mode
# @param [String] host
# @param [Integer] port
# @param [String] mount
# @param [String] password
# @param [String] codecs
# @param [Integer] video_width
# @param [Integer] video_height
# @param [Integer] video_bitrate
# @param [String] audio_bitrate
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :create_transmit_link, :krad_ipc_create_transmit_link, [ClientSt, :int, :string, :int, :string, :string, :string, :int, :int, :int, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method list_links(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :list_links, :krad_ipc_list_links, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method destroy_link(client, number)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] number
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :destroy_link, :krad_ipc_destroy_link, [ClientSt, :int], :void
# void krad_ipc_update_link (krad_ipc_client_t *client, int number, int newval);
# @method update_link_adv(client, number, ebml_id, newval)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] number
# @param [Integer] ebml_id
# @param [String] newval
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :update_link_adv, :krad_ipc_update_link_adv, [ClientSt, :int, :uint, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method update_link_adv_num(client, number, ebml_id, newval)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] number
# @param [Integer] ebml_id
# @param [Integer] newval
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :update_link_adv_num, :krad_ipc_update_link_adv_num, [ClientSt, :int, :uint, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method uptime(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :uptime, :krad_ipc_radio_uptime, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_system_info(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_system_info, :krad_ipc_radio_get_system_info, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_system_cpu_usage(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_system_cpu_usage, :krad_ipc_radio_get_system_cpu_usage, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method client_read_link(client, text, link_rep)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] text
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**Int)] link_rep
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_read_link, :krad_ipc_client_read_link, [ClientSt, :string, :pointer], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method client_read_portgroup(client, portname, volume, crossfade_name, crossfade, has_xmms2)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portname
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Float)] volume
# @param [String] crossfade_name
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Float)] crossfade
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Int)] has_xmms2
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_read_portgroup, :krad_ipc_client_read_portgroup, [ClientSt, :string, :pointer, :string, :pointer, :pointer], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method client_read_mixer_control(client, portgroup_name, control_name, value)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] portgroup_name
# @param [FFI::Pointer(**CharS)] control_name
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Float)] value
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_read_mixer_control, :krad_ipc_client_read_mixer_control, [ClientSt, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method set_handler_callback(client, handler, ptr)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*FunctionProto)] handler
# @param [FFI::Pointer(*Void)] ptr
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :set_handler_callback, :krad_ipc_set_handler_callback, [ClientSt, :pointer, :pointer], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_jack_running(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_jack_running, :krad_ipc_mixer_jack_running, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method list_v4l2(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :list_v4l2, :krad_ipc_list_v4l2, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method list_decklink(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :list_decklink, :krad_ipc_list_decklink, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_set_port_mode(client, number, x, y, width, height, crop_x, crop_y, crop_width, crop_height, opacity, rotation)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] number
# @param [Integer] x
# @param [Integer] y
# @param [Integer] width
# @param [Integer] height
# @param [Integer] crop_x
# @param [Integer] crop_y
# @param [Integer] crop_width
# @param [Integer] crop_height
# @param [Float] opacity
# @param [Float] rotation
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_set_port_mode, :krad_ipc_compositor_set_port_mode, [ClientSt, :int, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint, :uint, :float, :float], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_list_ports(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_list_ports, :krad_ipc_compositor_list_ports, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_info(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_info, :krad_ipc_compositor_info, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_snapshot(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_snapshot, :krad_ipc_compositor_snapshot, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method compositor_snapshot_jpeg(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :compositor_snapshot_jpeg, :krad_ipc_compositor_snapshot_jpeg, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_logname(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_logname, :krad_ipc_radio_get_logname, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_last_snap_name(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_last_snap_name, :krad_ipc_radio_get_last_snap_name, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_portgroups(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_portgroups, :krad_ipc_get_portgroups, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method set_control(client, portgroup_name, control_name, control_value)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroup_name
# @param [String] control_name
# @param [Float] control_value
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :set_control, :krad_ipc_set_control, [ClientSt, :string, :string, :float], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method print_response(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :print_response, :krad_ipc_print_response, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_tags(client, item)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] item
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_tags, :krad_ipc_get_tags, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method get_tag(client, item, tag_name)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] item
# @param [String] tag_name
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_tag, :krad_ipc_get_tag, [ClientSt, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method set_tag(client, item, tag_name, tag_value)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] item
# @param [String] tag_name
# @param [String] tag_value
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :set_tag, :krad_ipc_set_tag, [ClientSt, :string, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method client_handle(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_handle, :krad_ipc_client_handle, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method client_poll(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_poll, :krad_ipc_client_poll, [ClientSt], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method cmd2(client, value)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [Integer] value
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :cmd2, :krad_ipc_cmd2, [ClientSt, :int], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method get_running_daemons_list()
# @return [String]
# @scope class
attach_function :get_running_daemons_list, :krad_radio_get_running_daemons_list, [], :string
# (Not documented)
# @method connect()
# @return [ClientSt]
# @scope class
attach_function :connect, :kr_connect, [], ClientSt
# (Not documented)
# @method client_init(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :client_init, :krad_ipc_client_init, [ClientSt], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method disconnect(client)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :disconnect, :kr_disconnect, [ClientSt], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method cmd(client, cmd)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] cmd
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :cmd, :krad_ipc_cmd, [ClientSt, :string], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method send(client, cmd)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] cmd
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :send, :krad_ipc_send, [ClientSt, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method wait(client, buffer, size)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] buffer
# @param [Integer] size
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :wait, :krad_ipc_wait, [ClientSt, :string, :int], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method recv(client, buffer, size)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] buffer
# @param [Integer] size
# @return [Integer]
# @scope class
attach_function :recv, :krad_ipc_recv, [ClientSt, :string, :int], :int
# (Not documented)
# @method run_and_print_cmd(cmd)
# @param [String] cmd
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :run_and_print_cmd, :kr_run_and_print_cmd, [:string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_add_effect(client, portgroup_name, effect_name)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroup_name
# @param [String] effect_name
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_add_effect, :kr_mixer_add_effect, [ClientSt, :string, :string], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method mixer_remove_effect(client, portgroup_name, effect_num)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroup_name
# @param [Integer] effect_num
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :mixer_remove_effect, :kr_mixer_remove_effect, [ClientSt, :string, :int], :void
# (Not documented)
# @method set_effect_control(client, portgroup_name, effect_num, control_name, subunit, control_value)
# @param [ClientSt] client
# @param [String] portgroup_name
# @param [Integer] effect_num
# @param [String] control_name
# @param [Integer] subunit
# @param [Float] control_value
# @return [nil]
# @scope class
attach_function :set_effect_control, :krad_ipc_set_effect_control, [ClientSt, :string, :int, :string, :int, :float], :void
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