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Created September 12, 2019 16:17
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  • Save bawee/65eee71668ec39b914f053879f97ed0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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bash-4.1$ ./ -i /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/run1_test_UZ/102991-003-253_spades/assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa -c mlplasmids -s 'Escherichia coli' -n '102991-003-253'
_______ .______ __ ___ _______.
/ _____|| _ \ | | / \ / |
| | __ | |_) | | | / ^ \ | (----`
| | |_ | | ___/ | | / /_\ \ \ \
| |__| | | | | `----. / _____ \ .----) |
\______| | _| |_______|/__/ \__\ |_______/
This is your input graph: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/run1_test_UZ/102991-003-253_spades/assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa
This is the bacterial species that you have indicated: Escherichia coli
Your results will be named 102991-003-253
You did not indicate a threshold prediction. Using 0.5 because you are using mlplasmids
You did not pass the number of times to look for paths based on each plasmid seed, using 20 as default
Conda is present
Creating (only the first-time) a conda environment to install and run snakemake
The flag 'directory' used in rule awk_parsing_alignment is only valid for outputs, not inputs.
Building DAG of jobs...
Unlocking working directory.
The flag 'directory' used in rule awk_parsing_alignment is only valid for outputs, not inputs.
Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /bin/bash
Provided cores: 1
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
count jobs
1 awk_links
1 awk_nodes
1 gplas_coocurr
1 gplas_coverage
1 gplas_paths
1 mlplasmids
[Thu Sep 12 17:11:52 2019]
Job 5: Extracting the links from the graph /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/run1_test_UZ/102991-003-253_spades/assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa
Activating conda environment: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578
[Thu Sep 12 17:11:57 2019]
Finished job 5.
1 of 6 steps (17%) done
[Thu Sep 12 17:11:57 2019]
Job 1: Extracting the nodes from the graph /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/run1_test_UZ/102991-003-253_spades/assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa
Activating conda environment: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578
[Thu Sep 12 17:12:00 2019]
Finished job 1.
2 of 6 steps (33%) done
[Thu Sep 12 17:12:00 2019]
Job 3: Running mlplasmids to obtain the plasmid prediction using the nodes extracted from the graph. If this is the first time running mlplasmids, installation can take a few minutes
Activating conda environment: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578
[Thu Sep 12 17:12:11 2019]
Finished job 3.
3 of 6 steps (50%) done
[Thu Sep 12 17:12:11 2019]
Job 2: Extracting the sd k-mer coverage from the chromosome-predicted contigs
Activating conda environment: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
[Thu Sep 12 17:12:38 2019]
Finished job 2.
4 of 6 steps (67%) done
[Thu Sep 12 17:12:38 2019]
Job 4: Searching for plasmid-like paths using a greedy approach
Activating conda environment: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578
[Thu Sep 12 17:13:21 2019]
Finished job 4.
5 of 6 steps (83%) done
[Thu Sep 12 17:13:21 2019]
Job 0: Creating a co-occurrence network and selecting significant associations between nodes.
Activating conda environment: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578
Error in 1:nrow(no_duplicated) : argument of length 0
Execution halted
[Thu Sep 12 17:13:57 2019]
Error in rule gplas_coocurr:
jobid: 0
output: results/102991-003-253_plasmidome_network.png, results/, results/
conda-env: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578
CalledProcessError in line 124 of /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/mlplasmidssnake.smk:
Command 'source /localdisk/home/bwee/miniconda3/bin/activate '/disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/conda/ea45a578'; set -euo pipefail; Rscript --vanilla /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/scripts/tmpsx34cjix.gplas_coocurrence.R' returned non-zero exit status 1.
File "/disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/mlplasmidssnake.smk", line 124, in __rule_gplas_coocurr
File "/localdisk/home/bwee/miniconda3/envs/gplas/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
Complete log: /disk2/bwee/projects/ecoli/starcs/anl/gplas/sw/20190912/gplas/.snakemake/log/2019-09-12T171152.745192.snakemake.log
Looks like something went wrong!
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