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Created May 13, 2021 15:14
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  • Save baybal/bf3ba9037ba2719ec4b39fe1226e3874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save baybal/bf3ba9037ba2719ec4b39fe1226e3874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lower axis ticks are hidden
<script type="module">
import { ref, createApp } from ''
// import { ref, createApp } from ''
import { Chart, Line, Responsive } from '';
// @ts-ignore
const locale = new Intl.Locale("en-IN", {
firstDayOfWeek: "mon",
hourCycle: "h24",
calendar: "gregory"
const formatDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale).format;
const App = {
name: "Device",
components: {
// Grid,
setup() {
const axis = ref({
primary: {
domain: [
new Date("2021-05-01T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
new Date().valueOf()
type: "linear",
format(/** @type {number} */ val) {
return formatDate(new Date(val));
// ticks: 4
secondary: {
domain: [0, "dataMax + 100"],
type: "linear",
ticks: 8
const history = ref(
date: new Date("2021-05-10T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 3100,
avg: 1300,
inc: 700
date: new Date("2021-05-09T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 200,
avg: 100,
inc: 200
date: new Date("2021-05-08T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 600,
avg: 400,
inc: 300
date: new Date("2021-05-07T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 500,
avg: 90,
inc: 100
date: new Date("2021-05-06T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 1000,
avg: 500,
inc: 300
date: new Date("2021-05-05T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 2000,
avg: 900,
inc: 400
date: new Date("2021-05-04T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 400,
avg: 400,
inc: 500
date: new Date("2021-05-03T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 3100,
avg: 1300,
inc: 700
date: new Date("2021-05-02T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 200,
avg: 100,
inc: 200
date: new Date("2021-05-01T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 600,
avg: 400,
inc: 300
date: new Date("2021-04-30T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 500,
avg: 90,
inc: 100
date: new Date("2021-04-29T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 1000,
avg: 500,
inc: 300
date: new Date("2021-04-28T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 2000,
avg: 900,
inc: 400
date: new Date("2021-04-27T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 400,
avg: 400,
inc: 500
date: new Date("2021-04-26T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 3100,
avg: 1300,
inc: 700
date: new Date("2021-04-25T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 200,
avg: 100,
inc: 200
date: new Date("2021-04-24T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 600,
avg: 400,
inc: 300
date: new Date("2021-04-23T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 400,
avg: 400,
inc: 500
date: new Date("2021-04-22T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 3100,
avg: 1300,
inc: 700
date: new Date("2021-04-21T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 200,
avg: 100,
inc: 200
date: new Date("2021-04-20T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 600,
avg: 400,
inc: 300
date: new Date("2021-04-19T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 500,
avg: 90,
inc: 100
date: new Date("2021-04-18T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 1000,
avg: 500,
inc: 300
date: new Date("2021-04-17T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 2000,
avg: 900,
inc: 400
date: new Date("2021-04-16T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 400,
avg: 400,
inc: 500
date: new Date("2021-04-15T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 3100,
avg: 1300,
inc: 700
date: new Date("2021-04-14T12:40:22.470Z").valueOf(),
pl: 200,
avg: 100,
inc: 200
return {
data() {
return {
chart: true,
zoom: 2
'<header>header</header>\r\n <nav>nav</nav>\r\n <div id="device">\r\n <div id="first-row">\r\n <h2>Device</h2>\r\n <div id="controls">\r\n <button class="round-corners-input">\r\n Sync\r\n </button><br><button class="round-corners-input">\r\n Upload\r\n </button><br><button class="round-corners-input">\r\n Deactivate\r\n </button>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n <div id="second-row">\r\n <h4 id="history-title">\r\n {{ chart?\'14-Day History\':\'Table\' }}\r\n </h4>\r\n <h4 id="map-title">\r\n Location\r\n </h4>\r\n <Responsive\r\n id="graph"\r\n style="border: 1px solid red"\r\n >\r\n <template #main="{ width, height }">\r\n <Chart\r\n :axis="axis"\r\n :size="{ width, height }"\r\n :data="history"\r\n direction="horizontal"\r\n >\r\n <!-- <template #widgets>\r\n <Tooltip\r\n border-color="#48CAE4"\r\n :config="{\r\n name: { hide: true },\r\n pl: { color: \'#0077b6\' },\r\n avg: { label: \'average\', color: \'red\' },\r\n inc: { hide: true }\r\n }"\r\n />\r\n </template> -->\r\n <template #layers>\r\n <!-- <Grid stroke-dasharray="2,2" /> -->\r\n <Line\r\n :data-keys="[\'date\', \'pl\']"\r\n type="natural"\r\n />\r\n <Line\r\n :data-keys="[\'date\', \'avg\']"\r\n :line-style="{ stroke: \'red\' }"\r\n type="natural"\r\n />\r\n </template>\r\n </Chart>\r\n </template>\r\n </Responsive>\r\n <span\r\n id="switch"\r\n class="uiLink cursorPointer"\r\n @click="chart=!chart"\r\n >{{ chart?\'Table\':\'History\' }}</span>\r\n <span\r\n id="export"\r\n class="uiLink cursorPointer"\r\n >Export</span>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>'
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/* height: 100%; */
/* width: auto; */
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