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Created October 19, 2020 12:21
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Predicting the Number of Home Runs Hit in a Playoff Series
title: "Home Run Prediction"
author: "Jim Albert"
date: "10/14/2020"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE)
#### Predicting home runs in the 2020 playoffs
Illustrates the use of a nonnested multilevel model with random effects for both teams and parks.
Fitting by Stan via brms package. The focus is on prediction of the number of home runs hit during the 2020 Division Series.
- nice illustration of random effects
- illustrates the use of posterior predictive distribution for model checking and for prediction
- see if home run hitting in playoffs is consistent
with 2020 regular season hitting
- model can be used to adjust for team and field (especially appropriate for 2020 season)
- extension of Predicting Home Run Count using a
Random Effects Model post of August 3, 2019 (summarize what was done there)
- denominator? use balls in play (AB - SO)
- Poisson errors, offset, log link
- description of random effects model
#### Data Part
Load in packages:
Read in 2020 home run data2
S2 <- read_csv("")
#### Model Fitting
Bayesian fit using Stan
bfit2 <- brm(HR ~ offset(log(N)) +
(1 | BAT_TEAM) +
(1 | venue_name),
data = S2,
family = poisson,
refresh = 0)
Summary of posterior fit
Collect posterior draws of all unobservables
draws <- data.frame(bfit2)
#### Model Fits
Draws MCMC diagnostics for intercept and standard deviations
Plot estimated random effects
First park effects -- extract posterior means
pm <- apply(draws, 2, mean)[34:63]
dpm <- data.frame(Park = names(pm),
Effect = pm)
row.names(dpm) <- NULL
Trim labels of random effects
dpm$Park <- str_remove(dpm$Park, "r_venue_name.")
dpm$Park <- str_remove(dpm$Park, ".Intercept.")
ggplot(dpm, aes(Park, Effect)) +
geom_point() +
coord_flip() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red") +
ggtitle("Park Effects") +
Team effects
pm2 <- apply(draws, 2, mean)[4:33]
dpm <- data.frame(Team = names(pm2),
Effect = pm2)
row.names(dpm) <- NULL
dpm$Team <- str_remove(dpm$Team, "r_BAT_TEAM.")
dpm$Team <- str_remove(dpm$Team, ".Intercept.")
ggplot(dpm, aes(Team, Effect)) +
geom_point() +
coord_flip() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red") +
centertitle() +
ggtitle("Team Effects")
#### Predictive checks
(this is not the greatest plot for discrete response but it shows the basic pattern)
pp_check(bfit2, nsamples = 50)
Look at frequencies of 0, 1, 2, ... home runs in
observed data
Compare with simulated predictive frequencies
Here is simulated posterior predictive ofreplicated data
pp <- posterior_predict(bfit2)
My clunky attempt to get mean number of y over simulations
k <- 0:7
sumk <- function(y, k) sum(y == k)
ppm <- rep(0, 8)
for(j in 0:7){
ppm[j + 1] <- mean(apply(pp, 1, sumk, j))
outa <- data.frame(Number = 0:7,
Count = c(table(S2$HR)),
Type = "Observed")
outb <- data.frame(Number = 0:7,
Count = ppm,
Type = "Predicted")
out <- rbind(outa, outb)
ggplot(out) +
geom_line(aes(Number, Count, color = Type)) +
geom_point(aes(Number, Count, color = Type)) +
increasefont() +
centertitle() +
ggtitle("Observed and Predicted Home Runs\n Per Team Per Game")
#### Prediction
Predict the number of home runs in the playoffs
This function
- inputs team names and stadium
and number of BIP and observed HR for each team
- output a graph of a sample from pp distribution of total HR showing
a 90% prediction interval and the observed home run count
predict_hr <- function(draws,
team1, team2,
field, BIP1, BIP2,
obs_hr1, obs_hr2){
label1 <- paste("r_BAT_TEAM.", team1, ".Intercept.",
label2 <- paste("r_BAT_TEAM.", team2, ".Intercept.",
label3 <- paste("r_venue_name.", field,
".Intercept.", sep = "")
# this does the simulated predictions
dr <- draws[, c(label1, label2, label3)]
lam1 <- exp(log(BIP1) + draws$b_Intercept +
dr[, 1] + dr[, 3])
lam2 <- exp(log(BIP2) + draws$b_Intercept +
dr[, 2] + dr[, 3])
N <- dim(draws)[1]
hr1 <- rpois(N, lam1)
hr2 <- rpois(N, lam2)
total_hr <- hr1 + hr2
total_observed <- obs_hr1 + obs_hr2
df <- data.frame(HR = total_hr,
Type = "Predicted")
df[df$HR == total_observed, "Type"] = "Observed"
q <- quantile(total_hr, c(.05, .95))
ggplot(df, aes(HR, fill = Type)) +
geom_bar(width = 0.5) +
ggtitle(paste(team1, " vs ", team2,
": 90% Interval: (",
q[1], ", ", q[2], ")", sep="")) +
centertitle() +
xlab("Total Home Runs") + increasefont() +
scale_fill_manual(values =
c("black", "red"))
Illustrate with 4 best-of-five series
p1 <- predict_hr(draws,
"NYY", "TB", "Petco.Park", 120, 114,
10, 11)
p2 <- predict_hr(draws,
"HOU", "OAK", "Dodger.Stadium",
115, 102, 12, 12)
p3 <- predict_hr(draws,
"ATL", "MIA", "Minute.Maid.Park",
73, 69, 5, 1)
p4 <- predict_hr(draws,
"LAD", "SD", "Globe.Life.Field",
79, 68, 1, 2)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2)
Some more series:
Houston/Tampa Bay Championship series.
p11 <- predict_hr(draws,
"HOU", "TB", "Petco.Park",
173, 138, 9, 11)
Atlanta/Los Angeles Championship series.
p12 <- predict_hr(draws,
"ATL", "LAD", "Globe.Life.Field",
173, 173, 9, 16)
grid.arrange(p11, p12, ncol = 1)
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