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Created September 17, 2016 14:47
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Constructs heat map of probability of a hit or home run for a specific player from pitchFX data
heat_plot <- function(player, d, HR=FALSE){
# inputs
# player - name of player
# d - pitchRX data frame with variables Batter, Event, and X, Z (location of pitch)
# will output a ggplot2 object
# need to use print function to display the pot
# define the strike zone
topKzone <- 3.5
botKzone <- 1.6
inKzone <- -0.95
outKzone <- 0.95
kZone <- data.frame(
x=c(inKzone, inKzone, outKzone, outKzone, inKzone),
y=c(botKzone, topKzone, topKzone, botKzone, botKzone)
# only consider events that are official at-bats
TT <- table(d$Event)
To_Remove_indices <- c(1, 5, 8, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30)
AB <- names(TT)[-To_Remove_indices]
d_AB <- filter(d, Event %in% AB )
# define the 1/0 response variable
if(HR == FALSE) d_AB <- mutate(d_AB,
Hit=ifelse(Event %in% c("Single", "Double", "Triple", "Home Run"),
1, 0)) else
d_AB <- mutate(d_AB, Hit=ifelse(Event == "Home Run",
1, 0))
# implement the GAM fit (logistic link)
pdata <- filter(d_AB, Batter==player)
fit <- gam(Hit ~ s(X, Z), family=binomial, data=pdata)
# find predicted probabilities over a 50 x 50 grid
x <- seq(-1.5, 1.5, length.out=50)
y <- seq(0.5, 5, length.out=50)
data.predict <- data.frame(X = c(outer(x, y * 0 + 1)),
Z = c(outer(x * 0 + 1, y)))
lp <- predict(fit, data.predict)
data.predict$Probability <- exp(lp) / (1 + exp(lp))
# construct the plot
type <- ifelse(HR==TRUE, "HR", "HIT")
ggplot(kZone, aes(x, y)) +
aes(x=X, y=Z, fill= Probability)) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral") +
geom_path(lwd=1.5, col="black") +
coord_fixed() +
ggtitle(paste(player, type))
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Thank you for the explanation!!

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