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Created February 9, 2017 18:32
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Implementation of a simulation permutation test to detect situational hitting
title: "Is David Ortiz Clutch?"
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Read in Retrosheet data for the 2000 through the 2013 seasons.
Also read in the compute.runs function.
load("~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Retrosheet/pbp.00.16.Rdata")
The setup_work function ...
- computes the runs expectancy matrrix for the particular season
- for each possible state (runners and outs), finds the runs value of each possible event (single, double, triple, home run, out, walk/hbp) using particular assumptions about run advancement
Read in transitions matrix:
tr <- read_csv("transitions.csv")
setup_work <- function(rdata, tr){
rdata_b <- filter(rdata, BAT_EVENT_FL==TRUE)
runs <- summarize(group_by(rdata_b,
runs <- rbind(runs, data.frame(STATE="3", R=0))
runs_before <- inner_join(select(tr, STATE),
runs, by="STATE")
runs_after <- inner_join(select(tr, NEW.STATE),
runs, by=c("NEW.STATE"="STATE"))
tr_new <- cbind(runs_before, runs_after, tr[, 3:4])
names(tr_new) <- c("STATE", "R_before", "NEW_STATE",
"R_after", "RUNS.SCORED", "Type")
tr_new <- mutate(tr_new,
RUNS=R_after - R_before + RUNS.SCORED)
The clutch work function ...
- inputs the name of the player, the retrosheet data, and the tr_new data frame found in the previous function
- filters the player's PA's to only include the outcomes above
- computes the sum of runs values
- assuming that the initial state (runners and bases) is independent of event, randomly permutes the sequence of play events, computing the sum of runs values
- outputs the observed runs value and mean of the simulated runs values
- if the observed runs value is larger than the mean of the simulated runs, there is some evidence of clutch ability
clutch_work <- function(player, rdata, tr_new){
names <- unlist(strsplit(player, " "))
id <- filter(Master, nameLast==names[2],
nameFirst == names[1])$retroID
results <- select(filter(rdata, BAT_ID == id, BAT_EVENT_FL),
results <- filter(results, EVENT_CD %in%
c(2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23))
results <- mutate(results,
Type=ifelse(EVENT_CD < 4, "Out",
ifelse(EVENT_CD %in% c(14, 15, 16), "Walk",
ifelse(EVENT_CD == 20, "Single",
ifelse(EVENT_CD == 21, "Double",
ifelse(EVENT_CD == 22, "Triple", "Home Run"))))))
results <- inner_join(select(results, STATE, Type),
select(tr_new, STATE, Type, RUNS),
by=c("STATE", "Type"))
one_sim <- function(results){
results1 <- results
results1$Type <- sample(results1$Type)
results1 <- inner_join(select(results1, STATE, Type),
select(tr_new, STATE, Type, RUNS),
by=c("STATE", "Type"))
c(Observed = sum(results$RUNS),
Mean_Simulated = mean(replicate(1000,
Runs this function for David Ortiz for the 2000 through 2013 seasons. Collects the observed and mean simulated runs for all seasons.
clutch <- NULL
for(season in 2000:2016){
d <- filter(pbp.00.16, Season==season)
d <- compute.runs(d)
tr_new <- setup_work(d, tr)
out <- clutch_work("David Ortiz", d, tr_new)
clutch <- rbind(clutch,
data.frame(Season=season, Observed=out[1], Simulated=out[2]))
Constructs a few graphs:
ggplot(clutch, aes(Season, Observed)) + geom_point() +
geom_smooth() +
geom_point(aes(Season, Simulated), color="red")
ggplot(clutch, aes(Season, Observed - Simulated)) +
geom_point() +
geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="red")
Try Derek Jeter:
clutch <- NULL
for(season in 2000:2014){
d <- filter(pbp.00.16, Season==season)
d <- compute.runs(d)
tr_new <- setup_work(d, tr)
out <- clutch_work("Derek Jeter", d, tr_new)
clutch <- rbind(clutch,
data.frame(Season=season, Observed=out[1], Simulated=out[2]))
ggplot(clutch, aes(Season, Observed)) + geom_point() +
geom_smooth() +
geom_point(aes(Season, Simulated), color="red")
ggplot(clutch, aes(Season, Observed - Simulated)) +
geom_point() +
geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="red")
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