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Created April 12, 2023 12:51
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R code to fit several models to study temperature effect on home run hitting
# read in data from Github site
all_data <- read_csv("")
# remove all parks that are either dome or retractable
parks <- unique(all_data$PARK_ID)
domed_teams <- parks[c(2, 12, 15, 16, 20, 25, 28,
29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36,
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43)]
all_data2 <- filter(all_data,
(PARK_ID %in% domed_teams) == FALSE)
# create Game and Season variables
all_data2 %>%
mutate(Game = as.numeric(as.factor(GAME_ID)),
Season = substr(GAME_ID, 4, 7)) ->
# Bayesian fitting - Poisson errors
bfit3 <- brm(HR ~ TEMP_PARK_CT + PARK_ID + Season,
family = "poisson",
data = all_data2)
# extract simulated draws from posterior
B3 <- as_draws_df(bfit3)
# mean and sd of temp effect
round(c(mean(B3$b_TEMP_PARK_CT), sd(B3$b_TEMP_PARK_CT)), 5)
# posterior predictive check
pp_check(bfit3, type = "stat_2d")
# negative binomial errors
bfit2 <- brm(HR ~ TEMP_PARK_CT + PARK_ID + Season,
family = "negbinomial",
data = all_data2)
B2 <- as_draws_df(bfit2)
# posterior density of temp effect
# posterior mean and sd
round(c(mean(B2$b_TEMP_PARK_CT), sd(B2$b_TEMP_PARK_CT)), 5)
# posterior predictive check
pp_check(bfit2, type = "stat_2d")
# predictions from model
# predictions for 2022 season
newdata <- filter(all_data2, Season == 2022)
out <- predict(bfit2, newdata = newdata,
summary = FALSE)
# get home run sums for each season
pred_sum <- apply(out, 1, sum)
# change 2022 seasons temps by one degree
newdata2 <- filter(all_data2, Season == 2022)
N <- nrow(newdata2)
newdata2$TEMP_PARK_CT <- newdata2$TEMP_PARK_CT + 1
out2 <- predict(bfit2, newdata = newdata2,
summary = FALSE)
pred_sum2 <- apply(out2, 1, sum)
hist(pred_sum2, main = "Predictive Distribution")
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