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Created June 9, 2018 16:21
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Work on infield alignment data from Baseball Savant
# load in packages
# read in Statcast data for 2018 season
sc <- read_csv("../StatcastData/statcast2018new.csv")
# look at variation in shifting across teams
sc %>% group_by(game_date, home_team, away_team,
at_bat_number) %>%
arrange(pitch_number) %>%
summarize(TopHalf = first(inning_topbot),
Type = last(type),
Event = last(events),
LA = last(launch_angle),
LS = last(launch_speed),
Shift = last(if_fielding_alignment),
Batter = last(player_name),
Side = last(stand),
P_Standard = mean(if_fielding_alignment ==
"Standard")) %>%
mutate(defense = ifelse(TopHalf == "Top",
home_team, away_team)) -> sc_pa
######## scatterplot of shifting pct for both sides
sc_pa %>% group_by(defense, Shift, Side) %>%
summarize(N = n()) -> S_side
select(filter(S_side, Side == "L"), -Side) %>%
spread(Shift, N) -> S2a
names(S2a) <- c("Team", "Shift_L", "Standard_L",
"Strategic_L", "NA_L")
S2a %>% mutate(P_L = 100 * Shift_L /
(Shift_L + Standard_L + Strategic_L + NA_L)) -> S2a
select(filter(S_side, Side == "R"), -Side) %>%
spread(Shift, N) -> S2b
names(S2b) <- c("Team", "Shift_R", "Standard_R",
"Strategic_R", "NA_R")
S2b %>% mutate(P_R = 100 * Shift_R /
(Shift_R + Standard_R + Strategic_R + NA_R)) -> S2b
Sall <- inner_join(S2a, S2b)
ggplot(Sall, aes(P_R, P_L, label = Team)) +
geom_label_repel() +
geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "red") +
xlab("Shifting Percentage Against Right-Handed Hitters") +
ylab("Shifting Percentage Against Left-Handed Hitters")
###### shifting for different players
sc_pa %>% group_by(Batter, Shift) %>%
summarize(N = n()) -> Sb
Sb %>% spread(Shift, N) -> Sb2
names(Sb2)[2] <- "Shift"
Sb2$P <- with(Sb2, 100 * Shift / (Shift + Standard + Strategic))
Sb2$N <- with(Sb2, Shift + Standard + Strategic)
ggplot(Sb2, aes(N, P, label=Batter)) +
geom_point() +
ylim(0, 100) +
geom_label_repel(data = filter(Sb2, P > 80)) +
ylab("Percentage of Shifting") +
xlab("Plate Appearances")
Sb2 %>% arrange(desc(P)) -> Sb2
# who did not shift Joey Gallo?
filter(sc_pa, Batter == "Joey Gallo") %>%
group_by(defense, Shift) %>%
summarize(N = n()) -> S4
S4 %>% spread(Shift, N) -> S4a
filter(S4a, Standard > 0)
filter(Sb2, P < 52, P > 48)
filter(sc_pa, Batter == "Kris Bryant") %>%
group_by(defense, Shift) %>%
summarize(N = n()) -> S4
S4 %>% spread(Shift, N) -> S4a
names(S4a)[2] <- "Shift"
S4a %>% mutate(Shift = ifelse(, 0, Shift),
Standard = ifelse(, 0, Standard),
Strategic = ifelse(, 0, Strategic),
N = Shift + Standard + Strategic,
P = 100 * Shift /
(Shift + Standard + Strategic)) -> S4a
ggplot(S4a, aes(defense, P)) +
coord_flip() + geom_point()
############ does shifting work?
fg_guts() %>% filter(season == 2018) -> wts
sc_pa %>% filter(Type == "X", LA < 10) %>%
mutate(Hit = ifelse(Event %in%
c("single", "double",
"triple", "home_run"), 1, 0)) %>%
group_by(Shift) %>%
summarize(BA = mean(Hit, na.rm = TRUE))
sc_pa %>%
mutate(woba = wts$w1B * (Event == "single") +
wts$w2B * (Event == "double") +
wts$w3B * (Event == "triple") +
wts$wHR * (Event == "home_run") +
wts$wBB * (Event == "walk") +
wts$wHBP * (Event == "hit_by_pitch")) %>%
group_by(Shift) %>%
summarize(wOBA = mean(woba, na.rm = TRUE))
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