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Created March 26, 2024 19:43
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Quarto file that collects retrosheet data and compares count rates for two seasons
title: "Retrosheet Package - Comparing Count Rates for Two Seasons"
format: html
editor: visual
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#| message: FALSE
Function to collect Retrosheet play-by-play files for a particular season. Collects the play files and adds game ids and starting pitchers.
get_my_retrosheet <- function(season){
t <- get_retrosheet("roster", season)
teams <- names(t)
one_team_retrieve <- function(team){
d <- get_retrosheet("play", season, team)
one_game <- function(j){
dj <- d[[j]]
game_id <- unlist(dj$id)[1]
dj$play |>
mutate(GAMEID = game_id,
count = as.character(count))
NG <- length(d)
map(1:NG, one_game) |>
teams |>
map(one_team_retrieve) |>
list_rbind() -> DD
Function will add count variables to a Retrosheet play-by-play data frame and summarize the percentage of plate appearances that will have each possible count.
add_count_variables <- function(d){
d |>
rename(pitch_seq_tx = pitches) |>
retrosheet_add_counts() |>
summarize(C00 = sum(c00),
C10 = sum(c10),
C01 = sum(c01),
C20 = sum(c20),
C11 = sum(c11),
C02 = sum(c02),
C30 = sum(c30),
C21 = sum(c21),
C12 = sum(c12),
C31 = sum(c31),
C22 = sum(c22),
C32 = sum(c32)) |>
mutate(P10 = 100 * C10 / C00,
P01 = 100 * C01 / C00,
P20 = 100 * C20 / C00,
P11 = 100 * C11 / C00,
P02 = 100 * C02 / C00,
P30 = 100 * C30 / C00,
P21 = 100 * C21 / C00,
P12 = 100 * C12 / C00,
P31 = 100 * C31 / C00,
P22 = 100 * C22 / C00,
P32 = 100 * C32 / C00) |>
select(P10, P01, P20, P11, P02,
P30, P21, P12, P31, P22, P32)
Collects Retrosheet data for the 1995 and 2023 seasons.
d_1995 <- get_my_retrosheet(1995)
d_2023 <- get_my_retrosheet(2023)
Here's what this data looks like:
Summarizes the count data for each of the two seasons.
(S_2023 <- add_count_variables(d_2023))
(S_1995 <- add_count_variables(d_1995))
The objective is to compare the count percentages for the two seasons. Puts data in a different "long" form so we can compare the percentages for the two seasons using logits.
logit <- function(y){
log(y / 100) - log(1 - y / 100)
T_1995 <- pivot_longer(S_1995,
cols = starts_with("P"),
names_to = "Count",
values_to = "Pct")
T_2023 <- pivot_longer(S_2023,
cols = starts_with("P"),
names_to = "Count",
values_to = "Pct")
inner_join(T_1995, T_2023, by = "Count") |>
mutate(Count = paste(substr(Count, 2, 2),
substr(Count, 3, 3),
sep = "-"),
Logit_Change = logit(Pct.y) - logit(Pct.x),
Count = factor(Count,
levels = c("0-1", "1-0",
"0-2", "1-1", "2-0",
"1-2", "2-1", "3-0",
"2-2", "3-1",
"3-2"))) -> T12
Constructs the graph of the logit differences for all counts.
ggplot(T12, aes(Logit_Change, Count)) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linewidth = 1.5, color = "red") +
geom_point(size = 4) +
theme(text=element_text(size=18)) +
ggtitle("Change in Logits from 1995 to 2023") +
xlab("Logit 2023 Minus Logit 1985") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = "blue", size = 18,
hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.8, angle = 0))
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