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Created April 3, 2023 13:59
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Some R functions produced by the ChatGPT program
title: "ChatGPT Examples"
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## Collecting Cards
_Write R function to illustrate baseball card collection problem._
baseball_card_problem <- function(n, m) {
# Generate random cards until the set is complete
cards <- c()
while (length(unique(cards)) < m) {
new_card <- sample(1:n, 1)
cards <- c(cards, new_card)
# Count the number of cards needed to complete the set
total_cards <- length(cards)
# Return the result
set.seed(123) # Set the random seed for reproducibility
n <- 100 # Number of unique cards in the set
m <- 50 # Number of cards needed to complete the set
simulations <- 10000 # Number of simulations to run
# Simulate the baseball card problem
results <- replicate(simulations, baseball_card_problem(n, m))
# Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the results
mean_result <- mean(results)
sd_result <- sd(results)
# Print the results
cat("To complete a set of", m, "cards with", n, "unique cards in the set:\n")
cat("The expected number of cards needed is", round(mean_result, 2), "\n")
cat("The standard deviation of the number of cards needed is", round(sd_result, 2), "\n")
## Streaks
_Write a R function to find the longest streak in a binary sequence._
Note: I had to make a correction in finding the maximum and minimum of the streaks of 1's an 0's in the `find_longest_streak()` function.
find_longest_streak <- function(x) {
# Convert the input to a numeric vector
x <- as.numeric(x)
# Find the longest streak of consecutive 1's
max_streak_ones <- max(rle(x)$lengths[rle(x)$values == 1])
# Find the longest streak of consecutive 0's
max_streak_zeros <- max(rle(x)$lengths[rle(x)$values == 0])
# Return the result
return(max(max_streak_ones, max_streak_zeros))
set.seed(123) # Set the random seed for reproducibility
# Generate a binary sequence of length 20
x <- sample(c(0, 1), 20, replace = TRUE)
# Print the sequence
cat("The binary sequence is:", paste(x, collapse = " "), "\n")
# Find the length of the longest streak of consecutive 1's or 0's
max_streak <- find_longest_streak(x)
# Print the result
cat("The length of the longest streak of consecutive 1's or 0's is:", max_streak, "\n")
## Simulating a Baseball Season
_Write the R function to use the Bradley Terry Model to simulate a baseball season._
simulate_baseball_season <- function(team_names, team_strengths) {
# Check that the input is valid
if (length(team_names) != length(team_strengths)) {
stop("Length of team_names and team_strengths must be the same")
# Create a data frame with the team names and strengths
teams <- data.frame(name = team_names, strength = team_strengths)
# Compute the pairwise strengths for each matchup
pairwise_strengths <- outer(team_strengths, team_strengths, "/")
# Set the diagonal to zero (no team plays against itself)
diag(pairwise_strengths) <- 0
# Compute the probability of winning each game using the Bradley-Terry model
prob_wins <- pairwise_strengths / (1 + pairwise_strengths)
# Simulate the outcomes of the games
num_teams <- length(team_names)
num_games <- num_teams * (num_teams - 1) / 2
outcomes <- rbinom(num_games, 1, prob_wins)
# Create a data frame with the game outcomes
games <- expand.grid(home = team_names, away = team_names)
games <- games[games$home != games$away, ]
games$outcome <- outcomes
# Compute the total number of wins for each team
wins <- aggregate(outcome ~ home, data = games, FUN = sum)
colnames(wins) <- c("name", "wins")
# Sort the teams by the number of wins
teams <- merge(teams, wins, by = "name")
teams <- teams[order(teams$wins, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# Return the result
# Define the team names and strengths
team_names <- c("Red Sox", "Yankees", "Blue Jays", "Rays", "Orioles")
team_strengths <- c(1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8)
# Simulate the baseball season
simulate_baseball_season(team_names, team_strengths)
## Regression to the Mean
_Write R code with baseball data to illustrate regression to the mean._
# Load necessary libraries
# Load Lahman baseball data
# Select data for a specific player
player_data <- Batting %>%
filter(playerID == "troutmi01") %>% # Mike Trout
select(yearID, AB, H)
# Calculate batting average for each season
player_data$BA <- player_data$H / player_data$AB
# Calculate the mean batting average for this player
mean_BA <- mean(player_data$BA)
# Plot the player's batting average by year
ggplot(player_data, aes(x = yearID, y = BA)) +
geom_point() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean_BA, linetype = "dashed") +
ggtitle("Mike Trout's Batting Average by Year") +
xlab("Year") +
ylab("Batting Average")
# Calculate the correlation between consecutive seasons
cor(player_data$BA[-1], player_data$BA[-length(player_data$BA)])
## Berkson's Paradox
_Illustrate Berkson's paradox using baseball data._
NOTE: Although the description of the paradox was correct, this particular code example was not a good illustration of the paradox.
# Read in Lahman data
batting <- read.csv("Batting.csv")
# Subset data to players with at least 500 at-bats
batting_sub <- batting %>%
group_by(playerID) %>%
summarize(G = sum(G), AB = sum(AB), H = sum(H),
HR = sum(HR), BB = sum(BB), yearID = min(yearID)) %>%
filter(AB >= 500)
# Calculate batting average and slugging percentage
batting_sub <- mutate(batting_sub, AVG = H / AB, SLG = (H + 2 * HR) / AB)
# Plot the relationship between batting average and slugging percentage
ggplot(batting_sub, aes(x = AVG, y = SLG)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
labs(title = "Relationship between Batting Average and Slugging Percentage",
x = "Batting Average", y = "Slugging Percentage")
# Subset data to players with at least one game in the majors
batting_sub_majors <- batting_sub %>%
filter(G > 0)
# Plot the relationship between batting average and slugging percentage
ggplot(batting_sub_majors, aes(x = AVG, y = SLG)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
labs(title = "Relationship between Batting Average and Slugging Percentage (Majors Only)",
x = "Batting Average", y = "Slugging Percentage")
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