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Created October 8, 2019 02:14
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R script for blog post on five-game playoffs
# plot my prior
curve(dnorm(x, .5, .05), .5, .8)
title("My Prior")
# write a function to compute the log likelihood
log_likelihood <- function(p, f){
prob3 <- p ^ 3 + (1 - p) ^ 3
prob4 <- 3 * p ^ 3 * (1 - p) +
3 * (1 - p) ^ 3 * p
prob5 <- 6 * p ^ 3 * (1 - p) ^ 2 +
6 * (1 - p) ^ 3 * p ^ 2
f[1] * log(prob3) + f[2] * log(prob4) +
f[3] * log(prob5)
# observed number of 3, 4, and 5 game series
f <- c(48, 42, 42)
# plot the likelihood
p <- seq(.5, .8, by = .001)
llike <- log_likelihood(p, f)
like <- exp(llike - max(llike))
plot(p, like, type = "l")
title("The Likelihood")
# function to compute the log posterior
log_posterior <-function(p, f){
prob3 <- p ^ 3 + (1 - p) ^ 3
prob4 <- 3 * p ^ 3 * (1 - p) +
3 * (1 - p) ^ 3 * p
prob5 <- 6 * p ^ 3 * (1 - p) ^ 2 +
6 * (1 - p) ^ 3 * p ^ 2
log_like <- f[1] * log(prob3) + f[2] * log(prob4) +
f[3] * log(prob5)
log_prior <- dnorm(p, 0.5, 0.05, log = TRUE)
log_like + log_prior
# plot the posterior
p <- seq(.5, .8, by = .001)
lpost <- log_posterior(p, f)
post <- exp(lpost - max(lpost))
plot(p, post, type = "l")
title("The Posterior")
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