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Created July 13, 2016 03:17
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define('HISTORY_DB', 'chrome_history.db');
define('UID', 'com.schmalfeldt.ChromeHistory');
$workflow = new Workflows;
$db = new HistoryDB();
$query = $argv[1];
$history = array();
$error = '';
if( !file_exists(HISTORY_DB))
return_error(UID, 'Unable to Copy Chrome History into Alfred.');
$results = $db->query('select * from urls;');
$error = $db->lastErrorMsg();
if($error === '' || $error === 'not an error')
while($row = $results->fetchArray())
if( !empty($row['url']) && !empty($row['title']))
$history[$row['id']] = array(
'id' => $row['id'],
'url' => $row['url'],
'title' => $row['title'],
'visit_count' => $row['visit_count'],
'typed_count' => $row['typed_count'],
'last_visit_time' => $row['last_visit_time'],
'hidden' => $row['hidden'],
'favicon_id' => $row['favicon_id']
$history = array_reverse($history, true);
else if($error !== '' && $error !== 'not an error')
return_error(UID, $error);
catch(Exception $e)
$error = $e->getMessage();
return_error(UID, $error);
// Keep track of shown results
$results = 0;
// Generate Output for Alfred
foreach ($history as $key=>$website)
// Prepare Data
$use_result = true;
$data = array(
'uid' => UID . ' result_' . $key,
'arg' => $website['url'],
'valid' => 'yes',
'autocomplete' => '',
'title' => $website['title'],
'subtitle' => $website['url'],
'icon' => 'icon.png'
// Check if we are Filtering Results
if($query !== '')
// We did not find that query in this machine, so don't show it
if (strpos(strtolower($website['title']), strtolower($query)) === false && strpos(strtolower($website['url']), strtolower($query)) === false)
$use_result = false;
// Add the Machine to the Workflow Results
// Check if we had Zero Results
if($results === 0)
// Prepare Data
$data = array(
'uid' => UID . ' no_results',
'arg' => '',
'valid' => 'no',
'autocomplete' => '',
'title' => ($query !== '') ? 'No Results' : 'ERROR: Chrome is Open',
'subtitle' => ($query !== '') ? "No Websites Contained: \"{$query}\"" : 'We cannot update Alfred\'s copy of your Google Chrome History while Google Chrome is Open.',
'icon' => 'icon.png'
// Add the Machine to the Workflow Results
function return_error($uid, $error)
// Prepare Data
$data = array(
'uid' => UID . ' error',
'arg' => '',
'valid' => 'no',
'autocomplete' => '',
'title' => 'ERROR: Looks like there was a problem :(',
'subtitle' => $error,
'icon' => 'icon.png'
// Add the Machine to the Workflow Results
$workflow = new Workflows;
// Send Output to Alfred
echo $workflow->toxml();
// Send Output to Alfred
echo $workflow->toxml();
// Prevent anything else from happening and exit
php -f chrome.php -- '{query}';
class HistoryDB extends SQLite3
function __construct()
$whoami = `whoami`;
$user = rtrim($whoami, "\n");
$history_file = "/Users/{$user}/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History";
$history_copy = 'chrome_history.db';
$cache_life = '60'; // caching time, in seconds
// Check if there is a History File for Chrome
// Check if there is a local copy of the file we can read, and that it is not to old
if( !file_exists($history_copy) || (file_exists($history_copy) && (time() - filemtime($history_copy)) >= $cache_life))
$cp = `cp "{$history_file}" {$history_copy}`;
// Make Connection to SQLite
$this->open($history_copy, SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY);
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