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Created November 27, 2018 21:19
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3 fonctions ré-écrites dans class.plx.medias.php pour le CMS PluXml
* Méthode qui retourne un tableau de tous les dossiers et sous-dossiers d'un répertoire.
* @author J.P. Pourrez (bazooka07)
private function _getAllDirs() {
$result = array();
$pattern = '*/';
$offset = strlen($this->path);
for($i=1; $i<10; $i++) {
$dirs = glob($this->path . str_repeat($pattern, $i), GLOB_ONLYDIR);
if(empty($dirs)) { break; }
foreach($dirs as $d) {
$path = substr($d, $offset);
$result[] = array(
'level' => $i,
/* 'name' => '/'.$path, // totalement inutile et jamais utilisé ! */
'path' => $path
usort($result, function($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a['path'], $b['path']); });
return $result;
* Méthode qui retourne la liste des fichiers d'un répertoire
* @param dir répertoire de lecture
* @return files tableau contenant la liste de tous les fichiers d'un dossier
* @author Stephane F
private function _getDirFiles($dir) {
$src = $this->path.$dir;
if(!is_dir($src)) return array();
$defaultSample = PLX_CORE.'admin/theme/images/file.png';
$offset = strlen($this->path);
$files = array();
function($item) { return !preg_match('@\.tb\.\w+$@', $item); } # On rejette les miniatures
) as $filename) {
if(is_dir($filename)) { continue; }
$thumbInfos = false;
if(preg_match('@\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$@i', $filename, $matches)) {
# Youpi! We catch a picture
$thumbName = plxUtils::thumbName($filename);
if(file_exists($thumbName)) {
$thumbInfos = array(
'infos' => getimagesize($thumbName),
'filesize' => filesize($thumbName)
$sample = $this->path. '.thumbs/' .substr($filename, $offset);
$sampleOk = (
file_exists($sample) or
$imgSize = getimagesize($filename);
} else {
$imgSize = false;
$stats = stat($filename);
$files[basename($filename)] = array(
'.thumb' => (!empty($sampleOk)) ? $sample : $defaultSample,
'name' => basename($filename),
'path' => $filename,
'date' => $stats['mtime'],
'filesize' => $stats['size'],
'extension' => '.' . strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)),
'infos' => $imgSize,
'thumb' => $thumbInfos
return $files;
* Méthode qui formate l'affichage de la liste déroulante des dossiers
* @return string balise select à afficher
* @author J.P. Pourrez (bazooka07)
public function contentFolder() {
$currentFolder = $this->dir;
if(!empty($this->aDirs)) {
$options = array_map(
function($item) use($currentFolder) {
$selected = ($item['path'] == $currentFolder) ? ' selected' : '';
return <<< OPTION
<option class="level_{$item['level']}" value="${item['path']}"$selected>/${item['path']}</option>
$selectedRoot = (empty($this->dir)) ? ' selected' : '';
$caption = L_PLXMEDIAS_ROOT;
$start = <<< START
<select class="folder" id="folder" name="folder">
<option value="."$selectedRoot>($caption)</option>\n
$stop = <<< STOP
return $start . ((!empty($options)) ? implode("\n", $options) : '') . $stop;
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