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Created November 11, 2012 10:15
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Compass mixin for creating a curled page
// Inspiration:
@import 'compass/css3';
@import 'compass/typography/vertical_rhythm';
// Creates a curled-page.
// $corner - [default:$top-left] ( top-left | top-right | bottom-right | bottom-left) Corner to curl
// $direction - [default:$vertical] ( vertical | horizontal )
// Example:
// .page {
// @include curled-page;
// }
// .page {
// @include curled-page(bottom-right, horizontal);
// }
@mixin curled-page(
$corner : top-left,
$direction : vertical
) {
@include drop-shadow;
@include curl($corner, $direction);
@include curl-shadow($corner, $direction);
// Helper mixins, but presumably useable as stand alone
@mixin drop-shadow {
position: relative;
padding: rhythm(1) 2*$gutter-width;
background: #fff;
@include box-shadow(rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) 0 1px 4px, rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) 0 0 40px inset);
&:before {
@mixin curl-base {
@include rhythm-borders(1px); // Don't mess up the vertical rhythm
border-color: #efefef;
&:before {
width: 50%;
height: 50%;
max-width: 100px;
max-height: 100px;
@mixin curl(
) {
$small : 6px;
$large : 120px;
$hor-radii : 0 0 0 0;
$ver-radii : 0 0 0 0;
$hor-radius : if($direction == vertical, $small, $large);
$ver-radius : if($direction == vertical, $large, $small);
@include curl-base;
@if $corner == top-left {
$hor-radii: $hor-radius 0 0 0;
$ver-radii: $ver-radius 0 0 0;
} @else if $corner == top-right {
$hor-radii: 0 $hor-radius 0 0;
$ver-radii: 0 $ver-radius 0 0;
} @else if $corner == bottom-right {
$hor-radii: 0 0 $hor-radius 0;
$ver-radii: 0 0 $ver-radius 0;
} @else {
$hor-radii: 0 0 0 $hor-radius;
$ver-radii: 0 0 0 $ver-radius;
@include border-radius($hor-radii, $ver-radii);
@mixin curl-shadow(
) {
&:before {
@include curl-position($corner, $direction);
@include curl-box-shadow($corner, $direction);
@include curl-rotate-and-skew($corner, $direction);
@mixin curl-position(
) {
$small: 10px;
$large: 12px;
top: auto;
right: auto;
bottom: auto;
left: auto;
@if $corner == top-left {
@if $direction == vertical {
left: $large;
top: $small;
} @else {
left: $small;
top: $large;
} @else if $corner == top-right {
@if $direction == vertical {
right: $large;
top: $small;
} @else {
right: $small;
top: $large;
} @else if $corner == bottom-right {
@if $direction == vertical {
right: $large;
bottom: $small;
} @else {
right: $small;
bottom: $large;
} @else {
@if $direction == vertical {
left: $large;
bottom: $small;
} @else {
left: $small;
bottom: $large;
@mixin curl-box-shadow(
) {
$offset : 8px;
$neg-offset : -1*$offset;
$offsets : 0 0; // x-y pair
$color : rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
$blur : 12px;
@if $corner == top-left {
$offsets: if($direction == vertical, $neg-offset 0, 0 $neg-offset);
} @else if $corner == top-right {
$offsets: if($direction == vertical, $offset 0, 0 $neg-offset);
} @else if $corner == bottom-right {
$offsets: if($direction == vertical, $offset 0, 0 $offset);
} @else {
$offsets: if($direction == vertical, $neg-offset 0, 0 $offset);
@include box-shadow($color $offsets $blur);
@mixin curl-rotate-and-skew(
) {
$rotation-sign : 1;
$rotation-degrees : 3deg;
$skew-sign : 1;
$skew-degrees : 8deg;
@if ($corner == top-left) or ($corner == bottom-right) {
$rotation-sign: if($direction == vertical, -1, 1);
} @else {
$rotation-sign: if($direction == vertical, 1, -1);
$rotate: $rotation-sign * $rotation-degrees;
// Same algorithm goes for skewing:
$skew-sign: $rotation-sign;
$skew: $skew-sign * $skew-degrees;
@include skew($skew);
@include rotate($rotate);
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