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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Ember.ListView mixins - for changing height and width of Ember.ListView during runtime
# This mixin can be used to extend a ListView class to adjust its width and height when resizing
# the browser. The dimensions of the ListView are synchronized with the width and height
# of the parent element that contains the ListView.
# Although this mixin sets the width and height you still have to define these properties when
# defining the ListView class.
# example:
# App.ListView = Ember.ListView.extend ListView.ListViewMixin,
# width: 100
# height: 100
# elementWidth: 112
# rowHeight: 112
# itemViewClass: Ember.ListItemView.extend
# templateName: "row_item"
# For more info about Ember.ListView see:
ListView =
ListViewMixin: Ember.Mixin.create
didAdjustOnResize: (->
adjustLayout: (->
$parent = @$().parent()
width = $parent.width()
height = $parent.height()
width: width
height: height
window.ListView = ListView
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