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Created August 4, 2014 00:54
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Haskell Data.Rose
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax, NoMonomorphismRestriction, ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Rose
-- License : GPLv3 (see the file src/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Generalized rose trees, called Roses.
module Data.Rose(
Rose(Rose, rootLabel, subBush), Bush,
-- * Two-dimensional drawing
drawRose, drawBush,
-- * Extraction
flatten, levels,
-- * Building trees
unfoldRose, unfoldBush,
unfoldRoseM, unfoldBushM,
unfoldRoseM_BF, unfoldBushM_BF,
) where
import YAPP
import qualified Data.Functor (Functor (..))
import qualified Data.Functor.Apply (Apply (..))
import qualified Data.Functor.Bind (Bind (..))
import qualified Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import qualified Control.Monad (Monad (..))
import qualified Data.Semigroup (Monoid (mappend))
import Data.Sequence (Seq, empty, singleton, (<|), (|>), fromList,
ViewL(..), ViewR(..), viewl, viewr)
--import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldMap), toList)
--import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse))
import Data.Typeable
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Data.Data (Data)
-- | Multi-way trees, also known as /rose trees/.
data Rose t a = Rose {
rootLabel :: a, -- ^ label value
subBush :: Bush t a -- ^ zero or more child trees
type Bush t a = t (Rose t a)
deriving instance (Eq a, Eq (Bush t a)) => Eq (Rose t a)
deriving instance (Read a, Read (Bush t a)) => Read (Rose t a)
deriving instance (Show a, Show (Bush t a)) => Show (Rose t a)
deriving instance Typeable Rose
deriving instance (Data a, Typeable t, Data (Bush t a)) => Data (Rose t a)
instance Functor f => Functor (Rose f) where
fmap f (Rose x ts) = Rose (f x) (map (map f) ts)
instance (Apply f, Alt f) => Apply (Rose f) where
Rose f tfs <.> tx@(Rose x txs) =
Rose (f x) ((map f) <$> txs <|> ((<*> tx) <$> tfs))
instance (Apply f, Plus f) => Applicative (Rose f) where
pure x = Rose x mzero
(<*>) = (<*>)
instance (Apply f, Alt f) => Bind (Rose f) where
Rose x ts >>- f = Rose x' (ts' <|> ((>>= f) <$> ts))
where Rose x' ts' = f x
instance (Apply m, Plus m) => Monad (Rose m) where
return = return
(>>=) = (>>=)
instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup (Bush m a)) => Semigroup (Rose m a) where
(Rose x tx) <> (Rose y ty) = Rose (x ++ y) (tx ++ ty)
instance (Monoid a, Monoid (Bush m a)) => Monoid (Rose m a) where
mempty = Rose mempty mempty
mappend = (~++~)
instance (Functor t, Traversable t) => Traversable (Rose t) where
traverse ((WrapApplicative .) -> f) (Rose x ts) = unwrapApplicative $
Rose <$> f x <*> traverse (traverse f) ts
instance Foldable t => Foldable (Rose t) where
foldMap f (Rose x ts) = f x ~++~ foldMap (foldMap f) ts
instance (NFData a, NFData (Bush t a)) => NFData (Rose t a) where
rnf (Rose x ts) = rnf x `seq` rnf ts
-- | Neat 2-dimensional drawing of a tree.
drawRose :: (Foldable t, Show a) => Rose t a -> String
drawRose r = unlines $ (draw r :: [String])
-- | Neat 2-dimensional drawing of a forest.
drawBush :: (Foldable t, Functor t, Show a) => Bush t a -> String
drawBush = unlines . map drawRose
-- In these type signatures, here be dragons. Fight them at your own peril.
draw (Rose x ts0) = return (show x) ++ drawSubRoses ts0
drawSubRoses = foldMap (\t ->return "|" ++ shift "+- " "| " (draw t))
shift _ _ (length -> 0) = mempty
shift first rest t = return (first ++ head t) ++
map (rest ++) (tail t)
-- | The elements of a tree in pre-order.
flatten :: (ApplicSMonoid f a, Foldable t) => Rose t a -> f a
flatten t = squish t mempty
where squish (Rose x ts) xs = return x ++ foldr squish xs ts
-- | Lists of nodes at each level of the tree.
levels :: (Monoid (Bush t b), Foldable t, Applicative t) => Rose t b -> [t b]
levels t =
map (map rootLabel) $
takeWhile (not . null) $
iterate (foldMap subBush) (return t)
-- | Build a tree from a seed value
unfoldRose :: Functor t => (b -> (a, t b)) -> b -> Rose t a
unfoldRose f b = let (a, bs) = f b in Rose a (unfoldBush f bs)
-- | Build a forest from a list of seed values
unfoldBush :: Functor t => (b -> (a, t b)) -> t b -> Bush t a
unfoldBush f = map (unfoldRose f)
-- | Monadic tree builder, in depth-first order
unfoldRoseM :: (ABMonad m, Traversable t) =>
(b -> m (a, t b)) -> b -> m (Rose t a)
unfoldRoseM f b = do
(a, bs) <- f b
ts <- unfoldBushM f bs
return (Rose a ts)
-- | Monadic forest builder, in depth-first order
unfoldBushM :: (ABMonad m, Traversable t) =>
(a -> m (b, t a)) -> t a -> m (Bush t b)
unfoldBushM f = traverse (unfoldRoseM f)
-- | Monadic tree builder, in breadth-first order,
-- using an algorithm adapted from
-- /Breadth-First Numbering: Lessons from a Small Exercise in Algorithm Design/,
-- by Chris Okasaki, /ICFP'00/.
--unfoldRoseM_BF :: Monad m => (b -> m (a, [b])) -> b -> m (Rose a)
--unfoldRoseM_BF :: ABMonad m => (b -> m (a, [] b)) -> b -> m (Rose [] a)
unfoldRoseM_BF f b = getElement <$> unfoldBushQ f (return b)
getElement xs = case viewl xs of
x :< _ -> x
EmptyL -> error "unfoldRoseM_BF"
-- | Monadic forest builder, in breadth-first order,
-- using an algorithm adapted from
-- /Breadth-First Numbering: Lessons from a Small Exercise in Algorithm Design/,
-- by Chris Okasaki, /ICFP'00/.
--unfoldBushM_BF :: Monad m => (b -> m (a, [b])) -> [b] -> m (Bush a)
unfoldBushM_BF f = map toList . unfoldBushQ f . fromList
-- takes a sequence (queue) of seeds
-- produces a sequence (reversed queue) of trees of the same length
--unfoldBushQ :: Monad m => (b -> m (a, [b])) -> Seq b -> m (Seq (Rose a))
unfoldBushQ f aQ = case viewl aQ of
EmptyL -> return mempty
a :< aQ' -> do
(b, as) <- f a
tQ <- unfoldBushQ f (foldl (|>) aQ' as)
let (tQ', ts) = splitOnto [] as tQ
return (Rose b ts <| tQ')
--splitOnto :: [a'] -> [b'] -> Seq a' -> (Seq a', [a'])
splitOnto as (null -> True) q = (q, as)
splitOnto as (tail -> bs) q = case viewr q of
q' :> a -> splitOnto (return a ++ as) bs q'
EmptyR -> error "unfoldBushQ"
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