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Created June 1, 2019 19:38
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update Nix tarball pins (e.g. Nixpkgs) from (n)vim
let nixpkgs = import ./nixpkgs.nix; in
import "${nixpkgs.nixpkgs}/nixos" {
configuration = {
imports = [
system = "x86_64-linux";
# vim:et:sw=2:tw=78
let nixpkgs = import ./nix/nixpkgs.nix; in
{ pkgs ? nixpkgs.pkgs-unstable }:
pkgs.mkShell {
name = "example-env";
src = pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource [
] ./.;
buildInputs = [
(pkgs.nur.repos.mozilla.rustChannelOf {
channel = "nightly";
date = "2019-06-01";
# vim:et:sw=2:tw=78
function! NixPrefetchUrl(url)
echom a:url
let l:prefetch_raw = systemlist(
\ "nix-prefetch-url --type sha256 ".shellescape(a:url)." 2>/dev/null")
let l:prefetch = join(l:prefetch_raw, "\n")
echom l:prefetch
return l:prefetch
function! NixUpdateTarball()
let [_, l:command; _] = matchlist(getline(line(".") + 1),
\ '\v^\s*#\s*:!\s*(.*)$')
let l:url = trim(system(l:command))
let [_, l:pat; _] = matchlist(getline(line(".") + 2),
\ '\v^\s*#\s*(.*)$')
let [_, l:sub; _] = matchlist(getline(line(".") + 3),
\ '\v^\s*#\s*(.*)$')
let l:fetch_url = substitute(l:url, l:pat, l:sub, '')
let l:prefetch = NixPrefetchUrl(l:fetch_url)
let l:save_winview = winsaveview()
s/# .*/\="# ".trim(system("date -u '+%F %R'"))/
+5s@\v^(\s*)url \= ".*";\n\1sha256 \= ".*";@\=submatch(1).'url = "'.l:fetch_url."\";\r".submatch(1).'sha256 = "'.l:prefetch.'";'@
call winrestview(l:save_winview)
function! NixPrefetchGitHub(owner, repo, rev)
echom a:owner a:repo a:rev
let l:prefetch_raw = systemlist(
\ "nix-prefetch-github " . a:owner . " " . a:repo . " --rev " . a:rev)
echom join(l:prefetch_raw, "\n")
return json_decode(l:prefetch_raw)
function! NixUpdateChannel()
let l:matchline = getline(line(".") + 1)
let [_, l:channel, l:checkowner, l:checkrepo, l:checkrev; _] =
\ matchlist(l:matchline,
\ '\v^\s*(.*) \= builtins\.fetchTarball \{ # (.*)/(.{-})%(#(.*))?$')
if l:checkrev == ""
let l:checkrev = l:channel
let l:prefetch = NixPrefetchGitHub(l:checkowner, l:checkrepo, l:checkrev)
let l:save_winview = winsaveview()
s/# .*/\="# ".trim(system("date -u '+%F %R'"))/
+2s@\v^(\s*)url \= "*)/(.*)/archive/.*\.tar\.gz";\n\1sha256 \= ".*";@\=submatch(1).'url = "'.submatch(2).'/'.submatch(3).'/archive/'.l:prefetch.rev.".tar.gz\";\r".submatch(1).'sha256 = "'.l:prefetch.sha256.'";'@
call winrestview(l:save_winview)
" vim:et:sw=2:tw=78
# for vim commands listed:
# :so nix-update.vim
rec {
nixpkgs = nixpkgs;
pkgs = instantiate nixpkgs;
nixpkgs-stable = nixos-19_03;
pkgs-stable = instantiate nixpkgs-stable;
nixpkgs-unstable = nixos-unstable;
pkgs-unstable = instantiate nixpkgs-unstable;
instantiate = nixpkgs: import nixpkgs nixpkgsOpts;
nixpkgsOpts = { config = nixConfig; };
nixConfig = {
allowUnfree = true;
packageOverrides = pkgs: {
nur = import nur { inherit pkgs; };
# :call NixUpdateChannel()
# 2019-06-01 18:26
nixos-19_03 = builtins.fetchTarball { # NixOS/nixpkgs-channels#nixos-19.03
url = "";
sha256 = "06digim3nc1xjyahr5v4k33pfmvl2aypx5653rbcx3zsjyis200q";
# 2019-06-01 18:25
nixos-unstable = builtins.fetchTarball { # NixOS/nixpkgs-channels
url = "";
sha256 = "09n1ag253sk1jk1ci6xh64hdp031yzs4x5ja2h89wfwhpk01kmz3";
# 2019-06-01 18:24
nur = builtins.fetchTarball { # nix-community/NUR#master
url = "";
sha256 = "173c2zchk3b30qpjq3n2bdvhc66b2sg67xl7wky848zb9vh1277x";
# :call NixUpdateTarball()
# 2019-06-01 18:56
# :!curl -w "%{url_effective}\n" -I -L -s -S '' -o /dev/null
# \v^*)/(.*)/legacy.tar.gz/(.*)$
cachix = builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "05knm7gsdjzy6w1xr7hskixvii95sra9vi49sx91ixym3a8rxw5g";
# vim:et:sw=2:tw=78
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