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Created December 20, 2014 01:59
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Super Smash Land FreePIE Config
def setKeyB(key, pred):
if pred:
elif keyboard.getKeyDown(key):
def tapKeyB(key, pred):
if pred:
def setKeyJ(key, stick, dir):
if (abs(stick) > .5) & (math.copysign(1, stick) == dir):
elif keyboard.getKeyDown(key):
def setKeysJ(keys, exclude, stick, dir):
if (abs(stick) > .5) & (math.copysign(1, stick) == dir):
for key in exclude:
for key in keys:
def gamecube(stick):
return 1. * stick / 700.
gc_x = 0
gc_a = 1
gc_b = 2
gc_y = 3
gc_z = 7
gc_start = 9
class FakeJoy():
def getDown(self, button):
return False
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
zRotation = 0
except IndexError:
joystick = [FakeJoy(), FakeJoy(), FakeJoy(), FakeJoy()]
except IndexError:
joystick = [FakeJoy(), FakeJoy(), FakeJoy(), FakeJoy()]
key_start = Key.Return
key_select = Key.Backspace
p1 = dict(
u = Key.UpArrow,
d = Key.DownArrow,
l = Key.LeftArrow,
r = Key.RightArrow,
a = Key.X,
b = Key.Z,
jy = xbox360[0].leftStickY - gamecube(joystick[0].y),
jx = xbox360[0].leftStickX + gamecube(joystick[0].x),
cy = xbox360[0].rightStickY - gamecube(joystick[0].z),
cx = xbox360[0].rightStickX + gamecube(joystick[0].zRotation),
ia = xbox360[0].b | joystick[0].getDown(gc_a),
ia_t = xbox360[0].a | joystick[0].getDown(gc_b),
ib = xbox360[0].x | xbox360[0].y | joystick[0].getDown(gc_x) | joystick[0].getDown(gc_y),
istart = xbox360[0].start | joystick[0].getDown(gc_start),
iselect = xbox360[0].back | joystick[0].getDown(gc_z)
p2 = dict(
u = Key.W,
d = Key.S,
l = Key.A,
r = Key.D,
a = Key.R,
b = Key.E,
jy = xbox360[1].leftStickY - gamecube(joystick[1].y),
jx = xbox360[1].leftStickX + gamecube(joystick[1].x),
cy = xbox360[1].rightStickY - gamecube(joystick[1].z),
cx = xbox360[1].rightStickX + gamecube(joystick[1].zRotation),
ia = xbox360[1].b | joystick[1].getDown(gc_a),
ia_t = xbox360[1].a | joystick[1].getDown(gc_b),
ib = xbox360[1].x | xbox360[1].y | joystick[1].getDown(gc_x) | joystick[1].getDown(gc_y),
istart = xbox360[1].start | joystick[1].getDown(gc_start),
iselect = xbox360[1].back | joystick[1].getDown(gc_z)
players = [p1, p2]
def update():
setKeyB(key_start, reduce(lambda acc, p: acc | p['istart'], players, False))
setKeyB(key_select, reduce(lambda acc, p: acc | p['iselect'], players, False))
for p in players:
setKeyJ(p['u'], p['jy'], 1)
setKeyJ(p['d'], p['jy'], -1)
setKeyJ(p['l'], p['jx'], -1)
setKeyJ(p['r'], p['jx'], 1)
setKeyB(p['a'], p['ia'])
tapKeyB(p['a'], p['ia_t'])
setKeyB(p['b'], p['ib'])
setKeysJ([p['a'], p['u']], [p['d'], p['l'], p['r']], p['cy'], 1)
setKeysJ([p['a'], p['d']], [p['u'], p['l'], p['r']], p['cy'], -1)
setKeysJ([p['a'], p['l']], [p['u'], p['d'], p['r']], p['cx'], -1)
setKeysJ([p['a'], p['r']], [p['u'], p['d'], p['l']], p['cx'], 1)
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