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Created October 15, 2018 08:09
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package graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader
import graphql.ExecutionInput
import graphql.TestUtil
import graphql.schema.DataFetcher
import org.dataloader.BatchLoader
import org.dataloader.DataLoader
import org.dataloader.DataLoaderOptions
import org.dataloader.DataLoaderRegistry
import spock.lang.Specification
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage
import static graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring
import static graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.newTypeWiring
class DataLoaderFilteringTest extends Specification {
class Blog {
String id
String name
String purpose
String toString() {
return id + name;
class Article {
String id
String blogId
String title
String toString() {
return id + ":" + blogId + ":" + title;
class ArticleSearchKey {
String blogId
String searchText
def blogData = [
new Blog(id: 1, name: "Java", purpose: "Java stuff"),
new Blog(id: 2, name: "Reactive", purpose: "Rx stuff")
def articleData = [
new Article(id: 101, blogId: 1, title: "Changes in the LTR policy of the JDK"),
new Article(id: 102, blogId: 1, title: "CPU impact of the JVM Memory Model"),
new Article(id: 200, blogId: 2, title: "So you want to use less CPU"),
new Article(id: 201, blogId: 2, title: "Why reactive systems use less CPU")
CompletionStage<List<List<Article>>> getArticles(List<ArticleSearchKey> searchKeys) {
// this could be turned into SQL where its something like
// select from article where blog in (:theSourceBlogs) and title like 'foo'
// by de-duping the searchText into a set say
def blogArticles = []
for (ArticleSearchKey searchKey : searchKeys) {
def list = []
for (Article article : articleData) {
if (searchKey.blogId == article.blogId) {
if (article.title.toLowerCase().contains(searchKey.searchText.toLowerCase())) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(blogArticles)
def batchLoaderWithContext = new BatchLoader<ArticleSearchKey, List<Article>>() {
CompletionStage<List<List<Article>>> load(List<ArticleSearchKey> keys) {
return getArticles(keys)
DataFetcher articleFetcher = { env ->
Blog blog = env.getSource()
def whereTitleContains = env.getArgument("whereTitleContains")
def searchKey = new ArticleSearchKey(blogId:, searchText: whereTitleContains)
return env.getDataLoader("articleLoader").load(searchKey)
DataFetcher blogFetcher = { env ->
return blogData
def spec = '''
type Query {
blogs : [Blog]
type Blog {
id : ID
name : String
purpose : String
articles(whereTitleContains : String) : [Article]
type Article {
id : ID
blogId : ID
title :String
def runtimeWiring = newRuntimeWiring()
.type(newTypeWiring("Blog").dataFetcher("articles", articleFetcher))
.type(newTypeWiring("Query").dataFetcher("blogs", blogFetcher))
def graphQL = TestUtil.graphQL(spec, runtimeWiring).build()
def "dataloader with filtering in the second level"() {
// disable caching to show it always gets the full results
DataLoaderOptions options = DataLoaderOptions.newOptions().setCachingEnabled(false)
DataLoader<ArticleSearchKey, List<Article>> articleLoader = DataLoader.newDataLoader(batchLoaderWithContext, options)
DataLoaderRegistry registry = new DataLoaderRegistry()
registry.register("articleLoader", articleLoader)
def executionResult = graphQL.execute(ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
query {
blogs {
articlesWithCPUInTitle: articles(whereTitleContains: "CPU") {
articlesWithReactiveInTitle: articles(whereTitleContains: "reactive") {
println ""
println ""
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