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Last active December 7, 2017 18:19
advent of code 2017 Perl6
my @seq = '112212'.univals.List;
(@seq Z @seq.rotate(1)).grep({[==] $_})».first.sum.say;
(@seq Z @seq.rotate(+@seq div 2)).grep({[==] $_})».first.sum.say;
my $input = q:to/END/;
5 9 2 8
9 4 7 3
3 8 6 5
grammar spreadsheet {
token TOP { [<line> \s]* }
token line { [<val> \h?]* }
token val { \d+ }
class spreadsheet-actions {
method TOP ($/) {
make [+] $<line>».made;
method line ($/) {
my $res = [R-] $<val>».made.minmax.bounds;
make $res;
method val ($/) {
make +$/;
class part2 is spreadsheet-actions {
method line ($/) {
my @vals = $<val>».made;
@vals = @vals.sort;
for @vals -> $a {
for @vals {
last if $a == $_;
if ($a %% $_) {
make $a / $_;
my $actions =;
say spreadsheet.parse($input, :$actions).made;
my $input = 361527;
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my $i = 1;
my $dir = 1;
my %values;
my $r = 1;
%values{($x,$y).Str} = $r;
while $r <= $input { # while $i < $input {
given $dir {
when 1 { $x++; }
when 2 { $y--; }
when 3 { $x--; }
when 4 { $y++; }
if $x > 0 && $x == $y + 1 {
$dir = 2;
if $x > 0 && $x == -$y {
$dir = 3;
if $x < 0 && $x == $y {
$dir = 4;
if $x < 0 && $x == -$y {
$dir = 1;
quietly {
$r = [+] (%values{($x - 1,$y - 1).Str}, %values{($x,$y - 1).Str}, %values{($x + 1,$y - 1).Str},
%values{($x - 1,$y).Str}, %values{($x + 1,$y).Str},
%values{($x - 1,$y + 1).Str}, %values{($x,$y + 1).Str}, %values{($x + 1,$y + 1).Str});
%values{($x,$y).Str} = $r;
# say $x.abs + $y.abs;
say $r;
my $input = q:to/END/;
5 9 2 8
9 4 7 3 4
3 8 6 5
say +$input.lines.grep(!*.words.repeated);
say +$input.lines.grep(!*{~.comb.sort}).repeated);
my $input = q:to/END/;
my @directions = $*.Int).Array;
my $pos = 0;
my $steps = 0;
my $max = @directions;
while 0 <= $pos < $max {
my $next = @directions[$pos];
if $next > 2 {
@directions[$pos] = $next - 1;
} else {
@directions[$pos] = $next + 1;
$pos += $next;
my $input = '0 2 7 0';
my sub distribute(Int:D $value, Int:D $len --> List:D) {
# optimization (avoids % and div)
if $value <= $len { return (flat (1 xx $value), (0 xx ($len - $value))).List; }
my $rem = $value % $len;
my $div = $value div $len;
if (!$rem) { return $div xx $len; }
(flat (($div + 1) xx $rem), ($div xx ($len - $rem))).List
my @vals = +<<$input.words;
my $len = +@vals;
my %states =;
my $steps = 0;
my $vs = ~@vals; # local because I am using it twice
while !%states{$vs} {
%states{$vs} = $steps;
my $maxpair = @vals.maxpairs[0];
# maxpairs apparently mutates the underlying list; must create a local :/
my @dist = distribute($maxpair.value, $len).rotate(-$maxpair.key - 1);
# OTOH I don't need to do an index now because of how maxpairs works ...
$maxpair.value = 0;
@vals = @vals >>+<< @dist; # to >>+<< or Z+ ??? meh
$vs = ~@vals;
($steps - %states{$vs} + 1).say;
my $input = q:to/END/;
pbga (66)
xhth (57)
ebii (61)
havc (66)
ktlj (57)
fwft (72) -> ktlj, cntj, xhth
qoyq (66)
padx (45) -> pbga, havc, qoyq
tknk (41) -> ugml, padx, fwft
jptl (61)
ugml (68) -> gyxo, ebii, jptl
gyxo (61)
cntj (57)
class tower {
has Str $.name;
has Int $.weight;
has Str @.discs;
has tower @.elems;
has tower $.parent;
method set-parent(tower:D $p) {
$!parent = $p;
method rebalance() {
return $!weight unless @!elems;
my @children = @!elems».rebalance();
my $fix = 0;
unless [==] @children {
my @mapped = (@children Z @!elems).sort: *.first;
$fix = ([R-] @mapped.head(2)».first) + ([-] @mapped.tail(2)».first);
my $tower = $fix > 0 ?? @mapped[0][1] !! @mapped[*-1][1];
my $res = $fix + $tower.weight;
say $res ~ ' on ' ~ $;
return $!weight + $fix + [+] @children;
method gist { @!elems ?? "$!name " ~ @!elems.gist ~ '' !! $!name }
grammar tower-lang {
rule TOP { <tower>* }
rule tower { <disc> '(' <weight> ')' [ '->' <sub-towers> ]? }
rule sub-towers { <disc>+ % ',' }
token disc { \w+ }
token weight { \d+ }
class tower-actions {
method TOP ($/) {
my %towers = $<tower>».made;
for %towers.kv -> $k,$v {
next unless $v.discs;
for $v.discs -> $name {
next unless $name;
my $c = %towers{$name};
make %towers.values.grep: !*.parent;
method tower ($/) { make $<disc>.made =>$<disc>.made), :weight($<weight>.made), :discs($<sub-towers>.made)); }
method disc ($/) { make ~$/; }
method weight ($/) { make +$/; }
method sub-towers ($/) { make $<disc>».made; }
my $actions =;
my @towers = tower-lang.parse($input, :$actions).made;
my $root = @towers.first; # problem only has 1 root
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