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Created November 30, 2021 01:07
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powershell script to determine if a shape is buildable
function rotate1($shape) {
$low = $shape -band 0x7777
$high = $shape -band 0x8888
($low -shl 1) + ($high -shr 3)
function mirror($shape) {
$a = $shape -band 0x1111
$b = $shape -band 0x2222
$c = $shape -band 0x4444
$d = $shape -band 0x8888
($a -shl 3) + ($b -shl 1) + ($c -shr 1) + ($d -shr 3)
function normalize($shape) {
$l = $shape -shr 12
if($l -band 0xF) {
$l = $l -shl 4
$l = $l -bor (($shape -band 0xF00) -shr 8)
if($l -band 0xF) {
$l = $l -shl 4
$l = $l -bor (($shape -band 0xF0) -shr 4)
if($l -band 0xF) {
$l = $l -shl 4
$l = $l -bor ($shape -band 0xF)
if(($l -band 0xF) -eq 0) {
$l = $l -shr 4
function stack($top, $bottom) {
$opaqueTop = ($top -bor ($top -shl 4) -bor ($top -shl 8) -bor ($top -shl 12)) -band 0xFFFF
$opaqueBottom = ($bottom -bor ($bottom -shr 4) -bor ($bottom -shr 8) -bor ($bottom -shr 12))
if($opaqueTop -band $opaqueBottom) {
$top = $top -shl 4
$opaqueTop = $opaqueTop -shl 4
} else {
return (($top -bor $bottom) -band 0xffff)
if($opaqueTop -band $opaqueBottom) {
$top = $top -shl 4
$opaqueTop = $opaqueTop -shl 4
} else {
return (($top -bor $bottom) -band 0xffff)
if($opaqueTop -band $opaqueBottom) {
$top = $top -shl 4
$opaqueTop = $opaqueTop -shl 4
} else {
return (($top -bor $bottom) -band 0xffff)
if($opaqueTop -band $opaqueBottom) {
$top = $top -shl 4
$opaqueTop = $opaqueTop -shl 4
} else {
return (($top -bor $bottom) -band 0xffff)
return (($top -bor $bottom) -band 0xffff)
function output1($shape) {
$bit = 1
$s = ''
if($shape -eq 0) { return '' }
if($shape -band 8) {
$s += 'Cu'
} else {
$s += '--'
if($shape -band 4) {
$s += 'Cu'
} else {
$s += '--'
if($shape -band 2) {
$s += 'Cu'
} else {
$s += '--'
if($shape -band 1) {
$s += 'Cu'
} else {
$s += '--'
function output($shape) {
$a = output1 (($shape -band 0xF000) -shr 12)
$b = output1 (($shape -band 0xF00) -shr 8)
$c = output1 (($shape -band 0xF0) -shr 4)
$d = output1 ($shape -band 0xF)
$results= @()
if($d) { $results += $d}
if($c) { $results += $c}
if($b) { $results += $b}
if($a) { $results += $a}
'{0:x2} {1}' -f @($shape, ($results -join ':'))
function rotations($i) {
$t90 = rotate1 $i
$t180 = rotate1 $t90
$t270 = rotate1 $t180
$t = rotate1 $t270
$m = mirror $t
$m90 = rotate1 $m
$m180 = rotate1 $m90
$m270 = rotate1 $m180
($t,$t90,$t180,$t270,$m,$m90,$m180,$m270) | sort -unique
function gameRotations($i) {
$t90 = rotate1 $i
$t180 = rotate1 $t90
$t270 = rotate1 $t180
$t = rotate1 $t270
($t,$t90,$t180,$t270) | sort -unique
function cut($shape) {
normalize ($shape -band 0x3333)
normalize ($shape -band 0xCCCC)
function isSimple($shape) {
$a = ($shape -band 0xf000) -shr 12
$b = ($shape -band 0xf00) -shr 8
$c = ($shape -band 0xf0) -shr 4
$d = ($shape -band 0xf)
return ($a -ne 0) -and ($a -band $b) -ne 0 -and ($b -band $c) -ne 0 -and ($c -band $d) -ne 0
function popcount($shape) {
(($shape -band 8) -shr 3) + (($shape -band 4) -shr 2) + (($shape -band 2) -shr 1) + ($shape -band 1)
$shape is a number representing a shape after replacing all units with uncolored circles
for example --WySw--:Sw----Cy:----SyWw:RyWw----
is the same build process as --CuCu--:Cu----Cu:----CuCu:CuCu----
this shape can be represented with binary: 0110:1001:0011:1100
or hex: 0x6:0x9:0x3:0xC
since each layer is only 4 bits, an integer can be used: 0xC396
that gives us a mechanism for counting every combination of 16 units to produce the shapes 0x0000 through 0xFFFF
most of these are uninteresting because they are very simple to produce (------Cu:------Cu:------Cu:------Cu = 0x1111)
in general if one nibble and the next share a bit then they form complete layers and stack
$write is useful for debugging, it writes the currently evaluated shape and other debug info
$pieces is the set of pieces that must exist to generate the shape
returns true if the shape is possible to make (if write is passed, the last line before is the pieces to make the shape)
sample execution:
PS C:\Users\Bill\Documents> breakup -shape 0x78e1 -write $true
0x78e1 ------Cu:CuCuCu--:Cu------:--CuCuCu
rotation 78e1 ------Cu:CuCuCu--:Cu------:--CuCuCu
(float 2) f7ad = stack -bottom 21 -top f78c
(no float) f78f = stack -bottom 01 -top f78e
rotation b478 Cu------:--CuCuCu:--Cu----:Cu--CuCu
rotation d2b4 --Cu----:Cu--CuCu:----Cu--:CuCu--Cu
rotation e1d2 ----Cu--:CuCu--Cu:------Cu:CuCuCu--
(float 2) e1d2 = stack -bottom 12 -top fe1c
12 ----Cu--:------Cu and fe1c CuCu----:------Cu:CuCuCu--:CuCuCuCu
rotation f786 --CuCu--:Cu------:--CuCuCu:CuCuCuCu
(no float) f786 = stack -bottom 02 -top f784
12 ----Cu--:------Cu and 02 ----Cu-- and f784 --Cu----:Cu------:--CuCuCu:CuCuCuCu
rotation f784 --Cu----:Cu------:--CuCuCu:CuCuCuCu
rotation fb42 ----Cu--:--Cu----:Cu--CuCu:CuCuCuCu
(no float) fb6 = stack -bottom 02 -top fb4
rotation fd21 ------Cu:----Cu--:CuCu--Cu:CuCuCuCu
(float 3) fd21 = stack -bottom 121 -top fc
12 ----Cu--:------Cu and 02 ----Cu-- and 121 ------Cu:----Cu--:------Cu and fc CuCu----:CuCuCuCu
12 ----Cu--:------Cu and 02 ----Cu-- and 121 ------Cu:----Cu--:------Cu and 0c CuCu---- and 0f CuCuCuCu
function breakup($shape, $pieces, $write, $depth) {
if(!$depth) {
$depth = 1
if(!$pieces) {
$pieces = @()
if ($write) {
write-host ((($pieces + $shape) | % { output $_ }) -join ' and ')
# simple case: shape is only 1 layer; it can be produced by making the input piece
if(($shape -band 0xF) -ne 0 -and (($shape -band 0xF0) -eq 0)) {
return $true
$topCount = (popcount ($shape -shr 12))
# if no float between first and second layer, check if the shape above the first layer can be broken down
if(($shape -band 0xF) -band (($shape -band 0xF0) -shr 4)) {
return breakup -shape ($shape -shr 4) -write $write -pieces ($pieces + ($shape -band 0xF))
# float between first and second layer; for each rotation, try to find a set of pieces that stack to make the shape
foreach ($_ in (gameRotations $shape)) {
if ($write) {
write-host ('rotation {0}' -f @((output $_)))
$withTopper = $_
if($topCount -ne 0 -and $topCount -ne 4) {
$withTopper += 0xF0000
# extract all 5 layers at variables $a through $e
$e = $withTopper
$a = $e -band 0xF
$e = $e -shr 4
$b = $e -band 0xF
$e = $e -shr 4
$c = $e -band 0xF
$e = $e -shr 4
$d = $e -band 0xF
$e = $e -shr 4
# if the bottom layer has units in quadrants 1 and 2
if(($a -band 3) -ne 0) {
# if the bottom layer has only 1 unit in quadrands 1 and 2, and the second layer
# only has a unit in the other quadrant on this half
if (($a -band 3) -ne 3 -and (($a -band 3) -bxor ($b -band 3)) -eq 3) {
# if the 3rd layer matches layer 1 in this half
if ((($b -band 3) -bxor ($c -band 3)) -eq 3) {
# if the 4th layer matches layer 2 in this half
if ((($c -band 3) -bxor ($d -band 3)) -eq 3) {
# then quads 1 and 2 form a 4 layer floating half
# split the shape into a bottom piece and top shape that needs to be reviewed recursively
# in game I would represent this as 5 wires, one for each layer, cutting 4 of them and virtually stacking to make the bottom piece
# and the recursion can be handled by unrolling the recursion and producing the machine that handles each recursive case
# (in the recursive call here for example you can only have this particular case twice: shape 0x5A5A)
$bottom = ($_ -band 0x3333)
$top = (($withTopper -band 0xFCCCC) -shr 4)
while (-not ($top -band 0xF)) {
$top = $top -shr 4
# the real meat of the function is here: you cannot actually use the virtual stacker because at this call you don't know how to make the top shape
# and there is no way to unstack an arbitrary shape off the bottom
$stack = stack -bottom $bottom -top $top
if ($write) {
write-host ('(float 4) {0:x2} = stack -bottom {1:x2} -top {2:x2}' -f @($stack, $bottom, $top))
if(($_ -eq $stack) -and (breakup -shape $top -write $write -pieces ($pieces + $bottom))) {
return $true
# otherwise quads 1 and 2 form a 3 layer floating half
$bottom = ($_ -band 0x333)
$top = (($withTopper -band 0xFFCCC) -shr 4)
while (-not ($top -band 0xF)) {
$top = $top -shr 4
$stack = stack -bottom $bottom -top $top
if ($write) {
write-host ('(float 3) {0:x2} = stack -bottom {1:x2} -top {2:x2}' -f @($stack, $bottom, $top))
if(($_ -eq $stack) -and (breakup -shape $top -write $write -pieces ($pieces + $bottom))) {
return $true
# otherwise quads 1 and 2 form a 2 layer floating half
$bottom = ($_ -band 0x33)
$top = (($withTopper -band 0xFFFCC) -shr 4)
while (-not ($top -band 0xF)) {
$top = $top -shr 4
$stack = stack -bottom $bottom -top $top
if ($write) {
write-host ('(float 2) {0:x2} = stack -bottom {1:x2} -top {2:x2}' -f @($stack, $bottom, $top))
if(($_ -eq $stack) -and (breakup -shape $top -write $write -pieces ($pieces + $bottom))) {
return $true
# otherwise layer 1 might need to be broken down into a half shape
$bottom = ($_ -band 0x3)
if($bottom -eq $a) {
# the whole layer is on the left, not possible? I believe this will be caught by the simple non-float stack case before checking rotations
$top = ($withTopper -shr 4)
while (-not ($top -band 0xF)) {
$top = $top -shr 4
$stack = stack -bottom $bottom -top $top
if ($write) {
write-host ('(no float) {0:x2} = stack -bottom {1:x2} -top {2:x2}' -f @($stack, $bottom, $top))
if(($_ -eq $stack) -and (breakup -shape $top -write $write -pieces ($pieces + $bottom))) {
return $true
} else {
# the bottom layer needs to be broken down into a half shape
$top = ($withTopper -band 0xFFFC)
while (-not ($top -band 0xF)) {
$top = $top -shr 4
$stack = stack -bottom $bottom -top $top
if ($write) {
write-host ('(no float) {0:x2} = stack -bottom {1:x2} -top {2:x2}' -f @($stack, $bottom, $top))
if(($_ -eq $stack) -and (breakup -shape $top -write $write -pieces ($pieces + $bottom))) {
return $true
return $false
function hasFloat($shape) {
$a = ($shape -band 0xF000) -shr 12
$b = ($shape -band 0xF00) -shr 8
$c = ($shape -band 0xF0) -shr 4
$d = $shape -band 0xF
(($a -ne 0 -and ($a -band $b) -eq 0)) -or (($b -ne 0 -and ($b -band $c) -eq 0)) -or (($c -ne 0 -and ($c -band $d) -eq 0))
function multipleFloats($shape) {
$a = ($shape -band 0xF000) -shr 12
$b = ($shape -band 0xF00) -shr 8
$c = ($shape -band 0xF0) -shr 4
$d = $shape -band 0xF
return ((stack -bottom $d -top (stack -bottom $c -top (stack -bottom $b -top $a))) -lt 0x100)
function noEmptyLayer($shape, $x90, $x270) {
$a = ($shape -band 0xF000)
$b = ($shape -band 0xF00)
$c = ($shape -band 0xF0)
$d = $shape -band 0xF
return $a -and $b -and $c -and $d
# returns every unique shape with more than one floating layer
function uniqueBuildableShapesWithMultipleFloats() {
$i = 0x1000
while ($i -lt 0x10000)
$t = $i
$t90 = rotate1 $t
$t180 = rotate1 $t90
$t270 = rotate1 $t180
if ((noEmptyLayer $t) -and (multipleFloats $t)) {
$m = mirror $t
$m90 = rotate1 $m
$m180 = rotate1 $m90
$m270 = rotate1 $m180
$min = ($t,$t90,$t180,$t270,$m,$m90,$m180,$m270 | measure -min).Minimum
if($min -eq $i) {
if((breakup -shape $i -write $false)) {
output $i
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