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Last active September 11, 2016 18:48
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testing program for verifying linear algorithm compared to quadratic algorithm for roslyn issue 13685:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Combinatorics.Collections;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var fails = 0;
for (var i = 2; i < 5; i++)
//need to generate all possible directed graphs with at least 1 edge and i nodes
var nodes = Enumerable.Range(0, i).ToArray();
var potentialedges = new Variations<int>(nodes, 2).ToArray();
for (var edgeCount = 1; edgeCount < potentialedges.Length; edgeCount++)
foreach (var edgeSet in new Combinations<IList<int>>(potentialedges, edgeCount))
if(!CompareAlgorithms(CreateCandidatesListFromGraph(nodes, edgeSet)) && fails++==10)
fails = 0;
private static Func<List<Candidate>> CreateCandidatesListFromGraph(int[] nodes, IList<IList<int>> edgeSet)
return () => {
var c =
ix =>
new Candidate
Signature = new Signature { Name = new string((char)('A' + ix), 1) }
foreach (var edge in edgeSet)
return c;
private static bool CompareAlgorithms(Func<List<Candidate>> candidateListGenerator)
var c = candidateListGenerator();
var applicable = c.Where(ci => ci.Kind == OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Applicable).Select(ci => ci.Signature.Name).ToArray();
var result = string.Join(",", applicable);
//spec breaking: spec says all must be compared and it is ambiguous if there is not exactly 1 best candidate
//current optimizations are not correct if there are 0 best...
if (applicable.Length != 1) return true;
var c2 = candidateListGenerator();
var result2 = string.Join(",",
c2.Where(ci => ci.Kind == OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Applicable).Select(ci => ci.Signature.Name));
if (result != result2)
var option = candidateListGenerator();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("; ", option));
Console.WriteLine("old: {1}\nnew: {2}\n", result == result2, result, result2);
return result == result2;
public static void GetLinearResults2(List<Candidate> candidates)
object useSiteDiagnostics = new object();
object right = null;
object left = null;
public static void Optimizations(List<Candidate> candidates)
object useSiteDiagnostics = new object();
object right = null;
object left = null;
if (candidates.Count < 2) return;
//optimization 1: no need to consider inapplicable items at the start of the list
var firstApplicable = -1;
//optimization 2: do not need to continue with quadratic if there is less than 2 applicable results
var applicableLeft = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.Count; ++i)
if (candidates[i].Kind == OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Applicable)
if (firstApplicable == -1)
firstApplicable = i;
if (applicableLeft < 2)
for (int i = firstApplicable; i < candidates.Count; ++i)
if (candidates[i].Kind != OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Applicable)
// Is this applicable operator better than every other applicable method?
for (int j = firstApplicable; j < candidates.Count; ++j)
if (i == j)
if (candidates[j].Kind == OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Inapplicable)
var better = BetterOperator(candidates[i].Signature, candidates[j].Signature, left, right, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
if (better == BetterResult.Left && candidates[j].Kind != OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Worse)
candidates[j] = candidates[j].Worse();
else if (better == BetterResult.Right && candidates[i].Kind != OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Worse)
candidates[i] = candidates[i].Worse();
if (applicableLeft < 2)
//a single "best" candidate is now known...
//it is still possible that there exists an operator better than this one that is already known worse than some other one
public static void GetQuadraticResults(List<Candidate> candidates)
object useSiteDiagnostics = new object();
object right = null;
object left = null;
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.Count; ++i)
if (candidates[i].Kind != OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Applicable)
// Is this applicable operator better than every other applicable method?
for (int j = 0; j < candidates.Count; ++j)
if (i == j)
if (candidates[j].Kind == OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Inapplicable)
var better = BetterOperator(candidates[i].Signature, candidates[j].Signature, left, right, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
if (better == BetterResult.Left)
candidates[j] = candidates[j].Worse();
else if (better == BetterResult.Right)
candidates[i] = candidates[i].Worse();
private static BetterResult BetterOperator(Signature left, Signature right, object o, object o1, ref object o3)
if (left.IsBetterThan(right)) { return BetterResult.Left; }
if (right.IsBetterThan(left)) { return BetterResult.Right; }
return BetterResult.Neither;
public enum BetterResult { Left, Right, Neither }
public class Candidate
public OperatorAnalysisResultKind Kind { get; set; } = OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Applicable;
public Signature Signature { get; set; }
public Candidate Worse() { return new Candidate { Signature = Signature, Kind = OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Worse }; }
public override string ToString() => "{" + Signature + "}";
public class Signature
readonly List<Signature> _worse = new List<Signature>();
public bool IsBetterThan(Signature s) => _worse.Contains(s);
public void MakeBatterThan(Signature s) => _worse.Add(s);
public string Name { get; set; }
public override string ToString() => Name + ": " + string.Join(",", _worse.Select(w => w.Name));
public enum OperatorAnalysisResultKind
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"buildOptions": {
"emitEntryPoint": true
"runtimes": {
"win7-x64": {},
"win10-x64": {}
"dependencies": {
"Combinatorics": ""
"frameworks": {
"net461": {}
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