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Created March 6, 2019 09:02
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Blades of Steel PPU data (CHR/nametable) decoder and encoder
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Python script for decoding or re-encoding PPU data
# (CHR or nametable) bundles from Blades of Steel.
# See bottom of this file for example usage.
rom_filename = "Blades of Steel (U).nes"
rom = open(rom_filename,"rb").read()
banks = (len(rom)-16) // 0x4000
print("ROM: " + rom_filename)
print("%d bytes, %d banks" % (len(rom),banks))
def rom_addr(addr,bank=banks-1): # UNROM banked addressing
if (addr >= 0xC000):
bank = banks-1 # fixed bank
return 16 + ((bank * 0x4000) | (addr & 0x3FFF))
def rom_get(addr,bank=banks-1):
return rom[rom_addr(addr,bank)]
bundle_pointer_table = 0xC89D
bundle_bank_table = 0xC8BB
# for high level info about the bundles
# returns (address, bank, size) of bundle read
def inspect_bundle(x, silent=False, verbose=False): # X = bundle index * 2
if verbose:
silent = False
ptr = \
rom_get(bundle_pointer_table+0+x) + \
(rom_get(bundle_pointer_table+1+x) << 8)
b = rom_get(bundle_bank_table+(x//2))
if not silent:
print("Bundle %2d ($%02X) at $%01X:%04X" % (x//2,x,b,ptr))
ppu_out = 0
block_size = 0
pos = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
ppu_out = rom_get(ptr+pos,b) + (rom_get(ptr+pos+1,b) << 8)
pos += 2
while True:
c = rom_get(ptr+pos,b)
pos += 1
if c == 0xFF or c == 0x7F:
if not silent:
print("Block: $%04X %d bytes" % (ppu_out, block_size))
block_size = 0
if c == 0xFF:
finished = True
run = c & 0x7F
if run == 0:
run = 256
if (verbose):
print("Invalid run length at $%01X:%04X (%02X)" % (b,ptr+pos-1,c))
if c < 0x80:
d = rom_get(ptr+pos,b)
pos += 1
block_size += run
if (verbose):
print("RLE %d x $%02X" % (run, d))
d = []
for i in range(run):
if (run == 256):
d[255] = c
pos += run
block_size += run
if (verbose):
print("Raw %d" % (run))
if (run == 256):
raise Exception("invalid raw run length at $%01X:%04X" % (b,ptr+pos-1))
if not silent:
print ("%d bytes decoded" % (pos))
return (ptr, b, pos)
# to extract the actual bundle data
def decode_bundle(x):
ptr = \
rom_get(bundle_pointer_table+0+x) + \
(rom_get(bundle_pointer_table+1+x) << 8)
b = rom_get(bundle_bank_table+(x//2))
blocks = []
pos = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
ppu_out = rom_get(ptr+pos,b) + (rom_get(ptr+pos+1,b) << 8)
block = [ppu_out,[]]
pos += 2
while True:
c = rom_get(ptr+pos,b)
pos += 1
if c == 0xFF or c == 0x7F:
if c == 0xFF:
finished = True
run = c & 0x7F
if run == 0:
run = 256
if c < 0x80:
d = rom_get(ptr+pos,b)
pos += 1
block[1].extend([d] * run)
d = []
for i in range(run):
if (run == 256):
d[255] = c
pos += run
if (run == 256):
raise Exception("invalid raw run length at $%01X:%04X" % (b,ptr+pos-1))
return blocks
# to decode a bundle from a linear block of data
def decode_raw_bundle(data):
blocks = []
pos = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
ppu_out = data[pos] + (data[pos+1] << 8)
block = [ppu_out,[]]
pos += 2
while True:
c = data[pos]
pos += 1
if c == 0xFF or c == 0x7F:
if c == 0xFF:
finished = True
run = c & 0x7F
if run == 0:
run = 256
if c < 0x80:
d = data[pos]
pos += 1
block[1].extend([d] * run)
d = []
for i in range(run):
if (run == 256):
d[255] = c
pos += run
if (run == 256):
raise Exception("invalid raw run length at $%04X" % (pos-1))
return blocks
# for reading the raw data from the bundle in the ROM
# use inspect_bundle to get the needed parameters
def read_bundle_raw(addr, bank, size):
d = []
for i in range(size):
d.append(rom_get(addr+i, bank))
return d
# encode a single block into a packet of bytes
def encode_block(block):
def consecutive(i): # how many matching consecutive bytes start at i
c = d[i]
count = 0
while (i+count) < len(d) and c == d[i+count]:
count += 1
return min(count,126)
(ppu_out, d) = block
do = [ (ppu_out & 0xFF), (ppu_out >> 8) ]
while len(d) > 0:
run = consecutive(0)
if (run > 2): # RLE
d = d[run:]
run = min(len(d),126)
for i in range(1,run):
if consecutive(i) > 2:
run = i # break here for next RLE
# non-RLE
do.append(0x80 | run)
d = d[run:]
return do
# encode a bundle into a packet of bytes
def encode_bundle(blocks):
d = []
for b in blocks:
d.append(0x7F) # next block control byte
d[len(d)-1] = 0xFF # convert next block control to end of blocks
return d
# for inspecting data
def string_hex(d, per_line=32):
s = ""
for i in range(len(d)):
if (i % per_line) == 0:
s += "\t"
s += " "
s += "%02X" % (d[i])
if (i % per_line) == (per_line-1):
s += "\n"
return s
# for inspecting blocks
def print_block(block):
print ("PPU $%04X" % (block[0]))
print (string_hex(block[1]))
# for inspecting bundles
def print_bundle(blocks):
for b in blocks:
for x in range(15):
(addr, bank, size) = inspect_bundle(x*2)
b = decode_bundle(x*2)
d = encode_bundle(b)
#print("Re-encoded: %d bytes" % len(d))
print("Original decoded:")
#print("Re-encoded decoded:")
print("Original data:")
#print("Re-encoded data:")
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