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Last active April 7, 2020 00:55
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Save bbbrrriiiaaannn/5053329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pluralizer for Freemarker
[#-- Transform many singular English words to their plural English form.
Rules cribbed from which were cribbed from , so MIT License at applies --]
[#assign plurals = {
'(quiz)$': '$1zes',
'^(ox)$': '$1en',
'([m|l])ouse$': '$1ice',
'(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$': '$1ices',
'(x|ch|ss|sh)$': '$1es',
'([^aeiouy]|qu)y$': '$1ies',
'(hive)$': '$1s',
'(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$': '$1$2ves',
'(shea|lea|loa|thie)f$': '$1ves',
'sis$': 'ses',
'([ti])um$': '$1a',
'(tomat|potat|ech|her|vet)o$': '$1oes',
'(bu)s$': '$1ses',
'(alias)$': '$1es',
'(octop)us$': '$1i',
'(ax|test)is$': '$1es',
'(us)$': '$1es',
's$': 's',
'$': 's'
[#assign irregular = {
'move': 'moves',
'foot': 'feet',
'goose': 'geese',
'sex': 'sexes',
'child': 'children',
'man': 'men',
'tooth': 'teeth',
'person': 'people'
[#assign uncountable = [
Transform a singular word into its pluralized form. "count" is optional-y; if it's not included it's assumed string should be pluralized, if it's include string should be pluralized only if count != 1.
[#function pluralize string count=false]
[#if count?is_boolean || count != 1]
[#if uncountable?seq_contains(string?lower_case)]
[#return string]
[#list irregular?keys as query]
[#if string?ends_with(query)]
[#local strings = string?replace(query, irregular[query])/]
[#return strings]
[#list plurals?keys as query]
[#local matches = string?matches(query,'i')/]
[#if matches?size gt 0]
[#local strings = string?replace(query, plurals[query], 'ir')/]
[#return strings]
[#return string]
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