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Created June 13, 2017 22:33
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package vitessutil
import (
jww ""
// ResetReplication should only be run at keyspaceshard creation time, unless a good reason. It clears the master and slave
// state including GTID history.
func ResetReplication(vtctl vtctlclient.VtctlClient, alias string) error {
jww.INFO.Println("resetting replication on tablet", alias)
if _, err := executeSQL(vtctl, alias, true, "STOP SLAVE", "RESET SLAVE ALL", "RESET MASTER"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// VerifyReplicationHealth checks the replication status of all passed tablets, verifying that readonly and slave status
// is correct. It also checks for errant gtids.
func VerifyReplicationHealth(vclient vtctlclient.VtctlClient, keyspace, shard string, tablets []Tablet) error {
keyspaceShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(keyspace, shard)
// We do the replicas first to ensure that the master has a superset of gtids when we check it later
// if we checked the master first, sometimes due to semi-sync a slave may have 1 more gtid executed than the master,
// depending on where in the semi-sync flow we checked
jww.INFO.Println("getting replication status for replicas")
replicaStatuses, err := getReplicationStatusForReplicas(vclient, tablets)
if err != nil {
return err
jww.INFO.Println("getting replication status for master")
masterStatus, err := getMasterReplicationStatus(vclient, tablets)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to get status for master of keyspaceShard %v: %v", keyspaceShard, err)
if masterStatus.readOnly == 1 {
return errors.Errorf("master is in read only mode for keyspaceShard %v", keyspaceShard)
jww.INFO.Println("comparing GTIDSets")
for _, status := range replicaStatuses {
diff, err := verifyGtids(vclient, masterStatus.tablet.Alias, masterStatus.serverGtid, status.serverGtid)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to compare serverGtids for replica %v and master %v: %v", status.tablet.Fqdn, masterStatus.tablet.Fqdn, err)
if diff != "" {
return errors.Errorf("errant GTID detected for keyspaceShard %v on replica %v (%v)!\n\ndiff: %v \n\nreplicaUuid: %v\nreplicaGtd:\n%v\n\nmasterUuid: %v\nmasterGtid:\n%v", keyspaceShard, status.tablet.Alias, status.tablet.Fqdn, diff, status.serverUUID, status.serverGtid, masterStatus.serverUUID, masterStatus.serverGtid)
jww.INFO.Println("replication is healthy")
return nil
func getReplicationStatusForReplicas(vclient vtctlclient.VtctlClient, tablets []Tablet) ([]status, error) {
result := make([]status, 0, len(tablets))
for _, tablet := range tablets {
if tablet.TabletType == topodata.TabletType_MASTER {
status, err := getStatusForTablet(vclient, tablet)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("failed to get status for replica %v of keyspace=%v, shard=%v: %v", tablet.Alias, tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard, err)
if status.readOnly != 1 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("replica %v (%v) is NOT in read only mode for keyspace=%v, shard=%v ", tablet.Alias, tablet.Fqdn, tablet.Keyspace, tablet.Shard)
result = append(result, status)
return result, nil
func verifyGtids(vclient vtctlclient.VtctlClient, masterAlias, masterGtids, replicaGtids string) (string, error) {
resp, err := executeSQL(vclient, masterAlias, false, fmt.Sprintf("select GTID_SUBTRACT(\"%v\", \"%v\")", replicaGtids, masterGtids))
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to compare gtidsets")
var result struct {
Rows [][]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp[0]), &result); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal result from query")
return result.Rows[0][0].(string), nil
type status struct {
tablet Tablet
readOnly int
serverUUID string
serverGtid string
// ErrNotFound means we couldn't find a master for the given keyspace.
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("could not find a master for keyspace")
func getMasterReplicationStatus(vclient vtctlclient.VtctlClient, tablets []Tablet) (status, error) {
for _, tablet := range tablets {
if tablet.TabletType != topodata.TabletType_MASTER {
return getStatusForTablet(vclient, tablet)
return status{}, ErrNotFound
func getStatusForTablet(vclient vtctlclient.VtctlClient, tablet Tablet) (status, error) {
resp, err := executeSQL(vclient, tablet.Alias, false, "select @@global.read_only as readOnly, @@global.server_uuid as serverUUID, @@global.gtid_executed as serverGtid")
if err != nil {
return status{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get status for tablet")
var result struct {
Rows [][]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp[0]), &result); err != nil {
return status{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal query result: %v", resp[0])
return status{
tablet: tablet,
readOnly: int(result.Rows[0][0].(float64)),
serverUUID: result.Rows[0][1].(string),
serverGtid: result.Rows[0][2].(string),
}, nil
func executeSQL(vtctl vtctlclient.VtctlClient, alias string, disableBinlog bool, queries ...string) ([]string, error) {
args := []string{
if disableBinlog {
args = append(args, "-disable_binlogs")
args = append(args, alias)
resp := make([]string, 0, len(queries))
for i, q := range queries {
if i == 0 {
args = append(args, q)
} else {
args[len(args)-1] = q
if err := RunVtctlCommand(vtctl, args, 5*time.Second, func(event *logutil.Event) error {
resp = append(resp, event.Value)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed on query: %v", q)
return resp, nil
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