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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Cloze Analysis using NLTK
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import nltk
import argparse
import unicodecsv as csv
from operator import itemgetter
PATH = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cloze_output.txt'))
DESCRIPTION = "Analyze adj-noun bigram distributions from cloze data and the Penn Treebank"
EPILOG = "Please email Ben for any problems or concerns with this code."
VERSION = "1.3"
class ClozeAnalysis(object):
def __init__(self, cloze_output=PATH):
self.path = cloze_output = []
def read(self):
Reads the cloze_output.txt file and outputs pairs.
COLUMNS are as follows:
1. Subject ID
2. Condition (filter?)
3. Adjective Prompt
4. Noun supplied by subject
5. Some sort of encoding
with open(self.path, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
for row in reader:[2].lower(), row[3].lower()))
## Data access functions
def cloze_unigrams(self):
for pair in
for item in pair:
yield item
def cloze_bigrams(self):
for pair in
yield pair
def cloze_adjectives(self):
for pair in
yield pair[0]
def cloze_nouns(self):
for pair in
yield pair[1]
def treebank_unigrams(self):
for word in nltk.corpus.treebank.words():
yield word.lower()
def treebank_bigrams(self, adjective_filter=False):
If filter is True, only yield bigrams that start with an adjective
if adjective_filter:
adjectives = set(self.cloze_adjectives())
for bigram in nltk.bigrams(self.treebank_unigrams()):
if adjective_filter and bigram[0] not in adjectives:
yield bigram
## Computing Cloze Probabilities
def adjnoun_distribution(self, corpus='cloze'):
if corpus == 'cloze':
return nltk.FreqDist(self.cloze_bigrams())
if corpus == 'treebank':
return nltk.FreqDist(self.treebank_bigrams())
raise Exception("No corpus named '%s' found." % corpus)
def conditional_distribution(self, corpus='cloze'):
if corpus == 'cloze':
return nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(self.cloze_bigrams())
if corpus == 'treebank':
return nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(self.treebank_bigrams())
raise Exception("No corpus named '%s' found." % corpus)
def cloze_rows(self):
dist = self.conditional_distribution(corpus='cloze')
for key,val in sorted(dist.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
for k, v in val.items():
yield dict(zip(('adj', 'noun', 'freq'), (key, k, v)))
def treebank_rows(self):
dist = self.conditional_distribution(corpus='treebank')
adjs = set(self.cloze_adjectives())
for key,val in sorted(dist.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
if key in adjs:
for k, v in val.items():
yield dict(zip(('adj', 'noun', 'freq'), (key, k, v)))
## Comparing Cloze to Penn Treebank
def compare_unigrams(self):
clozedist = nltk.FreqDist(self.cloze_unigrams())
penntdist = nltk.FreqDist(self.treebank_unigrams())
for token in clozedist.keys():
yield token, clozedist[token], penntdist[token]
def compare_bigrams(self):
clozedist = nltk.FreqDist(self.cloze_bigrams())
penntdist = nltk.FreqDist(self.treebank_bigrams())
for token in clozedist.keys():
yield token, clozedist[token], penntdist[token]
def intersection(self, pos='both'):
Reports the intersection of nouns or adjectives (or both) in the
two corpora- e.g. what is shared among them.
if pos == 'both':
return set(self.cloze_unigrams()) & set(self.treebank_unigrams())
if pos == 'adj':
return set(self.cloze_adjectives()) & set(self.treebank_unigrams())
if pos == 'noun':
return set(self.cloze_nouns()) & set(self.treebank_unigrams())
if pos == 'bigram':
return set(self.cloze_bigrams()) & set(self.treebank_bigrams())
## Helper functions
def pprint(self, corpus='cloze'):
output = []
dist = self.conditional_distribution(corpus=corpus)
for key,val in sorted(dist.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
output.append("%s:" % key)
for k,v in val.items():
output.append(" %2i %s" % (v,k))
return "\n".join(output)
def info(self):
return (
"%i cloze words with %i in common with the treebank\n"
"%i cloze adjectives with %i in common with treebank\n"
"%i cloze nouns with %i in common with treebank\n"
"%i adj-noun bigrams with %i in common with treebank\n"
"%i treebank bigrams start with adjective in cloze adjectives"
) % (
len(set(self.cloze_unigrams())), len(self.intersection('both')),
len(set(self.cloze_adjectives())), len(self.intersection('adj')),
len(set(self.cloze_nouns())), len(self.intersection('noun')),
len(set(self.cloze_bigrams())), len(self.intersection('bigram')),
def __str__(self):
return self.pprint()
### Output functions
def output(self, stream, corpus='cloze', format='csv'):
jump = {
'csv': self.output_csv,
'txt': self.output_txt,
'info': self.output_info,
writer = jump[format]
writer(stream, corpus=corpus)
def output_txt(self, stream, corpus='cloze'):
def output_csv(self, stream, corpus='cloze'):
Output frequencies of nouns per adjective to compute cloze.
jump = {
'corpus': self.cloze_rows,
'treebank': self.treebank_rows,
rows = jump[corpus]
writer = csv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames=('adj', 'noun', 'freq'), delimiter='\t')
for row in rows():
def output_info(self, stream, corpus='cloze'):
def main(*argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION, epilog=EPILOG, version=VERSION)
parser.add_argument('cloze_output', default=PATH, nargs='?', help="The path to the cloze distribution file.")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', type=str, default='cloze', choices=('cloze', 'treebank'), help='Corpus to perform work on.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outpath', metavar='PATH', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Where to write out the results of analysis.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', type=str, default='txt', choices=('csv', 'txt', 'info'), help='Format of the output.')
args = parser.parse_args()
analyzer = ClozeAnalysis(args.cloze_output)
analyzer.output(args.outpath, corpus=args.corpus, format=args.format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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