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Last active March 14, 2021 00:26
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* by Bernie Bernstein. Find me in ZoomOSC Power Users slack channel:
* The gist and other versions could get out-of-date.
* You can find the original here:
* (in the file cropper.js)
* Updates:
* 2021-03-13: Removed "extraTopMargin" and added left/right margin overrides.
* It now can work for pinned windows by setting top and bottom margins to 45
* 2021-02-07: Removed kludgy exceptions and tested it to exact pixel on 2560x1440 on sizes 1 to 30 frames
* Also added more parameters:
* 4. Resolution Multiplier lets it work on retina displays
* 5. Number of rows in the gallery (saves figuring it out)
* 6. Number of cols in the gallery (not really needed since this can be inferred from rows)
* 7. Crop out names (on = crop the bottom 20 pixels to remove the name)
* Paste this into a new Javascript User Actor
* Inputs are:
* 1: device width
* 2: is device height
* 3: is number of participant boxes on the screen
* 4: resolution multiplier (retina = 2, normal = 1) (set to 1 if anything < 1)
* 5: gallery rows (use this instead of calculating number of rows) (< 1 will force calculate)
* 6: gallery cols (user this instead of calculating number of cols) (< 1 will force calculate)
* 7: crop name (boolean (0/non-zero - crop the bottom pixels to remove the name)
* 8: extra top margin in case this is in a window rather than full screen
* Outputs are
* 1: number of participant boxes (passes through 3 above)
* 2: width of the boxes
* 3: height of the boxes
* 4: box 1 horizontal offset
* 5: box 1 vertical offset
* 6: box 2 horizontal offset
* 7: box 2 vertical offset
* …… for as many boxes given in input 3 …..
// stuff for my own testing when calling from outsize function
// module.exports = { main, autoCropZoomGallery };
// function print(args) {
// if (args == '\n') return;
// console.log(args);
// }
function main() {
const screenWidth = arguments[0];
const screenHeight = arguments[1];
const galCount = arguments[2];
const multiplier = (Number(arguments[3]) < 2) ? 1 : arguments[3];
const rows = (Number(arguments[4]) < 1) ? 0 : arguments[4];
const cols = (Number(arguments[5]) < 1 || rows < 1) ? 0 : arguments[5];
const cropName = arguments[6] != 0;
const extraTopMargin = arguments[7] || 0;
const topMargin = 45 + extraTopMargin;
const bottomMargin = 59;
print("Calculating boxes: " + galCount);
const result = calcIzzyPannerVals(screenWidth, screenHeight, galCount, cropName, multiplier, rows, cols, topMargin, bottomMargin)
return result;
function calcDimensionsForShape(frameWidth, frameHeight, boxCount, aspectRatio, spacing, rows, cols) {
// pack the frames together by removing the spacing between them
const packedWidth = frameWidth - (spacing * (cols - 1));
const packedHeight = frameHeight - (spacing * (rows - 1));
const hScale = packedWidth / (cols * aspectRatio);
const vScale = packedHeight / rows;
let width;
let height;
if (hScale <= vScale) {
width = Math.floor(packedWidth / cols / 16) * 16;
height = Math.floor(width / aspectRatio / 9) * 9;
} else {
height = Math.floor(packedHeight / rows / 9) * 9;
width = Math.floor(height * aspectRatio / 16) * 16;
const area = width * height;
return {
area: area,
cols: cols,
rows: rows,
width: width,
height: height
* Calculate optimal layout (most area used) of a number of boxes within a larger frame.
* Given number of boxes, aspectRatio of those boxes, and spacing between them.
* Thanks to Anton Dosov for algorithm shown in this article:
* @param frameWidth width of the space holding the boxes
* @param frameHeight height of the space holding the boxes
* @param boxCount number of boxes to place (all same aspect ratio)
* @param aspectRatio ratio of width to height of the boxes (usually 16/9)
* @param spacing amount of space (margin) between boxes to spread them out
* @returns A description of the optimal layout
function calcOptimalBoxes(frameWidth,
galCols) {
// keep track of the one with the biggest area, biggest is the best
let bestLayout = {
area: 0,
cols: 0,
rows: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
if (galRows > 0 && galCols > 0) {
// we already know rows/cols, we don't need to try all combinations
return calcDimensionsForShape(frameWidth, frameHeight, boxCount, aspectRatio, spacing, galRows, galCols);
// try each possible number of columns to find the one with the highest area (optimum use of space)
for (let cols = 1; cols <= boxCount; cols++) {
const rows = Math.ceil(boxCount / cols);
const layout = calcDimensionsForShape(frameWidth, frameHeight, boxCount, aspectRatio, spacing, rows, cols);
if (layout.area > bestLayout.area) {
bestLayout = layout;
return bestLayout;
* Calculate crop values for the gallery boxes given the overall frame size and number of boxes in the gallary
* @param sourceWidth Width of the enclosing frame
* @param sourceHeight Height of the enclosing frame
* @param itemCount Number of boxes to lay out
* @returns an array of crop values for a bunch of zoom boxes
function autoCropZoomGallery(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, itemCount, cropName, multiplier, galRows, galCols, topMarginOverride, bottomMarginOverride) {
const ASPECTRATIO = 16 / 9;
const TOPMARGIN = (topMarginOverride && topMarginOverride >= 0) ? topMarginOverride : 45;
const BOTTOMMARGIN = (bottomMarginOverride && topMarginOverride >= 0) ? bottomMarginOverride : 59;
const SPACING = 6;
// these work for me ymmv
const topMargin = TOPMARGIN * multiplier;
const bottomMargin = BOTTOMMARGIN * multiplier;
const spacing = SPACING * multiplier;
let leftMargin = rightMargin = LEFTMARGIN * multiplier;
// make this zero if you don't want to crop out the name
// if you want to be really cool about it, add boolean param like "crop name"
const nameLabelHeight = (cropName ? 20 : 0) * multiplier;
let centerV = (sourceHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin) / 2 + topMargin;
// width excluding margins
const innerWidth = sourceWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin;
const innerHeight = sourceHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin;
let bestLayout = calcOptimalBoxes(innerWidth, innerHeight, itemCount, ASPECTRATIO, spacing, galRows, galCols);
const numCols = bestLayout.cols;
const numRows = bestLayout.rows;
const boxWidth = bestLayout.width;
const boxHeight = bestLayout.height;
print("width="+boxWidth+ ", height="+boxHeight+", rows="+numRows);
// last row might not be full
const lastRow = numRows - 1;
const lastRowCols = numCols - (numRows * numCols - itemCount);
const result = [];
// figure out crop for each item
for (let i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
const colInd = i % numCols;
const rowInd = Math.floor(i / numCols);
const rowSize = (rowInd === lastRow) ? lastRowCols : numCols;
const boxWidthSum = rowSize * boxWidth + (spacing * (rowSize - 1))
const boxHeightSum = numRows * boxHeight + (spacing * (numRows - 1))
const hMargin = (sourceWidth - boxWidthSum) / 2;
const cropLeft = hMargin + (colInd * boxWidth) + (colInd * spacing);
const cropRight = sourceWidth - (cropLeft + boxWidth);
const cropTop = Math.round(centerV - boxHeightSum / 2) + (rowInd * (boxHeight + spacing));
const cropBottom = sourceHeight - (cropTop + boxHeight) + nameLabelHeight;
print("crop "+i+": cropLeft="+cropLeft+", cropRight="+cropRight+", cropTop="+cropTop+", cropBottom="+cropBottom);
left: cropLeft,
right: cropRight,
top: cropTop,
bottom: cropBottom
return result;
* Calculate Isadora Panner values for a screen size and count of boxes
* Example for count of 3:
* <count> <boxWidth> <boxHeight> <panH1> <panV1> <panH2> <panV2> <panH3> <panV3>
* stick those values into an Isadora Panner and voíla, you've got a perfectly cropped box
* @param width screen width
* @param height screen height
* @param count number of zoom boxes
function calcIzzyPannerVals(width, height, count, cropName, multiplier, galRows, galCols, topMarginOverride, bottomMarginOverride) {
const crops = autoCropZoomGallery(width, height, count, cropName, multiplier, galRows, galCols, topMarginOverride, bottomMarginOverride)
// inset by 1 pixels so when we convert to percentages, we the rounding-error will not extend beyond box
.map((crop) => ({
left: crop.left + 1,
right: crop.right + 1,
top: + 1,
bottom: crop.bottom + 1
let boxWidth = 0;
let boxHeight = 0;
let boxWidthP = 1;
let boxHeightP = 1;
if (crops.length > 0) {
boxWidth = width - crops[0].left - crops[0].right;
boxHeight = height - crops[0].top - crops[0].bottom;
boxWidthP = boxWidth / width;
boxHeightP = boxHeight / height;
let cropPercents = [];
const boxWid2 = boxWidth / 2;
const boxHei2 = boxHeight / 2;
const screenWid = width - boxWidth;
const screenHei = height - boxHeight;
let screenCenterH = width / 2;
let screenCenterV = height / 2;
for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
const boxCenterH = crops[i - 1].left + boxWid2;
const boxCenterV = crops[i - 1].top + boxHei2;
const panH = screenCenterH - boxCenterH;
const panHP = 0.5 - panH / screenWid;
const panV = screenCenterV - boxCenterV;
const panVP = 0.5 - panV / screenHei;
const aCrop = [panHP * 100, panVP * 100]
cropPercents = cropPercents.concat(aCrop);
return [count, boxWidthP * 100, boxHeightP * 100].concat(cropPercents);
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New version didn't need hardcoded margins and extra pixels heights added.

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