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Forked from blindman2k/BigInt.class.nut
Last active October 14, 2015 04:04
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Arbitrary Precision BigInt class (In Development)
// Copyright (c) 2014 Electric Imp
// This file is licensed under the MIT License
class BigIntLib{
static function hexByteToInt(str, start=0){
local result = 0;
local c = str[start];
if( '0' <= c && c <= '9'){
result = (c - 0x30) << 4;
}else if( 'a' < c && c <= 'f' ){
result = (c - 0x57) << 4;
}else if( 'A' < c && c <= 'F' ){
result = (c - 0x37) << 4;
throw "Invalid Hex Character: "+c;
local c = str[start+1];
if( '0' <= c && c <= '9'){
result = result | (c - 0x30);
}else if( 'a' < c && c <= 'f' ){
result = result | (c - 0x57);
}else if( 'A' < c && c <= 'F' ){
result = result | (c - 0x37);
throw "Invalid Hex String: "+c;
return result;
static function fromHexString(str, isSigned=true){
//Create an empty BigInt to hold our data
local bi = BigInt(null);
local data = bi._data;
local sign = bi._sign;
local valid = bi._valid;
local hex2int = BigIntHelpers.hex2Int;
//Let's only deal with lower case letters
str = str.tolower();
//Remove leading "0x" if present
if( str.len() >= 2 && str.slice(0, 2) == "0x" ){
str = str.slice(2);
// make sure we have an even number of digits, otherwise return invalid
if( value.len() % 2 == 1){
bi._valid = false;
return bi;
// start scanning from the right
data = blob();
for (local i = value.len() - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
local hex = value.slice(i, i+2)
local int = _hex2int(hex);
_data.writen(int, 'b');
static function fromInteger(integer){
local magnitude = blob(4);
local sign = (integer >= 0) ? 1:-1;
//Turn the integer into an absolute value (magnitude)
integer = math.abs(integer);
magnitude[0] = (integer ) & 0xFF;
magnitude[1] = (integer >> 8) & 0xFF;
magnitude[2] = (integer >> 16) & 0xFF;
magnitude[3] = (integer >> 24) & 0xFF;
return BigInt(magnitude, sign);
static function abs(bigint){
return BigInt(, 1);
static function negate(bigint){
return BigInt(, -bigint.sign)
class BigInt {
magnitude = null; // Blob with LSByte at index 0
sign = null; // 1 = positive, -1 = negative
valid = null; // Tells if an error condition happened such as unsupported operation
constructor(_magnitude = null, _sign = 1) {
if(_magnitude == null){
valid = false; //Create an empty object (which is invalid)
valid = true;
sign = (_sign >= 0) ? 1:-1;
magnitude = clone _magnitude;
// Public Methods
function tostring() {
return _tostring();
// Private (Non-Meta) Methods
// Remove excess 0x00 bytes and make the blob as compact as possible
function _trim() {
local m = magnitude; //Local for speed
local l = m.len();
local i;
for(i = l-1; i > 0; i--) {
if(m[i] != 0x00) {
// Don't allow a value of -0x00
if(m.len() == 1 && m[0] == 0x00){
sign = 1;
// If both operands are the same sign we can add the magnitudes and keep the same sign
// if operands have opposite signs, but we need to do a subtraction then this is equivalent
// to a sameSignAdd. (Math!)
static function addMagnitudes(aMag, bMag) {
local aLen = aMag.len();
local bLen = bMag.len();
local maxLen = (aLen > bLen) ? aLen : bLen;
// Grow by 1 byte over longest integer to allow overflow
// Create a blob to hold the result
local newMag = blob(maxLen);
local val;
local carry = 0;
for (local i = 0; i < maxLen; i++) {
val = carry;
val += (i < aLen) ? aMag[i] : 0;
val += (i < bLen) ? bMag[i] : 0;
carry = (val >> 8);
newMag[i] = val & 0xFF;
return newMag;
// This is an ordered a minus b operation. a must be larger than b otherwise
// the result will be invalid.
static function subMagnitudes(aMag, bMag){
local aLen = aMag.len();
local bLen = bMag.len();
// Result will be no longer than aMag
local newMag = blob(aLen);
local minuend, subtrahend;
local borrow = 0;
for (local i = 0; i < aLen; i++) {
minuend = aMag[i];
subtrahend = borrow + ((i < bLen) ? bMag[i]:0);
if(minuend >= subtrahend){
newMag[i] = minuend - subtrahend;
borrow = 0;
newMag[i] = 0x100 + minuend - subtrahend;
borrow = 1;
return newMag;
static function cmpMagnitudes(aMag, bMag){
// If lengths are different then the values must be different
local lc = aMag.len() <=> bMag.len();
if(lc != 0){
return lc;
// server.log(format("cmp %s <=> %s", this.tostring(), op.tostring()))
for (local i = aMag.len()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
local c = (aMag[i] <=> bMag[i]);
// server.log(format("cmp[%d] %d <=> %d = %d", i, myd[i], opd[i], c))
if (c != 0) return c;
return 0;
// Meta-Methods
function _typeof() {
return "BigInt";
function _add(op){
local newMag, newSign;
if( sign == op.sign ){
// 3 + 2 = 5, if both positive then add magnitudes and sign is positive
// -3 + -2 = -5, if both negative then add magnitudes and sign is negative
// Simplifies to |this| + |op|, sign
// 3 + 2 = 5 and -3 + -2 = -5
newMag = BigInt.addMagnitudes(magnitude, op.magnitude);
newSign = sign;
} else{
// 3 + -3 = 0, if opposite signs and same magnitude then 0
// 3 + -2 = 1, if opposite signs and |this| > |op| then |this| - |op| and this.sign
// -3 + 2 = -1, same as above
// 2 + -3 = -1, if opposite signs and |this| > |op| then |op| - |this| and -this.sign
// -2 + 3 = 1, same as above
local cmp = BigInt.cmpMagnitudes(magnitude, op.magnitude);
if (cmp == 0) {
// -3 + 3 = 0
newMag = blob(1);
newSign = 1;
}else if(cmp == 1){
// 3 + -2 = 1 or -5 + 3 = -2
newMag = BigInt.subMagnitudes(magnitude, op.magnitude);
newSign = sign;
// 2 + -3 = -1 or -3 + 5 = 2
newMag = BigInt.subMagnitudes(op.magnitude, magnitude);
newSign = -sign;
return BigInt(newMag, newSign);
// Invert the sign of the second operand and make it into addition
function _sub(op) {
return this + BigInt(op.magnitude, -op.sign);
function _cmp(op) {
// If signs mismatch then return sign (1 if I am positive, -1 if I am negative)
if( sign != op.sign) return sign;
// If the signs are the same, then check the magnitudes
// 3 <=> 3 them cmp = 0, return 0
// -3 <=> -3 them cmp = 0, return 0
// 5 <=> 3 then cmp = 1, return 1
// -5 <=> -3 then cmp = 1, return -1
// 3 <=> 5 then cmp = -1, return -1
// -3 <=> -5 then cmp = -1, return 1
// Simplifies to sign * cmp
local cmp = BigInt.cmpMagnitudes(this.magnitude, op.magnitude);
return sign * cmp;
function _tostring() {
local s = (sign == -1) ? "-0x" : "0x";
for (local i = magnitude.len()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
s += format("%02X", magnitude[i]);
return s;
function checkMath(a, b){
local bigA = BigIntLib.fromInteger(a);
local bigB = BigIntLib.fromInteger(b);
local sum = bigA + bigB;
local sumCheck = BigIntLib.fromInteger(a+b);
if(sum <=> sumCheck){
server.error(""+bigA+" + "+bigB+" = "+sum+" != "+sumCheck);
//server.log(""+bigA+" + "+bigB+" = "+sum+" ?= "+check);
local diff = bigA - bigB;
local diffCheck = BigIntLib.fromInteger(a-b);
if(diff <=> diffCheck){
server.error(""+bigA+" - "+bigB+" = "+diff+" != "+diffCheck);
//server.log(""+bigA+" - "+bigB+" = "+diff+" == "+diffCheck);
local offset = (RAND_MAX >> 1);
local loops = 0;
function loop(){
local r1 = math.rand() - (RAND_MAX >> 1);;
local r2 = math.rand() - (RAND_MAX >> 1);;
checkMath(r1, r2);
if((++loops % 1000) == 0){
server.log(""+loops+" test complete...")
imp.wakeup(0, loop);
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