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Last active November 10, 2017 22:52
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#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
// NOTE: All iterator concepts are experimental. I'm not going
// to concentrate on them
// See:
using data_type = int;
// -- Helper I/O functions
template <typename ForwardIterator>
void print_container(ForwardIterator begin_it, ForwardIterator end_it)
while (begin_it != end_it)
std::cout << *begin_it << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// println: like Python's print with sep=" " and end="\n"
// useful for debugging bad sort functions
template <typename Head>
void println(const Head& head)
std::cout << head << " " << "\n";
template <typename Head, typename ...Tail>
void println(const Head& head, const Tail&... tail)
std::cout << head << " ";
// -- Sorts
// TODO: don't break this on empty vectors
template <typename ForwardIt>
void bubblesort(ForwardIt begin_it, ForwardIt end_it)
auto did_swap = true;
while (did_swap)
did_swap = false;
for(auto i = begin_it; i + 1 != end_it; ++i)
if (*i > *(i + 1))
std::iter_swap(i, i + 1);
did_swap = true;
// I don't know the proper name for this, but the idea is to search to the end
// to find the max element, swap the max element with the end element, shrink
// the vector by one and repeat
template <typename BidirectionalIt>
void minskersort(BidirectionalIt begin_it, BidirectionalIt end_it)
// TODO: don't make copies of the args
auto last_it = end_it - 1;
// NOTE: this is basically a pointer, right? So swapping the underlying
// value shouldn't change the value of the iterator I think
auto first_it = begin_it;
while (last_it != first_it)
// init the max to the first value
auto max_it = first_it;
// TODO: off by 1 error?
for(auto i = first_it; i != last_it + 1; ++i)
if (*i > *max_it)
max_it = i;
std::iter_swap(max_it, last_it);
template <typename RandomAccessIt>
void quicksort(RandomAccessIt begin_it, RandomAccessIt end_it)
// -- Main Code
template<typename SortFunc>
void benchmark(const char* name, SortFunc sort_func, std::vector<data_type> v)
using nanoseconds_t = std::chrono::duration < int, std::nano >;
std::cout << "---" << std::endl;
std::cout << name << std::endl;
// print_container(v.begin(), v.end());
//start time
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
sort_func(v.begin(), v.end());
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<nanoseconds_t>(end - start);
// check it
auto tmp = v;
std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
assert(v == tmp);
// print_container(v.begin(), v.end());
println(duration.count(), "ns");
std::vector<int> make_random_vector(size_t size)
std::mt19937 rng;
// std::uniform_int_distribution<decltype(rng)::result_type> dist(0, size -1);
// TODO: use a size_t distribution?
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, static_cast<int>(size - 1));
std::vector<int> v;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
return v;
int main()
auto v = make_random_vector(40);
using iterator_type = decltype(v)::iterator;
benchmark("bubblesort", bubblesort<iterator_type>, v);
// // benchmark("quicksort", quicksort, v);
// // benchmark("heapsort", heapsort, v);
// // benchmark("mergesort", mergesort, v);
// // benchmark("insertionsort", insertionsort, v);
benchmark("minskersort", minskersort<iterator_type>, v);
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bbkane commented Nov 10, 2017

@rayhamel thanks- I got a quick look at your code but I won't really be able to dig in until this weekend. It's not a school assignment, just a personal project, and I'm interested in the whole thing. In fact, the benchmarking code might be more practically beneficial than the sorting code :) . Once again, thanks! I'll probably add some comments there if I have questions

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