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Created July 10, 2017 16:46
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attempt to get some linked data code working with akka http and streams
import coursier.core.Authentication, coursier.MavenRepository
interp.repositories() ++= Seq(MavenRepository(
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import $ivy.`org.w3::banana-sesame:0.8.4-SNAPSHOT`
import org.w3.banana._
import org.w3.banana.syntax._
import org.w3.banana.sesame.Sesame
import Sesame._
import Sesame.ops._
import $ivy.`com.typesafe.akka::akka-http:10.0.9`
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{Uri=>AkkaUri,_}
import{ActorMaterializer, ActorMaterializerSettings,Supervision,_}
import akka.{ NotUsed, Done }
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer(
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
//just to play with
val me = AkkaUri("")
object RdfMediaTypes {
import akka.http.scaladsl.model
import model.ContentType
import model.MediaType.{text,applicationWithOpenCharset,applicationWithFixedCharset}
import model.HttpCharsets._
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.{Unmarshaller,PredefinedFromEntityUnmarshallers,FromEntityUnmarshaller}
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
case class NoUnmarshallerException(mime: ContentType, msg: String) extends java.lang.RuntimeException with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable
val `text/turtle` = text("turtle","ttl")
val `application/rdf+xml` = applicationWithOpenCharset("rdf+xml","rdf")
val `application/ntriples` = applicationWithFixedCharset("ntriples",`UTF-8`,"nt")
val `application/ld+json` = applicationWithOpenCharset("ld+json","jsonld")
def rdfUnmarshaller(requestUri: AkkaUri): FromEntityUnmarshaller[Rdf#Graph] = {
import Unmarshaller._
val rdfunmarshaller = PredefinedFromEntityUnmarshallers.stringUnmarshaller mapWithInput { (entity, string) ⇒
val reader = entity.contentType.mediaType match { //<- this needs to be tuned!
case `text/turtle` => turtleReader
case `application/rdf+xml` => rdfXMLReader
case `application/ntriples` => ntriplesReader
case `application/ld+json` => jsonldReader
//case _ => throw NoUnmarshallerException(entity.contentType,"Don't know how to transform such a mime type into an RDFGraph")
},requestUri.toString) match {
case Success(g) => g
case Failure(err) => if (string.isEmpty) throw Unmarshaller.NoContentException else throw err
//throwing errors seems to be the thing to do in Akka
object Web {
case class HTTPException(on: AkkaUri, msg: String) extends java.lang.RuntimeException with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable
implicit class UriW(val uri: AkkaUri) extends AnyVal {
def fragmentLess: AkkaUri =
if (uri.fragment.isEmpty) uri else uri.copy(fragment=None)
def toRdfUri: Rdf#URI = URI(uri.toString)
def rdfRequest(uri: AkkaUri): HttpRequest = {
import RdfMediaTypes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.Accept
//interpreted HttpResponse
case class HttpRes[C](origin: AkkaUri, status: StatusCode, headers: Seq[HttpHeader], content: C) {
def map[D](f: C => D) = this.copy(content=f(content))
implicit class HttResPG(val h: HttpRes[PointedGraph[Rdf]]) extends AnyVal {
def jump(rel: Sesame#URI)(implicit web: Web): Seq[Future[HttpRes[PointedGraph[Rdf]]]] =
(h.content/rel){ pg =>
if (h.content.pointer.isURI) web.pointedGET(AkkaUri(pg.pointer.toString))
else Future.successful(h.copy(content=pg))
def reduceFlowFutureTry[X](n: Int=1)(log: X=>String= {a:X=>""}): Flow[Future[X],Try[X],_] =
Flow[Future[X]].mapAsyncUnordered(n){ fx =>
println("smushing a future")
t match {
case Success(x) => println(log(x))
case Failure(e) => println("t was a failure:"+e)
import scala.collection.immutable
def uriSource(uris: AkkaUri*): Source[AkkaUri,NotUsed] =
def goodFriendGraph(me: AkkaUri) = {
import scala.collection.immutable
val mine = uriSource(me)
val flowJumpId = mine.mapAsync(1)(uri => web.pointedGET(uri))
val flowJumpFutKn = flowJumpId.mapConcat{ hrpg => hrpg.jump(foaf.knows).to[immutable.Iterable] }
val flowJumpTryKn = flowJumpFutKn.via(reduceFlowFutureTry[Web.HttpRes[PointedGraph[Rdf]]](50)(res=>"smushing ${res.origin}"))
val sinkFold2 = Sink.fold[List[Try[Web.HttpRes[PointedGraph[Rdf]]]],
Try[Web.HttpRes[PointedGraph[Rdf]]]](List()){ case (l,t)=>
println(s"in Sink.fold. Appending $t to $l")
class Web(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
import Web._
def GET(uri: AkkaUri, maxRedirect: Int=4): Future[HttpResponse] = httpRequire(rdfRequest(uri),maxRedirect)
//todo: add something to the response re number of redirects
def httpRequire(req: HttpRequest, maxRedirect: Int = 4)(implicit
system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer): Future[HttpResponse] = {
Http().singleRequest(req).flatMap { resp =>
resp.status match {
case StatusCodes.Found => resp.header[headers.Location].map { loc =>
val locUri = loc.uri
val newUri = req.uri.copy(scheme = locUri.scheme, authority = locUri.authority)
val newReq = req.copy(uri = newUri)
if (maxRedirect > 0) httpRequire(newReq, maxRedirect - 1) else Http().singleRequest(newReq)
}.getOrElse(Future.failed(HTTPException(req.uri,s"location not found on 302 for ${req.uri}")))
case _ => Future(resp)
def GETrdf(uri: AkkaUri): Future[HttpRes[Rdf#Graph]] = {
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
case HttpResponse(status,headers,entity,protocol) => {
implicit val reqUnmarhaller = RdfMediaTypes.rdfUnmarshaller(uri)
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => Future.failed(HTTPException(uri,s"cought error unmarshaling: "+e))
def pointedGET(uri: AkkaUri): Future[HttpRes[PointedGraph[Rdf]]] =
//make life easier in the shell by setting up the environment
implicit val web = new Web()
val foaf = FOAFPrefix[Rdf]
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