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Created February 9, 2012 14:00
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pimp my rdf
package org.w3.rdf
import org.w3.algebraic._
trait Module {
val xsdString = IRI("")
val rdfLangString = IRI("")
trait GraphInterface extends Iterable[Triple] { self =>
def ++(other: Graph): Graph
type Graph <: GraphInterface
type Triple
type Node
type IRI <: Node
type BNode <: Node
type Literal <: Node
type PlainLiteral <: TypedLiteral
type LangLiteral <: Literal
type TypedLiteral <: Literal
type Lang
trait GraphCompanionObject {
def empty: Graph
def apply(elems: Triple*): Graph
def apply(it: Iterable[Triple]): Graph
val Graph: GraphCompanionObject
val Triple: AlgebraicDataType3[Node, IRI, Node, Triple]
val IRI : AlgebraicDataType1[String, IRI]
val BNode: AlgebraicDataType1[String, BNode]
protected val Literal: AlgebraicDataType3[String, IRI, Option[Lang], Literal]
val PlainLiteral: AlgebraicDataType1[String, PlainLiteral]
val TypedLiteral: AlgebraicDataType2[String, IRI, TypedLiteral]
val LangLiteral: AlgebraicDataType2[String, Some[Lang], LangLiteral]
val Lang: AlgebraicDataType1[String, Lang]
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