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Created July 26, 2021 00:00
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exploring the properties of truncated distributions with 'simple' data
my_sum <- function(f) {
C <- contr.sum(length(levels(f)))
colnames(C) <- paste0(".sum_",levels(f)[-length(levels(f))])
dd <- read_excel("Truncated.compois.problem.xlsx")
dd$pop <- as.factor(dd$pop)
contrasts(dd$pop) <- my_sum(dd$pop)
dd$morph <- as.factor(dd$morph)
contrasts(dd$morph) <- my_sum(dd$morph)
## options(contrasts = c("contr.sum","contr.poly"))
trunc_compois <- glmmTMB(mates ~ pop*morph,
family='truncated_compois', data=dd)
pois <- update(trunc_compois, family = poisson)
## diagnose this: simpler
trunc_pois <- update(trunc_compois, family = truncated_poisson)
with(dd, table(mates,pop, morph))
dd_ELS <- subset(dd, pop == "ELS")
trunc_pois_2 <- update(trunc_pois,
formula = . ~ morph,
data = dd_ELS)
with(dd_ELS, table(morph, mates))
dd_ELS_L <- subset(dd_ELS, morph == "L")
dd_ELS_S <- subset(dd_ELS, morph == "S")
trunc_pois_3 <- update(trunc_pois_2,
formula = ~ 1,
data = dd_ELS_L)
## false convergence warning
with(dd_ELS_L, table(mates))
## compare with bbmle
dtruncatedpois <- function(x, lambda, log) {
res <- dpois(x, lambda, log = log)
res[x==0] <- -Inf
res <- res - ppois(0, lambda, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
if (log) res else exp(res)
m1 <- mle2(mates ~ dtruncatedpois(exp(log_lambda)),
start = list(log_lambda = 0),
data = dd_ELS_L)
nllfun <- function(log_lambda) {
-sum(dtruncatedpois(dd$mates, exp(log_lambda), log = TRUE))
pvec <- seq(-30, 0, length=101)
lvec <- sapply(pvec, nllfun)
plot(pvec, lvec)
## truncated poisson of x ==1
tpl <- function(lambda) (log(lambda) - lambda - log(1-exp(-lambda)))
tpl2 <- function(lambda) (log(lambda) - lambda -
ppois(0, lambda, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE))
## for lambda << 1, 1-exp(-lambda) → lambda
## negative log likelihood → lambda
dtruncatedpois(1, 2, TRUE)
D(expression(log(lambda) - lambda - log(1-exp(-lambda))), "lambda")
## 1/lambda - 1 - 1/(exp(lambda) - 1)
## == 0
curve(-1*tpl(x), from = 1e-9, 1, log = "xy")
curve(-1*tpl2(x), from = 1e-12, 1, log = "xy")
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