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Last active May 22, 2022 00:23
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Code sketching out a 'refit()` workflow for TMB objects
## example of updated refit, now incorporated in code
## * NO convergence testing/warnings/etc
## * won't work on weird binomial input (i.e. anything other than 0/1)
## * results seem only to be identical up to floating-point accuracy
## * doesn't yet do other clever things like resetting starting values
data("sleepstudy", package = "lme4")
m2 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
y2 <- rnorm(nobs(m2))
r1 <- refit(m2, y2)
r2 <- glmmTMB:::fast_refit.glmmTMB(m2, y2)
## not quite sure why these are not perfectly identical ... ?
all.equal(fixef(r1), fixef(r2), tolerance= 0)
bb <- benchmark(old = refit(m2, y2),
new = glmmTMB:::fast_refit.glmmTMB(m2, y2))
## test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
## 2 new 100 12.348 1.000 54.307 17.757 0 0
## 1 old 100 29.063 2.354 34.089 18.056 0 0
## UNTESTED/conceptual machinery for refitting a glmmTMB
## model quickly, given a new response variable (e.g. when
## doing parametric bootstrap, or fitting parallel models
## for gene expression results from a large number of genes)
## use at your own risk!
## get data, fit model
data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
m1 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
## this is just making up a new response
## (for the purposes of the example)
## not relevant to the machinery
new_y <- rnorm(nobs(m1))
## now the fun begins.
## finding the 'y' variable in the environment of the
## TMB object, which is where it lives
m1$obj ## this is the TMB 'object'
ee <- m1$obj$env ## environment
## once we have new_y ...
## replace it within the data of the original fitted model
## environments are *mutable* (unlike most stuff in R),
## so we can just reach in and change it (at our own risk)
ee$data$yobs <- new_y
## refit the model with the new y value (which was all zeros)
with(m1$obj, nlminb(start = par, objective = fn, gradient = gr))
## this could be any optimizer you want, it might be the default
## that glmmTMB uses.
## definitely want to use a gradient-based optimizer
## (not the default Nelder-Mead, that wastes all the cool
## stuff that glmmTMB does)
## ideally we would retrieve the info about the original
## optimizer used, control values, etc.
## this could be done via $call if we can rely on the
## original environment being available (not using some
## obfuscated set of nested functions in the workflow)
## alternatively
with(m1$obj, optim(par = par, fn = fn, gr = gr,
method = "BFGS"))
## hypothetically, this is all we need to do. We might
## also want to wrap the results back up as a proper 'glmmTMB'
## object so we can use all the machinery
## we don't really use the Hessian until later
## line 1473 of R/glmmTMB.R starts with the machinery we
## need to wrap
## we might be able to re-build everything just with this
## obj is the $obj element from the original fit
## sdr is the result of calling sdreport()
## fit is the result of the optimization
## I think we can get modelInfo out of the original object?
## anyway, this is the part that would take 1-2 hours to
## figure out and test ...
## it's always the last little bit of wrapping that's a nuisance
## this is *not* functional (it's just code copied from
## glmmTMB to show what components we will need to create a
## new glmmTMB object)
ret <- structure(namedList(obj, fit, sdr, call=TMBStruc$call,
frame=TMBStruc$fr, modelInfo,
class = "glmmTMB")
## there's also a new experimental AD engine that might be
## faster
## lme4 might also be faster, if you can hack the diagonal
## variance structure
## not actually *too* hard ...
## I can send an example ...
## lme4 is faster for LMMs with relatively low dimensional
## 'top level' structure (small number of RE parameters)
## number of variance-covariance parameters
## (might even be fastest for *large* number of levels,
## large number of observations)
## glmmTMB definitely dominates for GLMMs with large number
## of fixed effect + variance-cov parameters
## (especially NBinom!)
## Julia's MixedModels.jl is where to go if you really need
## speed ...
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