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Last active May 16, 2023 16:26
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Attempt to compute conditional SDs for coxme fits
#' @param fit a fitted \code{coxme} model
#' @param data the data frame for which to evaluate conditional SDs
#' @param grpvar (character) grouping variable (should be able to
#' extract this from the model, but it's a nuisance)
#' @param rform random-effects term (ditto)
#' @param sd.only return only sqrt(diag(V))? (otherwise return full covariance matrix)
coxme.condsd <- function(fit,
data = eval(getCall(fit)$data),
sd.only = TRUE) {
## model.frame() to get a sanitized (NA-free) data set
vf <- all.vars(fit$formula$fixed)
## pick apart random effects terms
vr <- (fit$formula$random
|> lapply(function(x) lapply(lme4::findbars(x), all.vars))
|> unlist(recursive = TRUE)
mf <- model.frame(reformulate(c(vf, vr)), data)
## indicator matrix for grouping variable
Fmat <- t(Matrix::fac2sparse(mf[[grpvar]]))
## Z matrix
Xr <- model.matrix(rform, mf)
## was (special case): Z <- cbind(Fmat, Fmat*mf$ph.ecog)
Z <- t(Matrix::KhatriRao(t(Xr), t(Fmat)))
## remove intercept from RHS of fixed formula
fform <- update(fit$formula$fixed[-2], ~ 0 + .)
X <- model.matrix(fform, data = mf)
## respect order of vars in cov matrix: RE folowed by FE coefs
ZX <- cbind(Z,X)
V <- as.matrix(fit$variance)
V2 <- ZX %*% V %*% t(ZX)
if (sd.only) sqrt(diag(V2)) else V2
## cc <- c(ranef(fit)$inst[,1], ranef(fit)$inst[,2], coef(fit))
## head(drop(ZX %*% cc))
## head(fit$linear.predictor)
fit <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog + age + (1 + ph.ecog|inst), lung)
## this gets conditional SD (including both fixed & random effect uncertainty,
## but using a plug-in estimate of the RE *variances*) for each observation in
## the original data set
coxme.condsd(fit, grpvar = "inst", rform = ~1 + ph.ecog)
## could also make up newdata with only unique values of the grouping variable,
## setting fixed effect predictors either to the mean for each group or to some
## overall baseline ...
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