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Last active May 15, 2018 05:09
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Corrupt FAT directory entries
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# prepare image:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=img bs=1M count=1
# mkfs.vfat img
# echo 'foo=bar' > uboot.env
# mcopy -i img uboot.env ::uboot.env
# mcopy -i img uboot.env ::'uboot canary long name.env'
# ./ img --corrupt 'uboot canary long name.env' --short=uboot.env --long=uboot.env --update-checksum
# /snap/core/current/sbin/fsck.vfat -av img
# mdir -i img
import struct
import argparse
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='corrupt file in FAT')
parser.add_argument('path', help='path')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--corrupt',
help='corrupt directory entries with this long name',
help='change long name to this string',
help='change short name to this string',
help='update LFN checksum', action='store_true',
return parser.parse_args()
def c2f(count):
if count == 1:
bformat = '<B' # 1 byte
elif count == 2:
bformat = '<H' # halfword
elif count == 4:
bformat = '<i' # word
raise ValueError('unsupported byte count {}'.format(count))
return bformat
def readbytes(inf, offs, count):
return struct.unpack(c2f(count),[0]
def readstring(inf, offs, count, encoding='ascii'):
raw =
# print('raw string', raw)
return struct.unpack('{}s'.format(count), raw)[0].decode(encoding)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return '<decoding failed, raw: {}>'.format(raw)
def writestring(inf, offs, count, what, encoding='ascii'):
if len(what) > count:
what = what[0:count]
what += ' ' * (count - len(what))
print('writing "{}" len: {}'.format(what, len(what)))
def writebytes(inf, offs, count, what):
if type(what) is bytes:
bwhat = what[0:count]
print('writing:', bwhat.decode('utf-16'), '--', what.decode('utf-16'))
except UnicodeError:
bwhat = struct.pack(c2f(count), what)
def lfncksum(name, ext):
if len(name) > 8 or len(ext) > 3:
raise ValueError('name or length of incorrect size')
ckname = name + ' '*(8 - len(name)) + ext + ' ' * (3 - len(ext))
# print('ckname "{}"'.format(ckname))
psum = 0
for lttr in ckname:
psum = (((psum & 1) << 7) + (psum >> 1) + ord(lttr)) & 0xff
# print('psums =', psum, 'c =', lttr, 'ord(lttr) =', ord(lttr))
# print('checksum for', name, ext, 'is', psum)
return psum
def main(path, corrupt, newshort, newlong, updatecksum):
with open(path, 'r+b') as inf:
# bytes per logical sector
bpls = readbytes(inf, 0xb, 2)
# sectors per cluster
spc = readbytes(inf, 0xd, 1)
# reserved sectors
reserved = readbytes(inf, 0xe, 2)
# # of FATs
fats = readbytes(inf, 0x10, 1)
# DOS4.x support
dos4 = readbytes(inf, 0x26, 1) == 0x29
# FAT32 indicator
fat32 = readbytes(inf, 0x42, 1) in [0x28, 0x29]
if fat32:
# sectors per FAT
spf = readbytes(inf, 0x24, 4)
# filesystem type - FAT32
fstype = readstring(inf, 0x52, 8).strip()
# label
label = readstring(inf, 0x47, 11).strip()
maxdirentries = 0
# sectors per FAT
spf = readbytes(inf, 0x16, 2)
# filesystem type - FAT12|FAT16
fstype = readstring(inf, 0x36, 8).strip()
# label
label = readstring(inf, 0x2b, 11).strip()
# maximum # of directory entries
maxdirentries = readbytes(inf, 0x11, 2)
print('bytes per sector', bpls)
print('sectors per cluster', spc)
print('# of fats', fats)
print('size per fat', spf)
print('fat 32', fat32)
print('fstype', fstype)
print('dos4', dos4)
print('label', label)
print('maxdirentries', maxdirentries)
for i in range(1, fats + 1):
start = (reserved + (i - 1) * spf) * bpls
print('fat #{0} start 0x{1:x}'.format(i, start))
rootdirstart = (reserved + fats * spf) * bpls
print('rootdir start 0x{0:x}'.format(rootdirstart))
entry = 0
longname = ''
while maxdirentries != 0 and entry < maxdirentries:
entrystart = rootdirstart + entry * 32
# short name
name = readstring(inf, entrystart, 8)
# is it empty?
if name[0] in ['\x00', '\xe5']:
entry += 1
# read only, hidden, system, volume bits set if entry is a VFAT
# long name
islongname = readbytes(inf, entrystart + 0xb, 1) == 0xf
if islongname:
# long name entry, they precede the corresponding short name
# entry
# seqn = readbytes(inf, entrystart, 1)
# pick up respective pieces of long name
name = readstring(inf, entrystart + 0x1, 10, 'utf-16') + \
readstring(inf, entrystart + 0xe, 12, 'utf-16') + \
readstring(inf, entrystart + 0x1c, 4, 'utf-16')
longname = name + longname
# got shortname entry, also it marks a finish of any preceding
# long name entries
# extension
ext = readstring(inf, entrystart + 0x8, 3)
shortname = '{}.{}'.format(name.strip(), ext)
print('- {}.{}\tlong: {}'.format(name.strip(),
longname if longname else shortname + ' (from short)'))
if corrupt and (corrupt == shortname or corrupt == longname):
preventrystart = entrystart - 32
if newshort:
print('corrupt match, set shortname to', newshort.upper())
shortbase, shortext = newshort.upper().split('.')
writestring(inf, entrystart, 8, shortbase)
writestring(inf, entrystart + 0x8, 3, shortext)
name, ext = shortbase, shortext
# long name enrty precedes short name one
isprevlongname = readbytes(inf, preventrystart + 0xb, 1) == 0xf
if newlong:
assert isprevlongname, 'previous entry at offset 0x{0:x} not a LFN'.format(preventrystart)
print('corrupt match, set longname to', newlong)
lfn = newlong.encode('utf-16')
if len(lfn) < 26:
lfn += b'\x00\x00'
lfn += b'\xff\xff' * ((26 - len(lfn)) // 2)
writebytes(inf, preventrystart + 0x1, 10, lfn)
writebytes(inf, preventrystart + 0xe, 12, lfn[10:])
writebytes(inf, preventrystart + 0x1c, 4, lfn[22:])
if longname and updatecksum:
assert isprevlongname, 'previous entry at offset 0x{0:x} not a LFN'.format(preventrystart)
cksum = lfncksum(name, ext)
print('update LFN cksum to', cksum)
writebytes(inf, preventrystart + 0xd, 1, cksum)
longname = ''
entry += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
opts = parse_arguments()
print('corrupt', opts.corrupt)
if opts.corrupt and (not opts.short and not opts.long):
print('use --short or --long to pass the desired long and short names')
raise SystemExit(1)
if len(opts.long) > 13:
print('LFN longer than 13 characters is not supported')
raise SystemExit(1)
main(opts.path, opts.corrupt, opts.short, opts.long, opts.update_checksum)
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