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Created December 19, 2018 07:01
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Presenter's history file
1 kubectl get namespaces
2 kubectl -n weave get pods
3 kubectl create namespace dev
5 watch kubectl get all -n dev
8 kubectl -n weave get pods
12 curl
13 cd ../cluster/un-workshop/dev
14 cd cluster/un-workshop/dev
15 git commit -m "my first deploy" .
16 git push
17 curl
30 watch kubectl get pods -n dev
36 curl
37 git config --global color.diff never
38 git show
41 kubectl get pods
42 kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
48 cd /workspace/
49 kubectl create namespace test
50 kubectl get namespaces
51 kubectl run podinfo --port=9898 --namespace=test
52 kubectl -n test get deployments
53 kubectl -n test get pods
54 kubectl logs podinfo-78dc8f45df-hhrbp
55 kubectl -n test logs podinfo-78dc8f45df-hhrbp
56 kubectl -n test expose deployment podinfo
57 kubectl -n test get svc
58 kubectl get
59 kubectl -n test get po -o wide
60 kubectl -n test get svc
61 curl podinfo.test:9898
62 kubectl -n test get po -o wide
63 kubectl -n test get svc
64 kubectl -n test get endpoints
65 curl podinfox.test:9898
66 curl -v podinfo.test:9898
67 kubectl -n test scale deployment podinfo --replicas=2
68 kubectl -n test get endpoints
69 kubectl -n test get pods -o wide
70 watch curl -s podinfo.test:9898 | grep HOSTNAME
71 kubectl -n test get svc -o wide
72 kubectl -n test get pods --selector=run=podinfo
73 kubectl -n test exec -ti podinfo-78dc8f45df-hhrbp -- /bin/sh
74 kubectl -n test describe svc podinfo
75 kubectl -n test describe deploy podinfo
76 kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
77 kubectl --all-namespaces get svc
78 kubectl get namespace test -o yaml
79 kubectl get namespace svc -o yaml
80 kubectl get svc podinfo -o yaml
81 kubectl get svc podinfo -o yaml -n test
82 kubectl describe svc podinfo -n test
83 kubectl describe svc test.podinfo
84 kubectl describe svc v1/test.podinfo
85 kubectl describe svc v1.service/test.podinfo
86 kubectl -n test get all
87 kubectl delete namespace test
93 kubectl create namespace dev
94 watch kubectl -n dev get all
95 kubectl -n dev get all
96 cd /workspace/podinfo
97 git commit -m "release v1.4.2" .
98 git push
101 watch gcloud container images list-tags
102 cd ../cluster/un-workshop/dev
103 git commit -m "my first deploy" .
104 git push
105 curl
106 watch curl
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